Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 19, 2009
Roland: "In line for coffee." Voice: Help you? Roland: "About to order skinny latte." I'll take a skinny latte. "I refuse to apologize for making time for my kid's ball games. So I usually end up not going. Twinterviewed jihadist at Kabul KFC. Common ground: we both hate the Yankees. Difference: he hates all the other teams, too. Gay inroads aside, still believe marriage is sacred institution. Even my second marriage was holy hell. Despite respect for Sam Champion's realtime surgery Tweetage, prefer to remove my cancerous lesions w/cigarette lighter in privacy of my Porsche. If you re-Tweet this to your followers, and they do the same, within 7 days, you will receive $1 million in quarters." Man: Roland? Roland? Roland? Roland: "Wondering what I used to do with the two hours a day I now Tweet. Probably just wasted them."
gustep12 over 15 years ago
Eeww… The cigarette lighter thing in the Porsche was a really gross image. I bet there is some actual real-life precedent for this, because this is too weird to dream up.
marvlincoln over 15 years ago
Twittermania: The clueless and self-obsessed are all around us. Are you one of Them? My motto: The less said, the better.
Rodney99 over 15 years ago
2 kinds of people on Twitter: The ones who think their lives are so interesting EVERYONE wants to hear every little detail about them, and the ones who have no life of their own so they live vicariously through others.
Ginrummy33 over 15 years ago
My grandfather used to remove warts with a hot soldering iron. A little more precise than that cigarette lighter.
rebeccalwillis Premium Member over 15 years ago
Hey come on. Twitter is just fun. Don’t get all bent out of shape over it.
Donaldo Premium Member over 15 years ago
twinterviewed. A new verb has emerged.
reocare over 15 years ago
panel 5 is hilarious
Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago
‘all the twitter seems about nothing’
Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago
I think twitterviewed sounds better. Except now it sounds like I looked at him somehow. Twinterviewed it is, I guess. Except now it sounds like I interviewed two people who shared joint custody of a womb.
Mstfyd over 15 years ago
I have nooooooooooo time for twitter! Barely have time for the Facebook page, email, the MySpace page has cobwebs. I kind of think twitter is like the people person who interrupts whatever you are doing with a phone call, has nothing to say, but wants company & thinks being alone = lonely. expletive deleted
Bany39 over 15 years ago
marvlincoln amen!! To many self absorbed with to much time
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Interesting joke, here. It disparages Roland for being so narcissistic and trivial and a time-waster, yet EVERYBODY’S following him. We have met the enemy …
turoc15 over 15 years ago
countoftowergrove over 15 years ago
Sorry, GT, but Roland Hedley in your strip is quite enough, thank you.
tlee61 over 15 years ago
Roland’s tweets are sometimes the only ones I read.
caseyroberson over 13 years ago
Is this the first time Roland’s wife (wives) and kid have been mentioned?
Zesty over 3 years ago
Well, that was a bust: some interloper took that address in 2012, stopped using it in 2013.