Actually, a lot of democrats had a lot more to say, and were making up their own responses, instead of relying on Fox to tell them what to think.
the rest were just caving in.
kren, no fainting, no whining, just pointing out what’s obvious to folks who take the time to think things out instead of listening to the fringes from either side.
mike I’ve gotta agree with you …. I don’t discuss politics on principal ; BUT …… HAS ANYTHING REALLY CHANGED ? When will we realize bi-partinsonship is only giving more chances to bulls*it fat-cats to pump up worthless , money hoarding bills. Wether repub or demo; they’re all sitting down at the same table , eating the same $200 steak WE all payed for at the end of the day!
Donaldo Premium Member over 15 years ago
Derf understands Americans.
MisngNOLA over 15 years ago
Hey, it worked for the Democrats.
Karl Hiller over 15 years ago
I think MisngNOLA needs a fainting couch, quick! Someone call a WAAHmbulance!
hookedoncomics over 15 years ago
What do the children have to do with it? Politics as usual.
grim509 over 15 years ago
ah yes, it was so different with the democrats when republicans held the majorities…
wait… war protests… repub convention protests, folks heckling bush… every liberal commentator going nonstop… comparing repubs to nazis….
yup.. things were so much different back then!!
mikeut66 over 15 years ago
I used to be a flag waving rah rah American optimist.
But now I say: A pox on both parties.
I despair wondering if there is even the remotest chance of seeing some effective and intelligent national leadership from either side of the aisle.
bobgent over 15 years ago
Actually, a lot of democrats had a lot more to say, and were making up their own responses, instead of relying on Fox to tell them what to think. the rest were just caving in.
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
Yes, if you are in favor of freedom, you must be crazy. Right, Derf?
MisngNOLA over 15 years ago
kren, no fainting, no whining, just pointing out what’s obvious to folks who take the time to think things out instead of listening to the fringes from either side.
onthebrink over 15 years ago
mike I’ve gotta agree with you …. I don’t discuss politics on principal ; BUT …… HAS ANYTHING REALLY CHANGED ? When will we realize bi-partinsonship is only giving more chances to bulls*it fat-cats to pump up worthless , money hoarding bills. Wether repub or demo; they’re all sitting down at the same table , eating the same $200 steak WE all payed for at the end of the day!
Magnaut over 15 years ago
Charles Brobst Premium Member over 15 years ago
Obama should get rid of half his own party and start a new one, Sensible Mature Americans! Sadly it would remain a minority.