Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for March 26, 2025

  1. Large goat riddance
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  6 days ago

    Percuriously “safe”. Luck, that the car didn’t stop a mile from the ’toons home or Wally woulda froze.

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    snsurone76  6 days ago

    Who are Walt’s daughter and nephew? i/ confess that I didn’t follow this strip much in “the good old days” (before Scancarelli). I was too young to understand the storylines.

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  3. Mrpeabodyboysherman
    iggyman  6 days ago

    I wonder where the other old characters who live there are? They mentioned Fearless Fosdick and Dr. Rex Morgan living there.

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    bryce.gear  5 days ago

    Safe with those two? Really?

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  5. Snoopy
    Darryl Heine  5 days ago

    So the Frank Nelson lookalike wants to take Walt back home?

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    BlitzMcD  5 days ago

    Good! A word from the outside world. So now Walt can go back to his own home, where he should be.

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  7. Study
    Uncle $crooge  5 days ago

    His 90 year-old daughter, Judy – who hasn’t been seen in years and years – is worried about him? Come on, Jimbo, she doesn’t even visit him on the holidays. How would she even know he is out in a snowstorm?

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  8. Study
    Uncle $crooge  5 days ago

    Since when do EMS technicians go looking for people who are out in a snowstorm? Shouldn’t he have real emergencies – the kind of things that happen in a real snowstorm – to deal with? I keep wondering if Scancarelli ever does anything in the real world and every story seems to say, “no he doesn’t”. Maybe some of his fiddler buddies should sit down and explain to him how things kind of work because he sure lacks a basic understanding.

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