Citizen Dog by Mark O'Hare for March 29, 2012

  1. Jbp at 6 months
    jbpink46  almost 13 years ago

    How come there is a red “X” over the magnifying glass? Even with my strongest reading glasses I can’t read what Fergus is saying/writing. I’ll have to copy it over to anther file & then enlarge it. If I can figure it out, I’ll post what Fergie wrote.

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    comicsnerd  almost 13 years ago

    “Moonless”by Fergus Dog

    Maybe you’re usin’,this evening for snoozin’,Pulled the shades so no one can see ya.

    Or became the seduction,of an alien’s abduction,And were eaten like a cheese quesadilla.

    You were here just last week,when I came out for a peek,But tonight I am getting the notion,

    That you forgot how to fly,and dropped out of the sky,…

    … And are rolling around the bottom of the ocean.

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  3. 100px itadakicloud
    Bruno C. Valdes Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Thanks for the transcript! if only gocomics would allow the zoom feature on old comics

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Perhaps it is moonlighting.

    Good Morning, cleo, sugar, Fellow Baby & the rest of the CD gang

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    happy, happy, happy!!!good morning everyone, and thank you comicsnerd .and Barry for the offer, also.(its all good)that was nice Fergus but, if you are going to wright a poem about the moon its got to be romantic…

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    StelBel  almost 13 years ago

    Good morning, Lonewolf, cleokaya, puppybreath, Dry, sugie, Citizen GROG!, x_Tech, JP Steve, noicantspell Hallford, nighthawks, Shikamoo, Greg Trail, chefwen, Jkissmya, Barry Hoskings, TilingoLingo and the Hero of the Day: comicsnerd and, of course, to CDers everywhere!

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    @sugie63 i youtubed R&S last night. : Di remembered that wonderfull bit of silliness after starting the clip. thank you for the blast from the past. for a moment i thought about trying to put a link up, but i still fear the ban hammer. its easy to find thow. it was the first thing to come up…@Dry i have a 60 day escrow, so i will still be checking in. i see most of my favorites before mom gets up. (quiet time for me.) i also use a laptop so i can wi-fi my way here, after i move out. and while i am “homeless” finding wi-fi in Oregon will be easy. the pacific northwest is the land of coffee my favorite aunt would say,“happy dance! happy dance!”.

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    StelBel  almost 13 years ago

    @ Jkissmya, nighthawks and sugie Comments left for you on last night’s page.

    @ Dry Don’t you lose those instructions…………..!

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  9. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Good morning Fellow Baby, cleo and sugie!

    Howdy StelBel, puppybreath, x-Tech, noicant, JP Steve, chefwen, et all

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  10. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Love the artwork in this one! Too bad I didn’t read the comments first instead of zooming in to 400%, and it was still a bit hard to read. Thanks for the translation folks!

    Fergus, when the moon disappears that is called the “new moon”.

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    sflbudda  almost 13 years ago

    Make the print bigger. unable to read most of the time. or let us be able to enlarge like the rest of thecomics do.

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    mkw Premium Member almost 13 years ago


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    cleokaya  almost 13 years ago

    On my iPad, if I double tap any comic it enlarges. Not in the same way as if you hit the magnifying glass, bit just as good.Good morning to the CD mooners!

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    mjbeach  almost 13 years ago

    Just double tap on the cartoon. ( if using an Ipad)

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  15. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Fergus kinda looks like he’s stranded on an island but, contrary to the custom, it’s not a palm tree but a stately helmet tree. (well, it LOOKS like a helmet)I had to go completely visual on this one, the words appeared to be english, but I wasn’t sure until comicsnerd guy did indeed step in , like Mighty Mouse, to save the day

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    Jkiss  almost 13 years ago

    Thank you comicsnerd for the translation. When I tried to blow this up on the iPad it was still to fuzzy to see..StelBel my hubby got me this thing for two reasons 1 he was tired of all my books laying around and 2 I need to be more computer literate. LOL I guess I’ll get there someday. Maybe?.Well it’s time to start another marathon day. Hope everyone has a good one. :-)

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    Sugie63  almost 13 years ago

    Thanks comicsnerd for saving our eyes.

    Good Morning Grog, Dry, Cleo, Lonewolf (whever you are) StelBel,noicant and all my CDer friends.

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  18. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Citizen Dog: A brilliant strip that deserved to go on forever. Thank TPTB for the reruns.

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    elizabetha83522  almost 13 years ago

    Fergus is the cutest and cleverest little guy. I love the poem.

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  20. Hamhug
    Llywus  almost 13 years ago

    Thanks, nerd

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  21. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  almost 13 years ago

    I wish I could read this. Like others, the image is too small for me. Why can’t they provide a larger image?

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  22. Rugeirn
    rugeirn  almost 13 years ago

    Of course, I fully realize that no one responsible for this website or this strip ever reads these comments.

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  23. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    And often, they will personally respond.

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  24. Sunshine face
    heenalu  almost 13 years ago

    now it all makes sense, no?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    we passed the termite inspection…

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    GregTrail_ImaDillo  almost 13 years ago

    I envy your handwriting, Fergus….I really love it when cartoonists use poetry in their comics… It’s a nice change of pace, and some if not most of my favorite comics use poetry every once in a while..Poetry is definitely underused, and cartoonists really should use it more often. I should try to use it more often, too…

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  27. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    By the way, thanks, StelBel, but at the time it seemed to be the obvious answer. Actually, it still does.

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  28. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    Have a good night CD’ers!

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    Francine Long  almost 13 years ago

    Awwk, I’m too tired to think or write a reasonable post but I wanted to check in to let everyone know I haven’t fallen off the end of the earth.

    You might remember I told you all that I take care of a mentally challenged almost 60 year old fellow. I sold a house to his family and got to be friends with them. His parents passed on and he was left to fend for himself.

    When his dad dies the rest of the family wanted to put him in managed care but he would have to get rid of his dog, whom he loves insanely, and his pick up truck. So I volunteered to be his surrogate mom or maybe his big sister and to take care of all of his bills and needs and, well, just everything. I just couldn’t stand to see him have to get rid of his dog. That would have destroyed him!

    I got a call from the water company that his property was using an unreasonable amount of water and they thought there was a broken pipe somwewhere. So we went out there yesterday…I think yesterday or the day before, and found that his toilet was running full out and water was running like an open hose. The water regulator in the toilet was broken and was not truning the water off. The excess water was just running down the drain and into the sewer. Besides that, the toilet tank was broken between the seal between the tank and the toilet and was leaking a lot down the back of the toilet and onto the floor.

    The bathroom floor was covered in carpet, fashinable years ago when kitchen carpets were all the vogue, and it was sopping wet. We had to turn off the water, then pull up the completely soaked carpet and pad and peel it back and then try to wipe up and dry the actual plywood flooring under the ruined carpet to minimize the damage to the wood.

    After we had things moderately under control I asked him how come he didn’t notice the carpet was soaked. He said, “I would have if I were barefoot but I wear shoes.”. He just didn’t notice this flood in the barhroom floor and it had been there for well over a week as far as we can tell.

    Oh, there is a lot more to this ongoing story. More later if you are interested. Right now, I have to get to bed. I am so done!

    I’m thinking of you all with a smile and lots of love, noicant, Dry, StelBel, Citizen Grog, Cleokaya, Sugie, Serenaskitty, Plods, Nighthawks, Lonewolf, Greg Trail. x_Tech, Chefwen, Shickamoo, good Buddies All!

    More on my adventures later.

    I haven’t had time to read the comments but I noticed that noicant got a clean bill of health on his termite report. GOOD GOING!!!!!

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