The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 08, 2011
Caesar: You didn't go with your brother to see "The Passion"? Huey: Nope. No interest. They were so obsessed with accuracy that the people speak in Aramaic, but they still cast a white man as Jesus. What sense does that make? It's like hiring Colin Farrell to play Dolemite. Caesar: Sometimes I think if other people could hear what you say, there'd be trouble.
omegacenturion about 13 years ago
I don’t think he looks like anyone since he is all in your head, everybody’s always trying to claim a fictional character to their race.
Defective about 13 years ago
A man that called himself Jesus around the time that the bible talks about did indeed exist. It’s not fictional. The things attributed to this man, though, are up to debate. As for his race, I find it telling that the bible does not mention it at all. It’s not important. And once again, this is a lesson that we should learn from, but refuse to, because we love to hate.
Satzklammer about 13 years ago
Jesus was Jewish. The bible totally says that.
Habogee about 13 years ago
Ron Cobb did a cartoon based on what’s my line where the contestants are, the catholic Jesus, the Protestant Jesus & the Jewish Jesus. It’s one of my favorites.
PShaw0423 about 13 years ago
Jesus was certainly Jewish — but in that part of the world, at that time in history, the Jews would have looked decidedly more Semitic and dark-skinned than those nowadays in the western world, who are mostly from northern Europe and Russia. Jesus may actually have looked more like Yassar Arafat…how well would that go over with Jews and Christians today? :)
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 13 years ago
Well said SCAATY
arye uygur about 13 years ago
@Scatty_423: Even though European jews are lighter skinned than Moroccan, Yemenite, etc. Jews, their DNA is similar to each other. I’m of European Jewish descent – as a baby I had blond hair – yet my DNA says I’m TOTALLY Middle eastern.
arye uygur about 13 years ago
PS As for my Avatar, my Y-chromosome goes back to central Asia and may very well be Uyghur
Nimue about 13 years ago
This discussion reminds me of the debate over whether Heimdall should have been played by a black man in ‘Thor’.
The Short answer is-Who cares? If Jesus were to watch the movie (And I’m not entirely convinced he would) Would he care about the race of the man playing him? No.