Bloom County by Berkeley Breathed for May 22, 2015

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    phylum  almost 10 years ago

    another pristine beach this time in california oil soaked just before MEMORIAL day;…oh shucky darn gosh darnit…oh heck…

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  2. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 10 years ago

    Sell-out otter!Why, I otter….Hmm. 36000 oysters? Well….

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    Mugens Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    For an old strip, this was very timely….

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    biz.gocomics  almost 10 years ago

    Petroleum on the linoleum…

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  5. Erroll for ror
    celeconecca  almost 10 years ago

    My news feeds are BBC, AP, and ABC (a mistake, which I keep forgetting to change). Of the three, only BBC reported on the newest spill the same day. The others haven’t yet – that I can tell.

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  6. Alistair cookie
    Sir Osis of Liver  almost 10 years ago

    I can’t help but remember the old shanty, and I will have it as an earworm for the rest of the day:

    What shall we do with a drunken sailorWhat shall we do with a drunken sailorWhat shall we do with a drunken sailorEarly in the morning?

    Make him the skipper of an Exxon tankerMake him the skipper of an Exxon tankerMake him the skipper of an Exxon tankerEarly in the morning

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    lindaf  almost 10 years ago

    These sound exactly like the ads that BP is running to prove that everyone on the Gulf is dancin’ happy over the oil spill down there. They are, in fact, designed by the same propaganda organization (read PR Firm) that brought you the “CIgarettes are GOOD for you and totally harmless and not addictive.” crap of 20 years ago.)

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    dwdl21  almost 10 years ago

    I wonder how many know the Valdez was patched and sailed until March 2012

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    ron  almost 10 years ago

    What timing! Santa Barbara instead of Prince William Sound though.

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  10. Geekboy01
    geekboy_x  almost 10 years ago

    SOME things have changed – the oil industry and their ’Publican lapdogs are much better at getting the dire news either suppressed or massaged by their network chattels now.

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    HAL69  almost 10 years ago

    Big Oil: How about we give you $36,000 to do our bidding…er, we mean, to do a little “public service announcement” for us?

    Otter: $36,000?? What am I going to do with all that human money?

    Big Oil: Oh yes, you’re right, of course. How about…36,000 fresh oysters?

    Otter: (ponders)…on the half shell?

    Big Oil: Naturally! (snickering)

    Otter: Ya got yurself a deal!

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    jbmlaw01  almost 10 years ago

    The Great Gulf Spill of 2009 or whenever it was, that didn’t kill any dumb creatures, and never even reached shore. Crooked attorneys and their even crookeder clients mopped up $20 billion, from damages that arose only because Obama’s white house closed the coast.

    I trust the worst oil company more than I trust the most honest big government.

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  13. Cathy aack Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    Again and again and again and again and…….

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