Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for June 10, 2013

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 12 years ago

    OMG! When do the tickets go on sale?! Must see & hear DeathTöngue!

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  2. Dscn0179
    tmt  almost 12 years ago

    @Bruno Zeigerts: Only if the volume on DeathTöngue’s amp could be set to 12.

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    biglar  almost 12 years ago

    When the book (titled “Billy and the Boingers Bootleg”) came out it included a two-sided “single” that could be played on a record player. It wasn’t a true vinyl record thought. It was a paper-thin sheet of plastic with song cut into each side. The songs were “I’m a Boinger” and “U Stink But I Love You.” So you could indeed hear the music of DeathToungue!

    ‘Course, by missing all the daily comics, we’re missing the whole story line of why the name gets changed

    It may have come up already and I’ve missed it, but does anyone know why we’re only getting the Sundays?

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    clajo04  almost 12 years ago

    I never realized that Opus had a last name
 “Croakus”? Does anyone know if this is confirmed by any other strip in the series?

    I used to own a Billy and the Boingers Bootleg book with the “single”.

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    biz.gocomics  almost 12 years ago

    I want to see Deathtongue/Billy and the Boingers profiled on “Behind the Music”!

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    kenray2010  almost 12 years ago

    I still own the book & the single (& a working turntable to play said single)

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  7. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  almost 12 years ago

    Looks Mr. Breathed had a little fun with his alma mater. His “secret devil sign” looks a whole lot like the University of Texas Hook "Em sign. I could understand had this been drawn by someone from Texas A & M, the old arch-rival of Texas.

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    sarah413 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Opus Croakus by Focus?

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  9. Fish n f
    JOregon  almost 12 years ago

    I don’t like Heavy Metal Magazines
.I want Bloom County Back
Bring Back Bloom County, Bring Back Bloom County, Bring Back Bloom County, Bring Back
. Oh Wait.

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    goprendek  almost 12 years ago

    hahahaha. bill finds god soon after the PMRC (aka the bored congressional idiot housewives) try to shut down deathtongue

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    LoisAlene  almost 12 years ago

    You can find Billy and the Boingers on the torrents.

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    baldhedjer  almost 12 years ago

    Opus Croakus, as in Jerkin’ Crocus by Mott the Hoople?

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    sarah413 Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    @ Darren Blair. I remember that group. I was just trying out a bad play on words. “Hocus Pocus” by Focus. One of the great instrumental songs of all time.

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  14. Up a pole icon
    Patrick Hunt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    BTW, it is possible to find mp3s of the two songs mentioned above online, if you look for the actual recording band. “I’m a Boinger” is by the Harry Pitts Band, and “U-Stink-But-I-♄-U” is by Mucky Pup.

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    Patrick Hunt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Or you can get them here:

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