Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 26, 2008

  1. Anyahair 1
    zonarius  over 16 years ago

    Non Sequitur won’t be printed in any of Mr Murdoch’s papers after he hears about this strip.

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  2. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  over 16 years ago

    We can only live in hope.

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    Delawarebob  over 16 years ago

    Coastal Eddie could only be an improvement 

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    robertsewellca  over 16 years ago

    Danae is my comic strip hero.

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    reader01  over 16 years ago

    I hope some day to see you do a strip about the hundreds of thousands of lies told by the liberal “news” media. But of course you never will, because that requires you to be honest.

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  6. Danae
    Wiley creator over 16 years ago

    “I hope some day to see you do a strip about the hundreds of thousands of lies told by the liberal “news” media. ”

    Such as

    Secondly, there is no “liberal news media”. There hasn’t been for many years. It’s all corporately owned.

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    Technojunkie  over 16 years ago

    Such as Dan Rather’s swearing that documents printed with a 1970’s version of Microsoft Word were genuine

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  8. Danae
    Wiley creator over 16 years ago

    “Wiley, Liberals own corporations too.”

    Again, such as

    And, Technojunkie, the report you’re referring to about George Bush’s record with the National Guard was true. It was one piece of the documentation that was untrue. To this day, no one ever refuted the accuracy of the report itself, which is central to the lawsuit Rather has filed against CBS.

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  9. Hix8jcafq38ykcahzgk4ica7yjqwncanznwn0cabhg37sca0xdg9wcaq7nrxyca1i6mytca0ckoyhcagkcf42ca01k9zkcazaaft5ca1b4kj3cab3vjvkcafw5x50caylpbjfcau0pghjcayzqgx5carfgc37
    hcrobin85  over 16 years ago

    unfortunately, Danae, Rupert Murdoch has so much money he could probably BUY his own prison for himself, and turn it into Club Med for all the other rich folks who broke the law!!!

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    The two wealthiest liberals that I know of are Warren Buffett (owner of Berkeshire Hathaway) and Bill Gates (former owner of Microsoft). Buffett is more politically outspoken that Gates (and he is even richer).

    Actually, they are the two wealthiest people that I know of (since I don't know who Carlos Slim HelĂș, #2 according to Forbes, is).

    Mind you, I'm not saying that Buffett and Gates are wrong.

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  11. Danae
    Wiley creator over 16 years ago

    What makes you think Bill Gates is a liberal?

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  12. Water lilies
    peterkeenan  over 16 years ago

    Glad to see that dear old Rupe is held in about as much esteem as we hold him, here in Australia. At least one of his papers here still can’t believe the conservatives lost the last election.

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  13. Possum
    Possum Pete  over 16 years ago

    Of course Gates is a liberal. He gives money to people that need it. How much more liberal can you get?

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    oredox  over 16 years ago
    Rupert could be cellmates with the fabulists of CNN and the oh so balanced Chris Mathews. Oredox
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    madgerault  over 16 years ago

    This is not the cartoon that was in my Sunday paper (10/26) (not a Murdoch publication). Does Wiley offer different cartoons for papers to choose from?

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  16. Danae
    Wiley creator over 16 years ago

    Apparently your paper opted not to run this cartoon and reprinted an older one. Which newspaper is it, and which cartoon did they run?

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    Wildmustang1262  over 16 years ago

.TMI! sheesh!

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    madgerault  over 16 years ago

    Re: substituted comic in the 10/26 Newark (NJ) Star-Ledger. The comic showed people struggling up the side of a mountain to a guru’s cave, while, below, the guru waited to take the elevator. The sign at the top read “Answers for an easier life.” The cartoon was dated 10/26.

    Edit: I went back and checked the copyright date. It was 2006.

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    LeonardWatson  over 16 years ago

    It looks like Capt. Eddie actually has more experience with the military and foreign policy than Obama does. Let’s replace Obama with Capt. Eddie at least then we might actually get aa definition of what he means by the word change instead of a bunch of Liberal rambling that sounds eloquent but says nothing!

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    tobybartels  over 16 years ago

    Wiley asked:

    What makes you think Bill Gates is a liberal?

    One month before that (September 27), Wiley defined ‘liberal’:

    lib·er·al adj.

    a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.

    Gates is not politically outspoken, but here are a few items that we know:

    He believes that capitalism should be revised to better serve the poor (‘creative capitalism’ is his buzzword):

    His foundation's scholarship program is for racial minorities only (for which conservatives criticise him): (follow the links in the two references)

    He supported liberal causes directly in the past:

    As a good businessman, his campaign contributions now are pretty balanced, so that doesn't tell us much:

    Call him a ‘moderate’ if you like, but your own definition of ‘liberal’ is so broad that most moderates (and quite a few conservatives) are covered. So I conclude that Bill is a liberal.

    More to the original point: Nearly all of the news media is liberal by your definition. You can't have it both ways: quoting the dictionary to show that being a liberal is pretty tame and nothing to complain about, then claiming that the owners of media corporations (because of their wealth, I assumed, but maybe that's not your reason) automatically don't qualify.

    (For what it's worth, I find the political opinions of the mainstream media to be, well, mainstream and moderate. Personally, I prefer alternative media with a wide variety of strong opinions. Oh, and I like funny comics that touch on political topics, too, which is why I'm here.)

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    MagusCGM  over 16 years ago

    It’s only the “liberal” news media if the story isn’t “pro conservative”.

    I remember catching an episode of Fox News where they were complaining about how the Washington Post had run more positive Obama articles than McCain and had run more negative McCain articles than Obama.

    1) Pot-Kettle-Black for Fox News to ever jump on any other news outlet for being one sided. Because I’m sure their ratio of positive/negative reports on Obama/McCain will be very equal.

    2) They still reported negative things about Obama and they still reported positive articles about McCain. Its not being a liberal media outlet, its reporting what there is to report.

    Honestly I would like anyone to give me an example of a News outlet that constantly makes sure that they post as many pro articles as anti articles on any subject. Because honestly to me it’d be a waste of time.

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    phoenixnyc  almost 2 years ago

    Hope you’re enjoying the Dominion settlement, Wiley – can’t wait to see what SmartMatic does to them.

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