so i just finished washing dishes from supper/dinner/whichever. and i am NOT in the mood for “cooking” so lets see we can all pile in the “car” and go to mels diner. they have everything so it seems. serves breakfast 24/7 along with any other meal. and seeing its 12:25 biskets will be hot and fresh. grits for sure and they do serve acholic beverges. soda wish, pepsie, mr. pib, rootbeer, ograng soda, lemon ade and tea. (Can you tell we go ther often?) may i suggest an number 62? two pancakes or 3 slices of french tost, 2 larg eggs however you like, backon and sausage, grits and bickets or tost oj, milk, or coffee. (thats my fav meal)
’Morning, Tabby! I call roof! I’ll try the grits down there. I had some at a Denny’s up here, and they were the worst thing I’ve ever tasted. I love polenta, and I’m sure that if I had grits that were properly cooked, I’d like them, too.
okay i must appoligize, it seems that i am jumping on everyone as soon as they get here then they are running off. sorry folks. im just catching up and refreshing when i get one page down between my eyes clossing
Oops - guess i shouldn’t have used the number sign.
My company just leaft and more is coming tomorrow. Love this weather but it brings all the relatives from all over Canada!!!
I sure do miss you all and I haven’t been able to read any of the comments for three or four days.
BTW I noticed Joy that you’re now 77?
Good goin’! You’ve got me beat by a few but I hope that I will keep up my interests like you have. My FIL is 90 and he still is on the computer all the time so chances are good.
BTW, Tabby, my son had his braces for nine years then needed an extraction and an implant anyway - a real incompetent mess, so I sort of know what you’re going through.
hi Joy, i had the same problem. came up as a statement that i had a bunch of infected files that needed immediate clearance and would not let me back away. i cancelled every tab i had open and ran a complete scan of my system that took over 30 minutes to do and came up clean. sometimes this site isn’t much fun, but at least BT is. so much for dropping in in the daytime, i still haven’t got to bed 3 hours after i was first going to do so. now for sure (even though it’s 6:45 am)!
I will have chicken fried steak and hash browns with eggs over easy, toast and strawberry rhubarb jam. Imported coffee from the exotic village of Loveland. Tasty.
My son had one of those malware problems this week, too. And he doesn’t read gocomics on his computer, so it can’t be blamed for that instance. My other son, the geek, was real upset that he had to fix the computer, but thankfully, was able to. Dad had to calm him down, because he was threatening to ban his brother from the internet! The guys all have AVG, but I have Norton, so hope I will be okay.
Terry, my wife hadn’t seen it before and it had been years since I had watched it. It was almost like watching it for the first time for me, it had been so long.
Dry Good Morning Dear and wipe that sh*t eating grin off of your face.
Hi DF, did you see my comment the other day? Who else was there besides William Shatner, that was notable, and were you at a SciFi convention, per chance?
Dry - No such luck on the Sci-Fi - it was a software convention for IBM products. They had a closing speaker that was some scientist from the hadron collider, nearly put me to sleep.
By the way Good Morning Doc. We are having another sunny glorious day. I hope you are getting a bunch of snow so that you can enjoy your weather as much as I am enjoying mine.
Good morning all!
Doc, it was probably just the January thaw come early.
Cleo, unfortunately, that might be the case for your nice weather too. It was a weak one here in Michigan, it got a little warmer, but not much. Personally, though, I am hoping for an early spring.
cleo, when you get soaking wet every time you go outside, it is a sure sign SOMEONE painted a sunny landscape on the inside of the lenses on your sunglasses!! And whatever the bleep it is you are smoking/drinking…..
Good Morning johnnyd. We are getting an early spring. Our cherry trees started blooming a couple of days ago and the daffodils are coming up rapidly. Leaves are starting to come out on our roses. This could be bad if February is cold.
JFri I wish I could help you out. So you aren’t getting any of this?
Dry - a bit of both - I got a lot of info I needed for work, but there was a lot of evening parties and they gave us 3 hours in Universal Studios all to ourselve. The food was absolutely fantastic also.
good afternoon Tribe
weather here is about 30F cloudy with sunny periods (and it’s very sunny right now). only going to be here for a little while because i’m going to take advantage of the nice weather to go for a walk. missed seeing DF’s puns, glad to see you survived the convention.
so i slept for 10 hours. can we say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now to wake up fully and get some stuff done b4 i head to a friends bday party and what to where???? its a themed bday. willy wonka. eh oh
hi Tabby, DocT, cleo, JFri, DigiFrog, Dry, JDoc, Terry and anyone else i missed. have fun at your party Tabby. i’m going to look at crossword puzzles. brb.
hi bmonk I will say it again, being a genius is worth $1.00 a month. Now watch, I’ve been telling everyone how great it is, and they’ll probably raise the fees! LOL!
just because this site refuses to call me a genius, doesn’t mean i’m not one. i am a yyyguy after all. (but i may pay for it just to avoid these blankety blank pop-ups. it’s a good ruse on their part to let people see how the “genius” can miss some of the hassles mere mortals have to endure.)
A little after 1pm here in the armpit of the universe, rather chilly but not as bad as last weekend.
I’ve been up for a while, but the Angel Food truck was delayed (no accident, thank God) and I didn’t get the stuff until noonish. But it’s worth the wait. The seafood box I got for $35 I guestimate at about $50, even if you could get stuffed flounder at Wally-World. I also got 10 pounds of breaded chicken nuggets for $18. $1.80 a pound is excellent price. I’m pleased, and it helps stretch the budget.
I’m making chicken soup today, with the frozen veggies from Angel Food. So far it smells great. Boiled a whole chicken and picked the meat off. Think I may just do white meat next time…IE individually frozen chicken breasts. Would make it easier, admittedly.
Beef soup is my next challenge.
Okay, I’m rambling, but workwise I’m exhausted. I’ve worked at a chaotic pace before, but we worked up to it. I’ve gone from laid-back Imports into Chaos and just hard to get my feet under me again. But I will persevere. Pity is we don’t get $$ for overtime, we get comp time. Fine by me, I’m compensated one way or ‘tuther.
Sunday evening I’ll pull some Karma from the bank and prepare for round two. That should help.
Quaby Wally-World? Reminds me of* I believe it was a Chevy Chase Vacation movie*, they were heading to Wally World Amusement Park, and I believe when they got there, it was closed.
Dry Term of affection in the south for the mega-giant, Wal-Mart. Or derision. Depends on how good the sales are that week. Lately they’ve had fewer and fewer choices on the shelves.
Chicken soup aroma’s are filling the apartment. Yum Yum.
Dry well it would have been brown pants and a white shirt insted bc i dont have white pants hate them. lol
Doc i dont go to parties like that. :0)
Yguy i went to a party earler this year. :0) ( a one year olds party, but hey it was a party)
i was going to go to this party bc its my frind form hs and shes having her bday party. well she told my other friend bug to tell me i could come, but im not sure if its true or not and Bug just wants me to go so that some guy will leave her alone. ill just be so out of place, pluse one of my ex’s will be there and i dont want to make him unconfortable. so im just going to stay home.
i never meant that you should go to this party, specifically, just that parties are important, too. (after all, i joined the Tribe during the party for Carmy and i’m glad i did!)
Look what i found laying around….. just so you know i stood up for him. :0)
” Favre on the ground, Favre on the ground, looking like a victory with Favre on the ground. Helmet turned sideways, turf in the mouth, looking like a victory with Favre on the ground!!! Geaux Saints!”
more smack talk. i saw one where some MN fans were apologizing for a retouched photo showing a purple hurricane heading for NOLA that someone had posted. those people are trolls of the ugliest kind.
Terry that’s good they don’t import oil but they import just about everything else. Sam would be rolling in his grave if he knew what his heirs did to his chain.
yyyguy Prince didn’t help any. He’s a die hard Viking fan, and has done some songs I just love, you’d think he could have come up with a better song than what he did!
anyhow, Tribe, it’s time for me to start my day (before it’s over). i have a soccer game to view before the hockey game starts, and i haven’t even eaten breakfast, yet.
hmm, the “sit at the computer all day and don’t eat” diet. i wonder if it would work for lewreader?
bye everyone!
Shika move to tell Tabby not to let it worry you. you have to make your own choices, and if you choose to not go then the rest of the world will just have to accept it.
Yguy thanks. it just hurts me that shes upset. i just feel out of place there its hard to explain and if iwas not personaly invited it does not seem right for me to go.
Tabby - I’m with Dry on this one. The host or hostess of the party is the only one to extend invitations. From what I hear, the type of parties where guests invite other guests are usually the ones the police like to raid.
Dry my favorite store is Bi-lo, unfortunately I can’t afford the prices there. Wal-Mart is better than Piggly Wiggly (outrageous prices) and K-Mart (just gets on my nerves). I catch the sales at Food Lion because it’s right at the end of the street I live on. It’s heck being middle=class poor. I know I have it better than a lot of people, but still…I remember Bi-Lo……
Anyway, I’m off to the Dragon. Soup will be ready about 7pm EST, so feel free to help yourself. Sweet Potato Pie (courtesy of Angel Food) topped with Great Value Vanilla Ice Cream. Enjoy
Terry & yyyguy - I’ve got most of the pictures I want to share uploaded. Not saying I won’t add more as time goes on, but I’ve put a bunch of my sunsets & other weather-related pictures up.
(((Quaby))) - Just thought you could use a hug!
Rmom thanks! i’ll take a look later (though i don’t seem to be doing much of a job of leaving here.) i have just barely started putting up some of my photos there. i’ll let you know what i think.
I was listening to my weather alarm about 5:30am because a storm was coming through. This storm was mostly just rain, but I heard the forecast for later in the week might include the frozen precipation stuff.
Terry - Sorry you have been “under the weather” lately. Rest up as much as you can, as I know that helps. I’m having a case of the sleepies myself, but know if I take a nap now, I won’t be able to sleep when its bedtime.
Well, it is another terrific day here. We got back from our bike ride and have a wake to go to in about 45 minutes. I haven’t met the lady, but LG knew her. It is only about half a mile away, so that’s cool.
Rmom the “weather” photos are lovely. i just took a quick slideshow view, but will go back for seconds and will comment on individual shots when i do. had i seen skies like that when i drove through the prairies, it would have taken me at least another week to do so. wonderful!
I get the “virus scan” redirect occasionally, but not as much as when the site first started. I do think they’re working on it. At first, I got redirected to a “dating” site that was more porn that dating. I sent an angry e-mail to them and haven’t seen it since.
Sometimes, I can get out of that “virus scan” one with the back button.
Well, we are still under a blizzard warning or something until tomorrow evening, but right now it looks alright. It sounds like we are only getting half the snow predicted. (Even Dry shouldn’t be able to gripe about that!)
Shika - To “super size” your screen, hold your “Ctrl” button down while scrolling the wheel on your mouse. To shrink, scroll the other direction. I use this tip I learned to read some of those Sunday comics that are too small, and I’ve also found it a helpful way to ignore the ads on the sides of websites, because I can just scroll them out of sight.
Yes Tabby, Brees is playing, the only way he rides the bench is if he died. He wants a Superbowl.
(I am yelling this next part because I may need a running start)
bmonk no worry, my former parish priest and I always joked around. He got transferred after 6 years, the rules here. Sad, because he really added a LOT to our church. And our Bishop has been promoted to Notre Dame.
Cleo someone died and you’re talking about food and a view of the lake! Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, (shaking head!) :-) I know, best way to handle it, I hate those things! Done it WAY too many times!
I know Doc is working right now, but I’d better post this before I forget, and hope he reads this later.
My hubby & I went to Africa for a couple of weeks in 1986. It was a mission trip, to build housing for nurses at a church hospital. But while we were in S. Africa, we went to Kruger Park. It is a wildlife preserve as large as the state of Massachusetts (at least I think that was the state they used for comparision). We had to stay overnight in a sort of oasis - a large fenced in area, surrounded by a moat outside of the fence, so the wild animals wouldn’t come in and eat us. The wild animals were however, on the menu at the restaurant. (Not the endangered ones, of course!) We saw all sorts of wild animals, impala (until we quit calling them out because we saw so many), elephants, lions, monkeys, etc. I’ll have to dig out my photos and scan them.
Quite a memorable experience!
RRMOM thanks for the unexpected hug. That was sweet and very welcome. Because of fibromylagia and other pain problems one of my friends at the Dragon can hurt if you hug her. When she’s hurting bad we give her ‘virtual hugs’. They are just as good because of the good thoughts behind them.
Anyway, I got to bug out. Just got back, it’s almost 11pm, and I had hoped to be home by 9pm, 10pm latest. But playing Super Scrabble will make time fly.
Dry, let’s say the Vikes & Colts make it to the SB. Between them they have 11 or twelve Pro Bowl players. You think they are going to risk injury and not get to play in the biggest game of the year. I don’t think so! What a joke.
Well, that was *my* first thought when they announced the change!! Wasn’t sure about the change of venue but it made more sense than changing the date!!!
JFri, Right now, four of my guys are questionable starters, four of the good ones! Of course, the Vikings have a great team this year, and Brett has pulled them together! Still a kid doing what he loves!
she fell asleep on the floor at her house. i was supposed to get her tonight for church tomorrow morning. well she wakes up tells me she hungry so i warmed up some chicken nuggets and fries shell be up till about 2. so il put on a movie in my bed on my lap top so she can watch till its time for bed. its okay her eatting this late bc i know how she is. she eats around the clock but never alot at a time… well one day yes she ate 3 “fried” eggs back to back.
its raing her now so maybe she will fall asleep faster tonight who knows.
my hands, my toes, my legs, my butt, my feet, my arms, my face, my neck, and my back all HURT. lol nothing bad its jsut form all the “exercise” at once. firt bowling then running 3 laps around the gym, then volley bal then volley ball the the face, then bowling again and now tomuch typing its all adding up
Jfri next time you two go to the beach take Ana and me with you please. chache *(sp) * will have someone to play with and i can build a sand castle then. hehe
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
go figure!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
so i just finished washing dishes from supper/dinner/whichever. and i am NOT in the mood for “cooking” so lets see we can all pile in the “car” and go to mels diner. they have everything so it seems. serves breakfast 24/7 along with any other meal. and seeing its 12:25 biskets will be hot and fresh. grits for sure and they do serve acholic beverges. soda wish, pepsie, mr. pib, rootbeer, ograng soda, lemon ade and tea. (Can you tell we go ther often?) may i suggest an number 62? two pancakes or 3 slices of french tost, 2 larg eggs however you like, backon and sausage, grits and bickets or tost oj, milk, or coffee. (thats my fav meal)
eat up and enjoy!!!
also hold tight Carmy’s driving
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
ROFLACMBO! love it
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
margueritem about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tabby! The #62 sounds like a good choice. I’ll go warm up the car.
So that’s why Manfred is making a weird face in the second panel! LMBO!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
MARG the grits arent great, i rather the instent stuff myself, when i get that i get it replaced with bacon. :0) so bad i know.
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Marg! I tried grits once and I didn’t really care for them, but I’m just one of those fussy eaters.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
good morning Carmy i only like grits sometimes and since i got braces not at all. i just dont seem to care for them much.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hey Dawn how are you!? its been a while
okay i must appoligize, it seems that i am jumping on everyone as soon as they get here then they are running off. sorry folks. im just catching up and refreshing when i get one page down between my eyes clossing
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Oops - guess i shouldn’t have used the number sign. My company just leaft and more is coming tomorrow. Love this weather but it brings all the relatives from all over Canada!!! I sure do miss you all and I haven’t been able to read any of the comments for three or four days.
((((Tribe))))DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Hi Tabby You’re right it has been a long time.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
I shouldn’t complain though - I do have fun with the relatives - just miss the ‘toons.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
Tabby looks like your eyes finally closed for the night. How long will you have your braces?
margueritem about 15 years ago
Tabby, OK, I’ll skip the grits. Guess I’ll have the #62 also. ‘Morning Carmy and Dawn!
And goodnight , all.
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning Dawn! Sorry Tabby, I’ve been cruising the comics.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dawn still here im reading yesterdays stuff
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
4 years of this fun
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
carmy its fine i was just noticing how u all ran off. night marg
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
BTW I noticed Joy that you’re now 77? Good goin’! You’ve got me beat by a few but I hope that I will keep up my interests like you have. My FIL is 90 and he still is on the computer all the time so chances are good.
Well, time for bed - cy’all in a few days.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
‘Night Marg, and Hi Carmy how’re you doing?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
my eyes wont let me read or see the keys anmoyr. night
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
‘Night Tabby - me too.
DawnAvril about 15 years ago
BTW, Tabby, my son had his braces for nine years then needed an extraction and an implant anyway - a real incompetent mess, so I sort of know what you’re going through.
carmy about 15 years ago
Dawn, I am doing okay, thank you. Hope all is well with you. Good Night Tabby, Marg and Dawn!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
carmy about 15 years ago
Good Morning JFri! I was just clearing out of here, it’s time for me to snooze. Goodnight JFri, see ya tomorrow!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
**Eat your hearts out chocolate lovers!!!
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Especially you, MARG!!!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
no one’s posted in an hour and a half? i’ll sneak in a deposit to the karma bank and hope i find time to drop in in the daytime.
(((Tribe)))yyyguy about 15 years ago
hi Joy, i had the same problem. came up as a statement that i had a bunch of infected files that needed immediate clearance and would not let me back away. i cancelled every tab i had open and ran a complete scan of my system that took over 30 minutes to do and came up clean. sometimes this site isn’t much fun, but at least BT is. so much for dropping in in the daytime, i still haven’t got to bed 3 hours after i was first going to do so. now for sure (even though it’s 6:45 am)!
lewisbower about 15 years ago
JOY I just figure my most clever comment is sometime in the future. Those virus will run in fear from it.
Good Morning TRIBE! I’m back on my diet and can’t go to breakfast with you. Enjoy!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Tribe!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Joy, Yguy, Lewreader, Marg, JFri, Carmy and any others I might have missed.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Joy. My mother will be 78 tomorrow. More power to you, lady!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning all. Last night I re-watched Robert DeNiro in King Of Comedy. If anybody can capture Manfred’s inner soul it is him. snerk
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Cleo.
That movie is an oldie but a goodie.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I will have chicken fried steak and hash browns with eggs over easy, toast and strawberry rhubarb jam. Imported coffee from the exotic village of Loveland. Tasty.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I had a grapefruit and I am drinking Swiss Chocolate Almond coffee this morning.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Good morning, Terry, Joy, Lewreader, yyyguy, JFri, Carmy, Dawn, Tabby & Marg!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
You know, in all our breakfasts, I don’t think anyone has ever served S H I T on the Shingle! That’s what I want this morning! I’m hungry for it!
Morning all!
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
I’m Ba-ack! (just barely actually, thanks to some less than stellar ATCs and the weather.)
How’s everyone doing?
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
My son had one of those malware problems this week, too. And he doesn’t read gocomics on his computer, so it can’t be blamed for that instance. My other son, the geek, was real upset that he had to fix the computer, but thankfully, was able to. Dad had to calm him down, because he was threatening to ban his brother from the internet! The guys all have AVG, but I have Norton, so hope I will be okay.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Terry, my wife hadn’t seen it before and it had been years since I had watched it. It was almost like watching it for the first time for me, it had been so long.
Dry Good Morning Dear and wipe that sh*t eating grin off of your face.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Rmom!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Digital Frog!
Welcome Back!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning Digit & Rmom.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Ever since I switched from Norton to McAfee, I haven’t had any virus problems. Been about 8 or 9 months now. If it works for you, be happy!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi DF, did you see my comment the other day? Who else was there besides William Shatner, that was notable, and were you at a SciFi convention, per chance?
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Doc & Dry!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
And how did your Friday night go, Doc?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good morning Doc and Terry! Beautiful day here!
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Dry - No such luck on the Sci-Fi - it was a software convention for IBM products. They had a closing speaker that was some scientist from the hadron collider, nearly put me to sleep.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good for you Doc. We use Friday nights for family time here. We watch TV, movies, get pizza, play Wii and video games. Things like that. Just family!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Digit, so the hadron collider accelerated your particles towards the deep sleep.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
By the way Good Morning Doc. We are having another sunny glorious day. I hope you are getting a bunch of snow so that you can enjoy your weather as much as I am enjoying mine.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
DF if it was work related it probably was more of a pain than fun, huh?
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Good morning all! Doc, it was probably just the January thaw come early. Cleo, unfortunately, that might be the case for your nice weather too. It was a weak one here in Michigan, it got a little warmer, but not much. Personally, though, I am hoping for an early spring.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Johnny.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
cleo, when you get soaking wet every time you go outside, it is a sure sign SOMEONE painted a sunny landscape on the inside of the lenses on your sunglasses!! And whatever the bleep it is you are smoking/drinking…..
GIVE ME SOME, TOO!!cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning johnnyd. We are getting an early spring. Our cherry trees started blooming a couple of days ago and the daffodils are coming up rapidly. Leaves are starting to come out on our roses. This could be bad if February is cold.
JFri I wish I could help you out. So you aren’t getting any of this?
Digital Frog about 15 years ago
Dry - a bit of both - I got a lot of info I needed for work, but there was a lot of evening parties and they gave us 3 hours in Universal Studios all to ourselve. The food was absolutely fantastic also.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
good afternoon Tribe weather here is about 30F cloudy with sunny periods (and it’s very sunny right now). only going to be here for a little while because i’m going to take advantage of the nice weather to go for a walk. missed seeing DF’s puns, glad to see you survived the convention.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
good morning all, again
so i slept for 10 hours. can we say Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh now to wake up fully and get some stuff done b4 i head to a friends bday party and what to where???? its a themed bday. willy wonka. eh oh
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Doc, December is quite mild here usually, since it was very cold this year, I am hoping that it starts warming up by March. Cleo, you are just lucky!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
hi Tabby, DocT, cleo, JFri, DigiFrog, Dry, JDoc, Terry and anyone else i missed. have fun at your party Tabby. i’m going to look at crossword puzzles. brb.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
cleo, we are supposed to have a dry (no pun intended!) here but it looks foggy & overcast right now.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Yguy!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi JFri and yyyguy!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Good morning, DocT, JFri, yyyguy, jdoc, Tabby, DFrog, cleo, and Terry!
I noticed I’m no longer a certified genius…Funny, I don’t feel any stupider…
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Good Morning bmonk. When my genius status ended, I discovered I couldn’t go back to the old format. I hope you do not likewise suffer withdrawals.
bmonk about 15 years ago
So far, not.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
hi bmonk I will say it again, being a genius is worth $1.00 a month. Now watch, I’ve been telling everyone how great it is, and they’ll probably raise the fees! LOL!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Cleo i had the same problem. i wanted my genius back.
so now to find out what im going to dress like… ill be in and out asking for help. :D
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning Bmonk. You don’t look any worse without the badge. :^)
yyyguy about 15 years ago
just because this site refuses to call me a genius, doesn’t mean i’m not one. i am a yyyguy after all. (but i may pay for it just to avoid these blankety blank pop-ups. it’s a good ruse on their part to let people see how the “genius” can miss some of the hassles mere mortals have to endure.)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Yguy, I’d like to know what the numbers are for those temp geniuses that bought the yearly upgrade.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
how much do they charge anyway? (geniuses are defined in part by their laziness.)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, as soon as I knew I was going to stay on with this site, I purchased it. That was enough for me.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Yguy, 11 something per year.
bmonk about 15 years ago
I believe it’s $11.88 per year, which averages to approximately .99 per month…
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i am thinking this
Quabaculta about 15 years ago
Good morning Tribe ((((((TRIBE)))))
A little after 1pm here in the armpit of the universe, rather chilly but not as bad as last weekend.
I’ve been up for a while, but the Angel Food truck was delayed (no accident, thank God) and I didn’t get the stuff until noonish. But it’s worth the wait. The seafood box I got for $35 I guestimate at about $50, even if you could get stuffed flounder at Wally-World. I also got 10 pounds of breaded chicken nuggets for $18. $1.80 a pound is excellent price. I’m pleased, and it helps stretch the budget.
I’m making chicken soup today, with the frozen veggies from Angel Food. So far it smells great. Boiled a whole chicken and picked the meat off. Think I may just do white meat next time…IE individually frozen chicken breasts. Would make it easier, admittedly.
Beef soup is my next challenge.
Okay, I’m rambling, but workwise I’m exhausted. I’ve worked at a chaotic pace before, but we worked up to it. I’ve gone from laid-back Imports into Chaos and just hard to get my feet under me again. But I will persevere. Pity is we don’t get $$ for overtime, we get comp time. Fine by me, I’m compensated one way or ‘tuther.
Sunday evening I’ll pull some Karma from the bank and prepare for round two. That should help.
Catch you later.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Morning (((((Quaby))))).
yyyguy about 15 years ago
hi Quaby. hang in there. you’ll make it.
bmonk about 15 years ago
@Quaby, I’m glad you are doing so well. I know by Thursday night I was just exhausted ma-self.
Unfortunately, as has been pointed out, in my line of life, “the hours are long, the pay is low–but retirement is out of this world!”
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
haha maybe ill just be the blueberry chick! :D
bbl need food
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bmonk very well said!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Quaby Wally-World? Reminds me of* I believe it was a Chevy Chase Vacation movie*, they were heading to Wally World Amusement Park, and I believe when they got there, it was closed.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
ok so change of planes i have decied not to go to party…. all on my own. now off for food
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby oh, too bad! You would have looked cute in that get-up!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
everyone needs to party at some point. celebration is part of life (and a part to not be missed)! don’t skip all the parties, Tabby.
bmonk about 15 years ago
I never missed a party in college either–I was having too much fun reading and studying…
Quabaculta about 15 years ago
Dry Term of affection in the south for the mega-giant, Wal-Mart. Or derision. Depends on how good the sales are that week. Lately they’ve had fewer and fewer choices on the shelves.
Chicken soup aroma’s are filling the apartment. Yum Yum.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Quaby I wondered, I thought maybe it may have soemthing to do with them. I go there ONLY IF I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry well it would have been brown pants and a white shirt insted bc i dont have white pants hate them. lol
Doc i dont go to parties like that. :0)
Yguy i went to a party earler this year. :0) ( a one year olds party, but hey it was a party)
i was going to go to this party bc its my frind form hs and shes having her bday party. well she told my other friend bug to tell me i could come, but im not sure if its true or not and Bug just wants me to go so that some guy will leave her alone. ill just be so out of place, pluse one of my ex’s will be there and i dont want to make him unconfortable. so im just going to stay home.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
i never meant that you should go to this party, specifically, just that parties are important, too. (after all, i joined the Tribe during the party for Carmy and i’m glad i did!)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Wal-Mart is one of a handful of places that does not import oil for their gasoline sales.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Look what i found laying around….. just so you know i stood up for him. :0)
” Favre on the ground, Favre on the ground, looking like a victory with Favre on the ground. Helmet turned sideways, turf in the mouth, looking like a victory with Favre on the ground!!! Geaux Saints!”
yyyguy about 15 years ago
more smack talk. i saw one where some MN fans were apologizing for a retouched photo showing a purple hurricane heading for NOLA that someone had posted. those people are trolls of the ugliest kind.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Terry that’s good they don’t import oil but they import just about everything else. Sam would be rolling in his grave if he knew what his heirs did to his chain.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
yyyguy Prince didn’t help any. He’s a die hard Viking fan, and has done some songs I just love, you’d think he could have come up with a better song than what he did!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
couldnt help it i just love that saying. hehe
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
yyyguy about 15 years ago
Tabby* funny cartoon.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
now bug is upset with me
yyyguy about 15 years ago
anyhow, Tribe, it’s time for me to start my day (before it’s over). i have a soccer game to view before the hockey game starts, and i haven’t even eaten breakfast, yet. hmm, the “sit at the computer all day and don’t eat” diet. i wonder if it would work for lewreader? bye everyone!
(Tribe)yyyguy about 15 years ago
Shika move to tell Tabby not to let it worry you. you have to make your own choices, and if you choose to not go then the rest of the world will just have to accept it.
now i’m really gone.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Yguy thanks. it just hurts me that shes upset. i just feel out of place there its hard to explain and if iwas not personaly invited it does not seem right for me to go.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby loved that Marmaduke! SO TRUE!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby if your friend that is having the party did not invite you personally, then it isn’t BUG’s place to invite you. That is improper ettiquette.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Tabby - I’m with Dry on this one. The host or hostess of the party is the only one to extend invitations. From what I hear, the type of parties where guests invite other guests are usually the ones the police like to raid.
Quabaculta about 15 years ago
Dry my favorite store is Bi-lo, unfortunately I can’t afford the prices there. Wal-Mart is better than Piggly Wiggly (outrageous prices) and K-Mart (just gets on my nerves). I catch the sales at Food Lion because it’s right at the end of the street I live on. It’s heck being middle=class poor. I know I have it better than a lot of people, but still…I remember Bi-Lo……
Anyway, I’m off to the Dragon. Soup will be ready about 7pm EST, so feel free to help yourself. Sweet Potato Pie (courtesy of Angel Food) topped with Great Value Vanilla Ice Cream. Enjoy
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
she tells them to bring a friend. idk i just know im not going, maybe we can all have a family night and watch tv and eat pizza. LOL funny
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Terry & yyyguy - I’ve got most of the pictures I want to share uploaded. Not saying I won’t add more as time goes on, but I’ve put a bunch of my sunsets & other weather-related pictures up. (((Quaby))) - Just thought you could use a hug!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
How lovely! We are under a Flood Watch for tmr thru Monday!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Family nights are a lot of fun! We enjoy them.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Dry - It could be worse…it could be sn_w!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
Rmom thanks! i’ll take a look later (though i don’t seem to be doing much of a job of leaving here.) i have just barely started putting up some of my photos there. i’ll let you know what i think.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
I was listening to my weather alarm about 5:30am because a storm was coming through. This storm was mostly just rain, but I heard the forecast for later in the week might include the frozen precipation stuff.
YUCK!COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I’ll get a look at those Pictures and get back to you Rmom. Haven’t felt all that well the last couple of days and I have been dozing quite a bit.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
Dry hope you won’t need the hip waders! (fingers crossed on your behalf.)
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Terry - Sorry you have been “under the weather” lately. Rest up as much as you can, as I know that helps. I’m having a case of the sleepies myself, but know if I take a nap now, I won’t be able to sleep when its bedtime.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Well, it is another terrific day here. We got back from our bike ride and have a wake to go to in about 45 minutes. I haven’t met the lady, but LG knew her. It is only about half a mile away, so that’s cool.
yyyguy about 15 years ago
Rmom the “weather” photos are lovely. i just took a quick slideshow view, but will go back for seconds and will comment on individual shots when i do. had i seen skies like that when i drove through the prairies, it would have taken me at least another week to do so. wonderful!
yyyguy about 15 years ago
and, now that it’s nearly suppertime, i guess i’d better start thinking about breakfast! bye-bye (for real). back tomorrow.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
tired again.
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good evening, tribe.
I get the “virus scan” redirect occasionally, but not as much as when the site first started. I do think they’re working on it. At first, I got redirected to a “dating” site that was more porn that dating. I sent an angry e-mail to them and haven’t seen it since.
Sometimes, I can get out of that “virus scan” one with the back button.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
I got the “virus scan” thing about 3 times. since i switched to avg i have had no problems.
bmonk about 15 years ago
Well, we are still under a blizzard warning or something until tomorrow evening, but right now it looks alright. It sounds like we are only getting half the snow predicted. (Even Dry shouldn’t be able to gripe about that!)
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Saucy!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
head shrinking???
something dad is watching on tv.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
boreing people today. lol
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Nothing much going on here to speak of. Check back in later…………………………………………………..
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good to see everyone still yapping away.
Digital I met William Shatner in a mall once. He was paying his phone bill. I was in line right behind him.
No autograph though. I was too shy.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m not sure what I did, but my page is supersized. Sure makes it easy to see!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m still a genius I see. This must be why my marks are good. Who knew it would be this easy?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Well, don’t everyone stop talking at once!
I have a minute to chat, and you disappear! As soon as I go, you will all be back, yapping your heads off. :-(
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hey Shika
sorry im on and off
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’m making sauce for pasta, and then I have a few assignments to do….
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
its been quite for a while now. its broing.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
and shes gone. im always tolate
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Tabby! I’m back.
Of course.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
This is Mua on my computer chair, on a towel, in case you think he is bigger than he really is.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hey my sis. how are you…
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Good Tabby Too much to do, as always.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Hello Shika–Using (ctrl+) or (ctrl-) will zoom your page in or out.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
What’s your avatar say?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
shika, you have a very pretty kitty. Mua is beautiful
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Terry That’s what I thought. I like it this way now.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
How are you Terry?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i altered it, it used to say “”HE” but now it says
“She wanted to be a sabord tooth tabby”
Jfri found that comic on day a while back
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Thanks Tabby I happen to think he is very special myself.
BB in a sec.
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Shika - To “super size” your screen, hold your “Ctrl” button down while scrolling the wheel on your mouse. To shrink, scroll the other direction. I use this tip I learned to read some of those Sunday comics that are too small, and I’ve also found it a helpful way to ignore the ads on the sides of websites, because I can just scroll them out of sight.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Shika also go to the bottome right side and it will say ex. 100% click that and you can make it bigger or smaller.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Slightly under the weather, Shika. But I think it is just a cold.
I know you are busy with school, but how are you otherwise?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
Sorry to be redundant. I must have not refreshed as recently as I thought before I offered my “tech tip.” That, or just blame this aging mind…
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
my body hurts!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
YEAH TABBY! Of course I know why you are rooting for the Vikings but that”s okay!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
There’s also another way to zoom the Sunday comics to a bigger size. Most of the sites have a magnify on the right of the strip itself.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dry and hes cute so that helps.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry not only bc you are going for them, but bc i hate the saints, hes cute, they are good.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
For Doc, here is where the rodent revolution started!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Yes Tabby, I know you hate the Saints. Tomorrow, so do I!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Terry I’m well thanks. I love what I’m doing, except it’s tiring. My health is good, that’s all that matters.
I hope that you feel better soon.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dry lol i know
okay who am i and what did i do with tabby? im hot i just opened a window bc im swetting. its crazy!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Thanks Rmom! I’ll try that on the ads.
Hey Dry! How’s it going?
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Go Saints!
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
You’re welcome, Shika! It really helps when a site has one of those ads with someone dancing or something moving.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
jdoc i so just disowned you with that last post
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Sorry, Tabby, I just want to see the better QB win.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
jdoc for shame. :/
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Johnny, :-P :-P :-P :-P The best QB will win, and if he doesn’t, well the tears will flood your part of the country all the way to the West coast!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Of course, it he wins, you’ll get the same results, LOL!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry roflacmbo!!
oh my word lady your crazy!
its okay because your my crazy tribe mom lady! :D love ya girl. and only tears of joy will be shed. and where is my joy?
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
I have confidence in Brees. He is the man.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
is he even playing something about him being on the bench idk i dont remember
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry did you see i altred my pic?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby, you should know by now that when I believe in something, I am passionate about it! Hence, FHIG!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry know you do! and thats a one thing i love about you, and you are a great person!
johnnydoc5 about 15 years ago
Yes Tabby, Brees is playing, the only way he rides the bench is if he died. He wants a Superbowl. (I am yelling this next part because I may need a running start) DRY I THINK THE “F” SHOULD BE A “C” FOR CRAZY!!!
:-Ptabbylynn about 15 years ago
jdoc you best start running and running like your life depends on it bc it does
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
*Oh Johnny, even YOU admitted how good he is! So
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hey Johnny, seriously, what do you think about the NFL moving the Pro Bowl up to the week before the Super Bowl?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Hi Doc
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
And just what are you saying Tabby Girl? :-)
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Doc you stole you ladys pic
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Evening Doc & Johnny
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
utube haiti is holy ground
Friends. The woman singing in this clip is a graduate of my college. Her son took the photos in Haiti.
One of my professors from last year was in the quake. He survived, but I don’t know about his family yet.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dry im saying that was terrible timing. and that it goes to jdoc not you!!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
doc i think when she posted on bt a couple of times she used one alot like that one
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doc Tell wildcheetah to read “Pippa”” by Joy Adamson, who wrote the book and movie “Born Free.” It is about a cheetah Joy raised after raising Elsa.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Shika, That was excellent!
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Got to go again. I hope you see the video. It will make you cry, so be warned.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay gettin off for a while i hurt.
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Thanks Terry It’s a keeper. They are in my prayers.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Mine, too!
bmonk about 15 years ago
Tabby Lynn said, about 1 cheer ago
Gee, you want them to go that bad? I’m sure the Saints can help them out–of the playoffs…
[quickly ducks out of sight]
bmonk about 15 years ago
Ooops–bell just rang–gotta make like a Shika and fly!
Hi and bye, DocT! (and the rest…)
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bmonk, man of the cloth or not, I’m coming after you!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
bmonk no worry, my former parish priest and I always joked around. He got transferred after 6 years, the rules here. Sad, because he really added a LOT to our church. And our Bishop has been promoted to Notre Dame.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Are you working tonight, Doc?
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
watching monster in law
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Doc, I’m hoping they give you word on the promo soon. Sorry, I didn’t get back to you sooner. My mother called because she was feeling down.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Well, Doc, I’ll see ya’ when I see then! Have a good night!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
okay so i just found out one of my freinds have this thing called fibromyalgia. need to look it up
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
bye doc
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night Doc.
See you in the morning, sir!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
going get ana who is on the floor at home sleeping.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Well the wake went well. Very good food, bbq oysters, somebody boned a goose, lox, I am a content man + another persons views of the lake.
cleokaya about 15 years ago
Nobody asked me, but I think it is stupid to have the pro bowl before the Super Bowl.
InjuriesDry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Cleo someone died and you’re talking about food and a view of the lake! Cleo, Cleo, Cleo, (shaking head!) :-) I know, best way to handle it, I hate those things! Done it WAY too many times!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Evening Cleo.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I agree with you on the Pro Bowl issue, Cleo. I don’t think they will get all the Pro Bowl players that will be playing in the Super Bowl!
Smiley Rmom about 15 years ago
I know Doc is working right now, but I’d better post this before I forget, and hope he reads this later. My hubby & I went to Africa for a couple of weeks in 1986. It was a mission trip, to build housing for nurses at a church hospital. But while we were in S. Africa, we went to Kruger Park. It is a wildlife preserve as large as the state of Massachusetts (at least I think that was the state they used for comparision). We had to stay overnight in a sort of oasis - a large fenced in area, surrounded by a moat outside of the fence, so the wild animals wouldn’t come in and eat us. The wild animals were however, on the menu at the restaurant. (Not the endangered ones, of course!) We saw all sorts of wild animals, impala (until we quit calling them out because we saw so many), elephants, lions, monkeys, etc. I’ll have to dig out my photos and scan them. Quite a memorable experience!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
CleoI didn’t think to ask you because you weren’there at the time. Forgive me?
And yes Terry, IT IS STUPID! I know they get paid for that, but REALLY, if you have a chance to go to the Super Bowl, really, no brainer in my book!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
so dishes are done, and ana is sleeping. now watching house reruns
Quabaculta about 15 years ago
Back for a moment.
RRMOM thanks for the unexpected hug. That was sweet and very welcome. Because of fibromylagia and other pain problems one of my friends at the Dragon can hurt if you hug her. When she’s hurting bad we give her ‘virtual hugs’. They are just as good because of the good thoughts behind them.
Anyway, I got to bug out. Just got back, it’s almost 11pm, and I had hoped to be home by 9pm, 10pm latest. But playing Super Scrabble will make time fly.
Good Night to all. ((((((TRIBE))))
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Dry, let’s say the Vikes & Colts make it to the SB. Between them they have 11 or twelve Pro Bowl players. You think they are going to risk injury and not get to play in the biggest game of the year. I don’t think so! What a joke.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Good Night (((((Quaby))))).
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Terry that is what I WAS saying!
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
I know, I am just reiterating what you had said, Dry.
COWBOY7 about 15 years ago
Well, I am calling it a night. Sick or not I have a customer car to fix after church tomorrow. Got to make some money. Long day in store.
Good Night All
Peace & Love Tribe!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
why do i feel like im being used!?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabby, by Ana’s mom?
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
dry lol no not by her that was my idea.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
also got nothing!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
working on hw give me a few mins and ill talk to ya
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
where did you get to?
Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago
Doc I have lots of books on Africa. I love it too.
bmonk I was in a convent all day. Bells rings a lot, don’t they?
Going to fly now.
Make sure you look at the video of Haiti. The music is worth it.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
im here well kind of. doing MY hw right now.
Shika night sis. love ya
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i still hurt. worse now then before. turns out my hands hurt even and when i type its worse.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Quit typing!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
all my hw is on the computer! it sucks!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
I’ll bet! I hope you back it all up!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i quit my hw for the night. im done for to tired.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
ana is up.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
i am
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
see i knew that as soon asi decied to call it a night she would wake up.
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Dry, teams have already announced they will not let their players play in the Pro Bowl if they are going to the Super Bowl!!
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
hi jfri
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Backs up your earlier post, huh?
The Duke 1 about 15 years ago
Hi, Tabby!! Cache has “crached” after running his butt off on the beach all day!! We just got home a while ago.
tabbylynn about 15 years ago
got to cook ana something to eat she hungry bbs
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
JFri Thanks Bud! And I hope they rethink that DUMB DECISION NEXT YEAR!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 15 years ago
Tabbyyes you called it on Ana! LOL!
The Duke 1 almost 15 years ago
Well, that was *my* first thought when they announced the change!! Wasn’t sure about the change of venue but it made more sense than changing the date!!!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
JFri yeah, really!
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
JFri, Right now, four of my guys are questionable starters, four of the good ones! Of course, the Vikings have a great team this year, and Brett has pulled them together! Still a kid doing what he loves!
The Duke 1 almost 15 years ago
How was your day, Dry? And what did Tabby do to her hand?
tabbylynn almost 15 years ago
im still here shes eatting.
she fell asleep on the floor at her house. i was supposed to get her tonight for church tomorrow morning. well she wakes up tells me she hungry so i warmed up some chicken nuggets and fries shell be up till about 2. so il put on a movie in my bed on my lap top so she can watch till its time for bed. its okay her eatting this late bc i know how she is. she eats around the clock but never alot at a time… well one day yes she ate 3 “fried” eggs back to back.
its raing her now so maybe she will fall asleep faster tonight who knows.
tabbylynn almost 15 years ago
funny she calls my name and says guess what so i say what she says i love you. and smilles.
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
beautiful day here in Pa, JFri, tmr. WE HAVE A FLOOD WATCH!
Missed something, I think! Didn’t read all the posts, don’t know what Tabby did to her hand! But we’ve “talked” and she didn’t mention it!
tabbylynn almost 15 years ago
Dry and Jfri
my hands, my toes, my legs, my butt, my feet, my arms, my face, my neck, and my back all HURT. lol nothing bad its jsut form all the “exercise” at once. firt bowling then running 3 laps around the gym, then volley bal then volley ball the the face, then bowling again and now tomuch typing its all adding up
im fine realy
tabbylynn almost 15 years ago
Jfri next time you two go to the beach take Ana and me with you please. chache *(sp) * will have someone to play with and i can build a sand castle then. hehe
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I love bowling! Lousy at it, though! So what else is new! LOL!
tabbylynn almost 15 years ago
bbs ana finished eatting time to clean up
Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Tabby that is so sweet! Wait till your own kids say that to you!!