Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for October 17, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    Always strive for a lower consciousness….

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  2. Missing large
    EarlWash  over 15 years ago

    With all that much sugar you aught to take off into the wild blue again, only this time without any balloon.

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  3. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 15 years ago

    Three bowls of chocolate frosted sugar bombs…just what a kid needs for breakfast!

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  4. Hyacinth macaw
    sjoujke  over 15 years ago

    Even better than three bowls of Froot Loops.

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  5. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    At least Calvin is letting his parents sleep in.

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  6. Hobbesheart
    tis4kis  over 15 years ago

    Who knew tigers liked toast, never mind are able to butter it. I guess opposable thumbs aren’t so special after all.

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  7. Bill 1960
    Vista Bill Raley and Comet™  over 15 years ago

    Lonewolf said, “At least Calvin is letting his parents sleep in.” Yes. But for how long?

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    JerryGorton  over 15 years ago

    Vista Bill: They always pay dearly for Calvin’s unsupervised time!! Wonder if it is worth it.

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    jrbj  over 15 years ago

    I think Calvin is the reason for Prozac and Zoloft. First you dose Calvin with it and then you dose yourself. On the other hand, a couple or three double bourbons over ice puts the drugs to shame.

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    rshive  over 15 years ago

    Very transcendental. Try it sometime.

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    Puddleglum2  over 15 years ago

    The “Balloon Boy” case is still ‘up in the air’. Did Falcon hide because his father yells at him often, or did he hide because his father never or hardly ever yells at him? Does the boy have strange personality quirks or idiosyncrasies? Why did Falcon stay hidden as long as he did? The father explained the boy’s answer about doing it for a show, but is it an honest explanation? The family does ‘strange’, unusual, even potentially dangerous things at times. Was it a hoax for publicity and attention? I’d rather have been in that balloon than hanging onto Calvin’s balloon. I wonder whether that balloon has any commercial possibilities.

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    Dino-1  over 15 years ago

    Hello everyone! Catching up on things after a rough cold. Got my regular flu shot and I’m still waiting for the one to prevent Swine Flu and I’ll be armed for the winter. I was a big fan of Lucky Charms and Kaboom cereal when I was a kid. I could put away two bowls sometimes but don’t remember having three. It was all about the marshmallows! I used to watch Saturday morning cartoons with my Dad. He loved watching them as much as I did. We watched all the cartoons they show on the cable channel called Boomerang here. Dad’s favorites were Tom and Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Elmer Fudd and Daffy Duck, and the Roadrunner with Willie Coyote.

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  13. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    I’m surprised that no one’s chimed in with “I’ve got friends in low places…” :))

    New avatar and updated display name, BTW.

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  14. Real government
    CogentModality  over 15 years ago

    How did taking a shot for something that went around last year and has already mutated into something else protect you from the flu you just admitted you had? As for the Swine Flu shot, I hope you like mercury, aluminum and a whole host of other adjuvants because that’s just what you’re going to get in a untested vaccine.

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    userdce  over 15 years ago

    Happy Diwali to all from India

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  16. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I used to eat a cereal called Alpha Bits when I was a kid. I don’t think they make it any more because I haven’t seen it on store shelves. Honeycomb, Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks & Frootloops were some of the other cereals that I think I ate most when I was a kid.

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  17. Reddog
    unemandarine  over 15 years ago

    I love cereal! Apple Jacks and Froot Loops were my favorite when I was little, now I love Cracklin’ Oat Bran

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  18. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    They’ve changed cereals a lot from when I was a kid, they taste funny, at least the sugar ones. I loved Apple Jacks and Captain Crunch. Now I eat the more healthy ones or oatmeal.

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  19. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  over 15 years ago

    Able to create all those problems for his parents in one swell foop.

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    prasrinivara  over 15 years ago

    I used to love Cocoa Crispies (dry–it’s a disaster if you put milk in it) with “Funshine Saturday” (cable from Spokane) on Saturdays in Calgary in the early-mid 1970’s.

    Bourbon, jrbj–can’t you at least go for good quality scotch or cognac instead?

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  21. Destiny
    Destiny23  over 15 years ago

    Alpha Bits are still around. I used to get them once a year as a treat when I was a kid, and as an adult I bought them occasionally as a treat. But a couple of years ago Post switched all their cereals to “whole grain”. As a result Alpha Bits now taste terrible. So much for my childhood treat. And they’re still loaded with sugar, so they’re by no means a healthy breakfast! Their new slogan should be “Bad for you and taste bad too!”

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  22. Dscf0004
    ninmas  over 15 years ago

    that’s me.

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  23. Missing large
    Octogenarian  over 15 years ago

    Does anyone beside myself remember Ralston Cereal,oatmeal, or Wheaties? Or even Shredded Wheat?

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  24. Poindexter
    JTGAM  over 15 years ago

    I do but I would actually rather forget the Shredded Wheat. It was like chewing on a bale of hay. My mom said it was good for me and I believe her now. It was like swallowing (when you could swallow) a push broom. Cleaned out upper and lower intestines! No Thanks, give me good ol’ Sugar Froasted Chocalate Bombs anytime!

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  25. Dscn7190 small
    stuart  over 15 years ago

    Real life 6 year old boy (thought to be) in balloon story:

    @james, kids can get by with white flour for a while (but it still causes long term damage to the intestines over time). At 50, fiber keeps me out of the hospital. It is not the sugar frosted chocolate part that is the problem (unless you are prone to diabetes), but the lack of fiber. My favorite dessert is whole wheat carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. Yummy at any age!

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  26. Avatar1   hobbes
    TapiocaHead  over 15 years ago

    Eating cereal is always a transcendental experience.

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  27. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 15 years ago

    A mind is a beautiful thing to waste. Sugar rules!

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  28. Br
    zerotsm  over 15 years ago

    I never could stand those sugar cereals, it was usually General Mills Cheerios, Shredded Wheat or a house brand variant of toasted oats if mom didn’t have time to make a real breakfast. Maybe that’s why I never had a tooth cavity in my life, that and naturally high fluoride levels in the water where I lived when I was growing up.

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    jpozenel  over 15 years ago

    My ritual is drinking coffee and reading the online comic strips.

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  30. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    like calvin really needs all that chocolate and sugar….. he is such a mellow lottle bot

    my favorite cereal as a kid and still is now is shredded wheat.

    i know i am weird but i have always liked it

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  31. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    @zerotsm, I think in another strip Calvin reveals that he adds a few spoonfuls of sugar to his Chocolate Frosted Sugar Bombs! Even Hobbes thought it was “Sweet!” that way–although with much rolling of eyes.

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  32. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Destiny23 Thanks for the warning.

    I’ve recently taken to eating Honey-Nut Cheerios dry at the office, because I am positivley sick of oatmeal. At my age they taste sweet enough without adding sugar. To think as a kid I used to add sugar to my cereals. With shredded wheat, you couldn’t add enough sugar.

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    cwreenactor  over 15 years ago


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  34. Old joe
    ratlum  over 15 years ago

    Good for a kid to control his moods with a cereal My cereal was Nabisco Shredded wheat Cant get that brand any more but sure miss it

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  35. Veggie tales
    Yukoner  over 15 years ago

    I’m with Calvin on this. Achieving a lower consciousness is a good thing. In fact, I have been so successful in this that in another four or five seconds I will become completely unconscious. It should happen right about n

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  36. 4160011624 c21d89ec13
    Ldywldkat  over 15 years ago

    No wonder I never liked shredded wheat.. even when they tried to fool us with the smaller spoon size with powdered sugar on them. Oh by the way you can still buy Shredded Wheat here in KY.. For a small fee I can buy some and mail to anyone who wants some… smile Now for today’s history listen:

    The following description and history of this cereal is from a court ruling in the 1938 case of Kellogg Company v. National Biscuit Company:

    Shredded wheat is a product composed of whole wheat which has been boiled, partially dried, then drawn or pressed out into thin shreds and baked. The shredded wheat biscuit generally known is pillow-shaped in form. It was introduced in 1893 by Henry D. Perky, of Colorado; and he was connected until his death in 1908 with companies formed to make and market the article. Commercial success was not attained until the Natural Food Company built, in 1901, a large factory at Niagara Falls, New York. In 1908, its corporate name was changed to “The Shredded Wheat Company”; and in 1930 its business and goodwill were acquired by National Biscuit Company which is called Nabisco today.

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  37. Image001
    grammahotsho  over 15 years ago

    I remember the cereals from 60 years ago. One of my favorites was Ruskets.

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  38. Hypnotoad
    all-hail-hypnotoad  over 15 years ago

    Forget cereals, I miss those awesome 80’s Saterday morning cartoons, “Thunder Cats!! HO!!”

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  39. Pogomarch
    MatureCanadian  over 15 years ago

    We were never allowed the sweetened cereals. Muffets or shredded wheat, oatmeal or creme of wheat (ick). To make the muffets taste better, my Mother always poured boiling water over them, drained it off then added sugar. The boiling water would soften the shredded wheat and actually made them quite palatable. For a treat we got brown sugar and cinnamon! The rest of the time it was eggs, boiled not fried with toast fingers.

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