I’ve always been of the opinion that it should be illegal to sell certain styles above size 10. Some folks I’ve seen obviously do not own any mirrors. :P
She could be color-blind or a former fashion model who developed a glandular problem. Either way, the emergency was over long ago. A woman recently had to be court-ordered to never call 911 again, after more than 400 non-emergency calls. Seriously, if an emergency crew showed up, they would be more likely to drag away the penguin in the shower cap, like you do.
kittenpah about 11 years ago
Ok, THAT might be worth a call. Just not sure who the first responders should be. Hazmat?
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
" My eyes! My eyes!" Opus may actually need a paramedic….
LHPuttgrass about 11 years ago
Whose picture is that in panel 3?
chris_o42 about 11 years ago
Actually, could be much worse—could be a 465 MAN wearing a Speedo! >ack< (A little equal opportunity here)
twj0729 about 11 years ago
Well, that may be bad but what about a penguin in a flower shower cap?
e.groves about 11 years ago
I may have seen her in Walmart recently.
alise.duhon about 11 years ago
I’ve always been of the opinion that it should be illegal to sell certain styles above size 10. Some folks I’ve seen obviously do not own any mirrors. :P
mistercatworks about 11 years ago
She could be color-blind or a former fashion model who developed a glandular problem. Either way, the emergency was over long ago. A woman recently had to be court-ordered to never call 911 again, after more than 400 non-emergency calls. Seriously, if an emergency crew showed up, they would be more likely to drag away the penguin in the shower cap, like you do.
Rush Strong Premium Member about 11 years ago
Why were the azaleas wearing hot pants?
lindz.coop Premium Member about 11 years ago
Brain bleach anyone?