Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 22, 2009
Lyle: You're so going to choose the cheeseburger, dude! Alex: Oh yeah? How do you know, Lyle? Lyle: Probability. You always choose the cheeseburger. Alex: What if today is an anomaly? Precisely because you introduced a new variable, certainty? What then? Do you think I should be on a diet, Drew? Drew: You? Please. Why? Alex: I need to get into the game, get my girl on. Drew: You mean dating? Alex: I do. How is it I'm a junior and still haven't had a single relationship? Drew: You're at MIT? Alex: So what? Even engineers have to breed. And I'm a catch - cute, smart, completely unafraid of commitment! I mean, I'm set to go! I'm a shovel-ready girlfriend! Drew: Shovel-ready? Boy: Excuse me? I couldn't help but hear... Alex: Pass. But thanks. And good luck!
cleokaya about 16 years ago
He looks like a young Zonker to me.
jnik23260 about 16 years ago
I thought she’d done it with Zipper!
billydub about 16 years ago
In Zipper’s dreams!
JonD17 about 16 years ago
Engineers breed??? gasp! All these years I’ve wasted!! I guess my latest invention will be useless then.
JonD17 about 16 years ago
But, she DID get the cheeseburger!
JonD17 about 16 years ago
last one; and look in panel 4, that’s young Earl in line behind her
DesultoryPhillipic about 16 years ago
Shovel-ready! I can dig that!
Ermine Notyours about 16 years ago
“Shovel ready?” There has to be something about planting a seed….
Radical-Knight about 16 years ago
Zipper has Black hair and a mustache with his goatee, besides Zipper attends Walden.
Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago
And Zipper has been told no way, no how, before.
runar about 16 years ago
That guy’s more like scoop-ready.
tcambeul about 16 years ago
They all look like young Zonker or Earl. Trudo’s canuck imagination.
4deerinmyyard about 16 years ago
Earl’s a blond.