Jen Sorensen for August 10, 2009

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Neither the existence of nuts like “birthers” nor an exaggerated bit of propaganda like today’s strip should distact from the genuine issue of whether America should have socialized medicine. (Jen doesn’t like the term “Obama-Care”? How about “Castro-Care” instead?)

    I recently heard a view that made a lot of sense to me. The Right understands the Left, even while totally disagreeing with them, but the Left is unable to understand the Right, which causes the Left to assume that anyone who disagrees with them must be crazy. Thus today’s “Slowpoke”.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Wow, let’s hear some more. I love the view that pschearer “heard”. Well, that must be comforting to know that the right is right and the left is wrong! I guess there’s be nothing more to talk about, then.

    Anyhoo, HQ, are you just pulling stuff out of your @ss?? Really. I can top your “how about”. Obamacare will require all white babies to be skinned alive. Their skins will be saved, stitched together to make white skin costumes for dark people to wear so that they can infiltrate our real American ranks, and then not ONLY will there be fewer white babies to deal with, but all dark people will suddenly throw off their stolen white skins and take over!!!!!! It’s right there on page 479 of the bill, right where it says that skin conditions will be covered!!!

    HQ, you are sort of making the cartoonists point for her. You see that, don’t you? Your turn, tho. Let’s hear some more “facts”! Bigger better fears, please!!

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    It’s true, however, that I am unable to understand the fringe right. I’m also unable to understand people who are cruel to small animals, too.

    I think what fringe righties “understand” is that at this point, it’s politically correct for them to scream, red-faced and neck vein popping. The repub leaders have said it’s OK and reasonable to scream, so they do. It’s the type of leadership breakdown that caused a, ahem, few bad apples to go all fringe at Abu Ghraib and scream/torture.

    Righties, be careful of those who tell you that you are completely justified in ANY destructive thing if it’s “patriotic”. All of us must do that.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t represent nobody but myself, fool. Now here’s the point: By fringe rightie standards, anything I say is just as true as truth. If I state angrily that I KNOW Obama will target white babies force-aborted at 9 months, and I assert that it’s in the bill on page so and so, I’m guaranteed just as much airtime as a non-insane person. FoxNews will actually, all day long, address these insane talking points, by saying “Is it true that the healthcare bill will roast aborted babies?” They aren’t asserting it directly, mind you, but fringe fearmongers will take it and run with it.

    So, to our amusement, you gasp and say that mentioning anything about “white” just pushes the discourse way too far and betrays my racist motive. Did you gasp at Ms. Palin’s hypocracy when she again pushed her baby in front of us and lied about the healthcare bill? Nope. You melted at her batting eyes and her “I’m just a grizzly bear mommy fighting for my pitbull children, also!”

    Your ideas for “how about this and that!” will be passed on to the cartoonist, I’m sure. She only has so many panels to work with. It’s not possible to post ALL your paranoid rightie fear points in one cartoon.

    Here’s a good point from a blog I like. Discuss if you’d like, or just let me know what else is in the bill, like government subsidized alien probing, K?,-We-Give-Up

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  5. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    ezdeb, don’t draw the line on small animals—-cruelty to any living creature by a human being in the position do so is the worst kind of behavior imaginable

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    It’s true, nh. I am the one who has to rid the outside of our home of yellowjackets. Personally, I don’t get the insects riled; we seem to be able to check each other out and go our separate ways. But my husband draws them like, um, stinging hate-filled animals that have sent him to the ER 3 times in the 12 years we’ve lived here. So they don’t get to live 1) on the house 2) on the carport 3) on the pumphouse.

    But, oh, I so hate to bring death to that little nest! I know it sounds all mushy to others, but I hate to be the destroyer of anyone’s world. They don’t attack me; they decide they can live with me, they get busy chewing paper, doin’ their cool wasp thing, and then, one early morning, while every single wasp is home, just waking up, here I come with a dose of nerve agent and it’s over.

    Deliberate cruelty is completely beyond me; I try to just imagine being a U.S. military employee in a torture room, standing over a person in terror. You’re about to inflict pain and fear on that person, and… do it. Unfathomable.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    HQ, I wasn’t talkin’ to you. Nighthawks talked about hurting other living things. If you looked upthread, I said I didn’t understand fringe rightwingers any more than I understand ppl who would hurt small animals. Did you just read one post up and knee-jerk your way to your keyboard?

    We know you hate Nancy Pelosi.

    We know you think all liberals are dead beats who want free stuff directly from your pocket.

    We know that you think it’s unbelievable that any solution to any American problem is Ferk you, HQ got his own.

    We know you can’t spell worth a da rn.

    Was there anything new you wanted to contribute?

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  8. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    Sure health care is a right. So s food, housing, cable TV, and alcohol. Heaven forbid that the non-productive not have the benefits of the workers labor

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    ezdeb, my congratulations on holding your own so well here. I like your posts.

    And Lewreader, are you really suggesting that all people without health insurance are somehow non-productive members of society? You don’t think you’d like to reconsider that assertion?

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  10. Missing large
    garryrc  almost 15 years ago

    If tofu was people, it would taste better.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Thank you tpenna.

    Lewreader, look at the living standard of countries who leave their citizens to fend for themselves in regards to their health.

    There’s a difference between those countries and those that provide a general foundation so their citizens can look toward productivity instead of looking for a way to merely survive. The difference is called civilization.

    Health care IS a basic human need. So is food and so is housing. I’m not sure why you veer into cable TV and alcohol, tho. Some of these things are not like the others, as Sesame Street used to say.

    Garryrc, If they’d label it “real American” or “fake American”, then I’d know which people-tofu to buy. I like to buy “Real American”.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    HQ sez: “Our country is built that you sink or swim on your own accord”. Here’s a question for you.

    Remember the situation in which coal mining companies paid their employees in company scrip, not real American dollars? They were paid almost nothing for incredibly dangerous, important work, and when they got paid, the only choice they had was to spend their wages at company owned stores, where the prices had magically gone up hundreds % since the day before payday.

    This was the “foundation” of industry in the early part of the 20th century. How in the world do you think that those employees could “sink or swim on their OWN accord” when the deck of freedom is already stacked so heavily against them? The system was reformed and workers have more freedoms now. Is that reform a bad thing to you?

    The “foundation” of healthcare delivery in the early part of the 21st century looks a lot like the coal industry did. Insurance companies and pharma stack the deck against YOUR fellow citizens in order to maximize profit. The coal company did not really care if their workers died early painful deaths, and the insurance companies do not care, either. Why do you feel you need to defend this “fundamental principal”?

    So I’m not sure why you call me destructive when I and others advocate that the foundation itself is not American.

    Technically, those coal miners could move away if they really hated working in the place their families had lived for generations. They could move away and try to get work where the air is clean. YOUR fellow citizens cannot even do that, because to unhook from a current job and it’s “company store” healthcare means to lose all the foundation and safety net if someone crashes into you or you have a child.

    So I guess I’m OK with rebuilding the foundation.

    You should read Andrew Carnegie’s work called “Private Fortunes for Public Benefit”. You can google it to see what a real American capitalist thought of these issues.

    I look forward to any reply.

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    HQ, cute insult. I’m surprised you didn’t accuse her of being there for a public euthenasia by the president. Could you take a moment to look one post up and answer my question?

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    Good job, HQ. good job. A real American…

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    tpenna  almost 15 years ago

    I’d just like to point out here that the one accusing ezdeb of ceaselessly chanting “hope and change” couldn’t be bothered with the actual argument that ezdeb put forward.

    Instead, this critic of the chanters of “hope and change” proceeded to spew forth nothing but the conservative talking points about “socialism rolling in” and “failed ideals”.

    What a complete loser!

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    ezdeb  almost 15 years ago

    HQ’s motto, remember, is “No, America Can’t!”

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