Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for July 25, 2009

  1. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  over 15 years ago

    Thanks for the propaganda. If people keep lying about the cause, even in comic strips, maybe we all will become sheep.

    The surface temperature of Mars is rising at the same rate as earth at the moment. All we have in common is the same sun.

    These things happen, and have happened for millennia. We just never had the precision instruments to measure it until now.

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  2. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 15 years ago

    “The truth” is probably more complex than we know (yet). Every real advance in science has started with someone looking at their data and musing “Huh. Now that’s odd!”

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  3. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  over 15 years ago

    Don’t believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

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  4. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member over 15 years ago

    You keep pumping carbon into the air yes it’s going to get bad. Seems the only people hurt by fixing the air are Texas oilmen and other Republicans. Denial of scientific fact is purely political. Creating new jobs with wind and solar and replacing decrepit coal burners is common sense.

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  5. Missing large
    puddleglum1066  over 15 years ago

    The truth finally comes out! It’s got nothing to do with carbon or methane or whatever–somebody’s up in orbit with a huge magnifying glass! Why are the Liberal Media refusing to report this story? WAKE UP AMERICA! We’ve got to launch a huge hammer into space and smash that magnifying glass before it’s too late!!

and while we’re at it, can we do something about that sidebar ad that shows Batman in a wet T-shirt contest?

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  6. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Hubris? Is that the word for thinking puny humans have so much control over mighty mother nature?

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  7. Picture 1
    MangoEater  over 15 years ago

    The plants are STARVING with CO2 at 400 ppm. They LOVE the 1,000 ppm fed them in greenhouses. It’s all about scamming the taxpayers and feeding the lobbyists’ bandwagon (for you know what 

    Notice how it’s changed from “global warming” to “climate change”? The scammers don’t study science so they didn’t know the sunspots’ cycle would be on its down swing and we’d have a cool period!

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  8. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 15 years ago

only if you believe the hereitic scientists

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  9. 100 0003
    Silverpearl  over 15 years ago

    We are at the end of a mini ice age. Wasn’t long ago they waited for the Mississippi to freeze before they crossed it with their covered wagons. I don’t mind a little heat.

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  10. No obama
    Guilden_NL  over 15 years ago

    Well America, I am up for some Change right now, aren’t you?

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  11. Red and rover
    risitas  over 15 years ago

    Global Warming explained in ONE little comic strip - brilliant!!!

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  12. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  over 15 years ago

    Uh-oh! Shoe’s comic has stirred Dr. Limbaugh’s “truth” troopers!

    I think all the scoffers should be required to buy beachfront property, just a few inches above sea level.

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  13. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    even though i’m one of those who agree that climate fluctuates in cycles, i also see nothing wrong in exploring alternate forms of energy supply - as long as it’s done in a reasonable fashion rather than a “global warming” panic.

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  14. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Ants have no control whatsoever over the magnifying glass, so the metaphor doesn’t quite work for the global warming alarmists’ position.

    I think the relationship between ants and magnifying glass has a lot more to say about citizens’ relationship with their government

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  15. Storm1
    ValancyCarmody Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Global warming will be a catastophe the likes of Y2K

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  16. Dscf0004
    ninmas  over 15 years ago


and obama is skylar!”

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  17. Missing large
    The_Floodhunter  over 15 years ago

    Sigh Geeze why can’t we ever get to simply enjoy a good joke without being preached to? Almost every show I see on TV, comic/book I read, whatever, listen to, (you get the idea
) almost always has some embedded message.

    Me, I did a report on Global Warming back in 10th grade (now I’m second year college). Do a bit of research and you’ll see there’s still a lot of controversy surrounding Global Warming; here’s a few thoughts:

    1) A lot of scientists say the climate has been going down over the past several decades (don’t have the source on top of my head, sorry. I’m just saying what I hear). What about that? This I hear from people who a lot of research, professors, and even schoolteachers. Obviously there’s controversy, so why should we overhaul and perhaps even bankrupt the economy over a theory? 2) Science takes a LOT of time to prove plain and simple. A real scientist will want to research and conduct many experiments before publishing results. Is that happening? 3) As I keep on getting told by adults, this was all over the 1980s and before. Why listen now? 4) Also according to my research we had more CO2 in the mini ice age. (University Professor, name was Spencer IIRC). If there’s even a shred of truth, then WTF is up with this scare? 5) This is POLITICIZED SCIENCE like it or not, true or not. Politicians from any party get involved facts get disputed and agendas interfere with science. This issue is highly politicized. That means we need to take all “evidence,” actions, and ultimately the theory itself and consider everything before moving forward. 6) WTF: why are we trying to prevent debate? What about these scientists who are speaking up but getting censored? Look around a bit and you’ll see what I mean. 7): Point of 6: if you’re trying to stop debate then obviously something must be wrong and/or you have something to fear. (In other words something must obviously be up. Why do we trust “scientists” who are shunning debate?). 8) POLITICIANS! POLITICS! ‘Nuff said–since when do we trust a politician? They’re practically liars by definition. Call me crazy, but why would anyone believe a theory that’s this badly politicized?

    yyyguy: I agree with you. No need for a huge scare but it still is a good idea to stop relying on fossil fuels for many reasons (most of which I assume are obvious, most of the ones I’m thinking about are not just environmental).

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  18. Dougasbkassy
    dougeprofile  over 15 years ago

    Those volcanoes pump a whole lot more carbon than we do! It used to be so warm on earth they were farming in Greenland - before industrialization. During the “little Ice age” storms were more sever - global warming is actually a GOOD thing.

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