Danae: Hurry up!! Joe: OK... now what? Kate: The calendar moves too slow for Danae this time of year. Voice from television: But it will have to wait four more weeks when the new administration takes over... Joe: Oh... I know how she feels...
attyush about 16 years ago
I am also sitting at the edge of my seat waiting to see the miracles happen.
h2oman about 16 years ago
Take over your freedoms, take over your guns, take over your health care, take over your life as you know it.
losinggeneration about 16 years ago
@h2oman: I hope you realize that we lost more freedoms in the last 8 years than what the next administration could even hope to take away in 50.
zhuanshalaji about 16 years ago
huz the other kid?
prasrinivara about 16 years ago
Zhuan Laji, the “other kid” is Danae’s sister Kate
cleokaya about 16 years ago
I remember how slowly time passed as a child. Now I blink and a week has passed.
twright64 about 16 years ago
losinggeneration: Wanna bet? Oh! you dupes have already made that losing bet!
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
losinggeneration What are you smoking? January 20, 2009 is the begining of the end. That is the day the newly elected president of the US begins the destruction of the liberty and freedoms that make the US great. Shortly after that horrible day he will take the remaining steps in his quest to bring the US to its knees before the almighty United Nations. Everything we Americans hold as sacred, everything our veterans have died for over the last 200+ years is in danger of being taken away. Soon we will no longer have the right to protect ourselves, soon we will no longer have the right to speak our opinions freely. America stands at the precipice of disaster while the blind celebrate. Soon the US will be no different than any of the other countries of the world.
bilson Premium Member about 16 years ago
mygoodness LeonrdWatson, calm down and think it through. You will be losing none of the rights you are talking about in the next four or eight years. So take the clip out of your 9mm, warm up a glass of milk and get back to work.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
bilson You cannot actually believe what you wrote? Obama has already vowed to reinstate the failed Clinton gun ban, he has already talked of (and voted for in the Illinois Senate) taxing ammunition to the point that it becomes too expensive to purchase. In his brief and ineffective stint as an Illinois senator he voted with the gun control freaks everytime. He has vowed to support gun control at every step. During his campaign he threatend to sue a local TV broadcaster and have their FCC license revoked for airiing an NRA sponsored commercial detailing his draconian anti-gun stance thus violating that stations first amendment rights. He was backed financially and personally by anti-American puppeteer George Soros throughout his election. If you do not think that Obama was stategically placed into office by anti-American forces to sell out the rights and freedoms of America then you are either not paying attention or are one of the blind liberals who simply follow the orders of the democratic party.
Logicman about 16 years ago
Hey, LeonrdWatson, I don’t recall ALL of America’s rights being contained in the SECOND amendment. What about the others that GW has been trouncing on the last 8 years, and the concept Geo Washington trumped about ‘we won’t torture because we need to show the world we’re better than our enemies’? Awww, it’s Christmas time, so I’ll give it a rest. You’re entitled to your paranoid opinion as much as the next guy. Just be sure you aren’t shooting that 9mm with the currently cheap ammunition clip at a group of kids caroling in your neighborhood, OK?
GuntotingLiberal about 16 years ago
I always sigh when I read posts like these. Of all the problems going on with the US, why does it end up being someone taking away your GUNS that so many people get their knickers in a twist over. Where was this passion for your rights when they said they were going to tap your phones and virtually strip search you in airports? Or how about when they said they were going to suspend your right to a fair and speedy trial if you happened to be accused of being a terrorist? Oh no, THOSE rights, implied and explicit, are less important than an antiquated mandate to bear arms… in defense of the nation.
I happen to notice your stance on the Clinton gun ban. I dunno if you were aware or not that it grandfathered into acceptability assault rifles that were around prior to 1994.
Also, I can’t believe the average yokel is against social programs like health care. Is there a legitimate reason for this that you guys can spell out? Or is it just because some senators who are making money on HMOs call it socialism and people are too ADD to read anything further into it?
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
Logicman I never said that every American right was contained in the 2nd Amendment. However, the 2nd Amendment is the one God given and Constitutionally protected right we Americans have that ensures the rest of our rights remain intact. If we allow Obama and the rest of the anti-American politicains to take away that right what is to stop them from taking away the rest of our rights? Further, if you had actually read my post you would have seen that I also showed how Obama tried to infringe on one TV stations 1st Amendment right to free speech. Do not assume that just because I think for myself and believe in America that I think everything GW Bush has done is right. He has made his share of mistakes, but to blaame him for everything that is wrong in America today is completely unfair. And to have voted for Obama simply because he is of a different party than GW Bush only shows ignorance.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
GuntotingLiberal It is not only the infringement of our 2nd Amendment rights that gets conservatives up in arms. I am not in favor of illegally tapping phones or strip searching citizens at airports. However, remember that the only people in America that have the rights granted in the Constitution are citizens of America. If you are not a citizen then you do not automatically have the rights and freedoms granted by the US Constitution. You obviously have a faulty understanding of the 2nd amendment because you wrote “an antiquated mandate to bear arms… in defense of the nation.” The 2nd amendment does not now, nor has it ever been a right given to citizens to defend our nation. It is and always was an individual right to protect yourself, family, and porperty and in the event the formal military needed assistance to provide an armed militia. If you are an able bodied citizen between the ages of 12 - 65, you are a part of that militia whether you like or not. You also said “I happen to notice your stance on the Clinton gun ban. I dunno if you were aware or not that it grandfathered into acceptability assault rifles that were around prior to 1994.” This satement clearly shows your ignorance of guns and 2nd amendment rights. The Clinton gun ban was never truly aimed at assault rifles but at guns that looked military or were semi-automatic in nature. By definition an assault rifle is a fully automatic weapon which have been legally restricted for decades. The way a gun looks or the fact that it is semi-automatic, or the number of rounds it is capable of holding in the magazine does not make it an assault rifle, except under the failed clinton gun ban. Finally, as to other social programs. Socialized healthcare is a proven failure in every country that provides it, why would we want to implement a program that we already know is going to fail?
eln about 16 years ago
The Bill of Rights enumerates the rights that all men inherently have, and that the federal government is not allowed to infringe upon. The Constitution does not GRANT rights, it prohibits the government from INFRINGING on rights that all people are endowed with by their Creator.
The Constitution makes a clear distinction between the terms “person” and “citizen” at several points. If the term “person” is used, it means all people, not just citizens of the US. Most of the rights in the Bill of Rights are explicitly granted to “persons”, while only a few (like the right to vote) are granted to “citizens” only.
Given all this, it’s clear that the intent of the Bill of Rights is to enumerate the rights of ALL people (except where the word “citizen” is explicitly used) which the government is not allowed to infringe upon, wherever the government operates. This is why the US government infringing on the rights of foreigners, even while operating in their countries, is unconstitutional (except in time of declared war, in which case another set of rules applies). The Constitution grants the government power. The Bill of Rights limits what the government can do with that power.
Wildmustang1262 about 16 years ago
Boy, the time of this 2008 year flew fast than our eyes blinked! Hopefully, the new 2009 year will be better?
GuntotingLiberal about 16 years ago
I do happen to be a citizen. I hope that puts your fears to rest. Forgive me for the gross oversimplification that the second amendment is to keep and bear arms as part of the militia which is “necessary to the security of a free state” being generally the defense of the nation. If it makes you feel better, I can say the idea of the defense of the nation. I still consider the ideology antique as of the end of the wild wild west.
I would ask you to define your idea of failure in the context of socialized medicine. I happen to be living abroad in one such country where I would consider it, while not perfect in every regard, definitely a vast improvement over the situation of my family still living stateside, beggared by hospital bills from my brother’s run-in with Ewing’s sarcoma over a decade ago.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
GuntotingLiberal, As to your healthcare question, simply put long waits for sub-standard care is the most obvious. Government deciding what is best for you and not you and your Dr. is another example. Finally, no competition and low-pay leads to lazy practiotioners who have no motivation to keep current on the latest information. I have a cousin who is a Dr. in a country with socialized medicine. He tells of all kinds of horror stories that could fill volumes. Fortunately, the country he lives/practices in has socialized medicine, but also now has thriving private medical care for those who will pay for it. He will tell you that the fastest and best care is provided in the private sector. It is essential that we keep government out of all areas of our private lives to the fullest extent possible.
ninmas about 16 years ago
danae is back! yay! :)
GuntotingLiberal about 16 years ago
Does your friend also tell you about free vaccines to keep young children and the elderly healthy, and controlled prices of prescription drugs that keep them reasonable and obtainable? How about how there’s more emphasis on preventative medicine than in private sector medicine, which profits from you getting ill? There’s more to healthcare than emergency room visits, and trust me, I’ve seen long lines stateside for those too.
coreyh about 16 years ago
Mr. Leo Watson,
As a student, I cant wait for Obama to take office. The proposed drop in student loan rates has me excited. As a gun enthusiast, I am not so excited.
In regard to gun laws, assuming Obama does raise taxes on ammo, what are the consequences? Seems to me more people will be shooting reloads instead of buying new. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought reloads were harder to trace back to a certain gun, making ballistics so much harder.
The bad guys out there will still have guns, but will shoot reloads, making it harder to use ballistics evidence. I think the reaction from myself, law enforcement, and many others to higher ammo taxes will be to NOT allow it to happen.
I guess I have more faith in people to not let bleeep like that happen, to not let medicine go social. I missed out on the protests in the 60’s and 70’s, but maybe I’ll get my chance. (As a side note, if no one is willing to correct the wrongs, to protest, then we have lost something far more sacred in our country)
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
GuntotingLiberal Sure all those things are great if you can ever actually get them. My cousin has warned me over and over again about the many faces of evil socialized medicine has. I have no trouble at all in this country obtaining preventative medicine through the insurance I carry. Further, the only ones who know what is medically right for me is my Dr. and me. No government bureaucrat should be deciding what treatment or care I need or deserve. That is the result of socialized medicine. Does our health care3 system need an overhaul? Yes! However, socialized medicine is not the answer. My medical insurance costs are high enough just covering me. I do not need or want my hard earned money paying for someone elses healthcare simply because they will not get a job that offers some kind of healthcare coverage.
coreyh I can see how as a student you would favor Obama’s financial aid policies. However, you cannot think so short term. While lowering the interest rate on student loans may make your immediate life easier think of your future. With Obama in the White House there is potential for him to nominate several justices to the US Supreme Court. Obama has made it perfectly clear that those nominations would go to liberal activist justices. Those justices will be making decisions on your rights and liberties long after your student loans are paid off. Those justices will have an effect on policy and law for as many as 50 years. As to your point about reloading, if you are a reloading enthusiast then bravo to you, I am impressed at the excitment many people have for the hobby. I personally have tried reloading and find it to be a boring and tedious process that I have no interest in or time for. Besides, what is to stop this tyrant from also taxing reloading supplies to the point of extinction? I am from Illinois, I currently live under some of the most draconian gun laws in the US. I have been subject to Mr. Obama’s “common sense” gun laws. Believe me when I tell you when it comes to guns, Obama will stop at nothing to ban each and every type of weapon out there.
Howabominable about 16 years ago
I hope you people actually payed attention to who you voted into congress. You know, the government body that ACTUALLY makes all the decisions you’ve been talking about here? Unlike the president, who doesn’t? I die a little inside every time some idiots complains about how the president is going to ruin the country when the reason he voted for his current congressman was the name sounded prettier than his opponent. Congress makes these decisions. If a president gets too much power, it is only because congress let him. Maybe you should stop whining about the one single person voted into t he executive branch and pay attention to who you voted into the LEGISLATIVE branch. You know, the branch that actually passes laws. Discussions like this are the reason the /facepalm emote was invented.
historygirl31013 about 16 years ago
Guys, seriously. This is a comic. I’m not sure if you noticed that or not.
In case you’re unsure: comic strip: A usually humorous narrative sequence of cartoon panels.
He’s elected. Move on. If he messes up, you can blame the Democrats who voted him in. Until then: nothing’s going to change. Sorry. I’ve just seen too many of these stupid debates on COMIC strips.
Learn to laugh.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
Howabominable You are right congress makes the laws and I did not vote for any liberal house or senate candidate either. However, the president signs a bill into law. The problem we are faced with now is an ultra liberal congress and an ultra liberal president. This country is screwed. I just wish more people would have used their brains to determine their vote instead of listening to the liberal controlled media. Besides none of that is going to matter as soon and Obama nominates liberal activist justices to the Supreme Court. Once that happens all laws will be legislated from the bench of the Supreme Court, effectively circumventing the checks and balances system spelled out by the Constitution.
Teresa You said: “He’s elected. Move on. If he messes up, you can blame the Democrats who voted him in. Until then: nothing’s going to change.” It is not a question of if he messes up. He has already messed up and he has not even been sworn into office yet. Have you paid any attention at all to his cabinet selections? Change? really? Many of his cabinet choices are former Clinton staffers, many are corrupt Illinois democrats he owes those positions to for getting him elected, and many of the others are leading liberals in the democratic party. Change? Not a chance. The only change will be in the rights of the American citizen being stripped away piece by piece. The only hope America has left is to try as hard as we can to keep him from doing any irreparable damage ove the nexty 4 years until we can send him packing with his inexperienced tail tucked firmly between his legs.
danielsangeo about 16 years ago
An ultra liberal congress and ultra liberal president? Is that anything like the ultra northern country of Australia?
And, besides, if you don’t like the country, you can still leave and go to a country that you agree with. Until then, stop blaming America first. Thank you.
wndrwrthg about 16 years ago
Hey leonard: If the government wants your guns, they will take them. It will not matter how many you have or how much ammo you stockpile, the government has an army with tanks and cannon and helicopters with rockets and mini guns(lets not mention the air force). The thought of a bunch of yahoos armed with a variety of small arms and ammo will defie the military and prevent the siezure is laughable.
strodgers about 16 years ago check it out anyone who says Bush took away anything.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
danielsangeo If you do not understand the discussion it is usually best to just keep quiet instead of displaying your ignorance for all to see.
Yes, we now have and ultra liberal congress and president coming into office. They not only lean to the liberal left but actually cannot even fathom the idea that there are some thinking individuals still in America that have the mental capacity to disagree with their socialist, one world government, strip away the rights of the people and make them all sub-serviant to the all-might UN thinking. The voice of reason and pride in America as the one country in the world where freedom reigns supreme is about to be squelched on 1/20/09.
As to your other comment: “And, besides, if you don’t like the country, you can still leave and go to a country that you agree with. Until then, stop blaming America first. Thank you.” Get your facts straight. The few free thinking proud Americans that still exist in this country are not going to lie down and roll over for those of you who want to make America weak like the rest of the world. We will continue to fight for our country and our rights so long as we have to. That is what makes this country great. If you want to live in a country that is weak and spineless and does not stand up for truth and justice and the rights of her citizens then maybe you should leave. Perhaps you should immigrate to France, you would probably like it there.
Remember the words of Thomas Jeffereson: “The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”. Alas, that time has arrived. Try to sell my rights to George Soros and the UN and you will soon find how true Jeffersons words ring.
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
Simply remember that there was a time when the King of England had ships and canons and a formal disciplined and well armed military. Yet, farmers and shop keepers took up arms against them and not only won the day but founded a whole new country.
True Americans, those who value their freedoms will not sit idly by while the likes of Obama sell us out to the highest bidder. As I said before meditate on the words of Thomas Jefferson: “The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants”.
meandkage about 16 years ago
Hello everyone! I’m new. I promise to keep any comments I might post to the relevant comic. Merry Christmas all and Season’s Greetings to those of you who do not celebrate this holiday!!!
crazycane67 about 16 years ago
our rights as Americans have been taken away for awaile now people , when they can come in to your house and take your family pet and kill it for being a certin breed that is just the start of it all .
robertolopez144 about 16 years ago
“All this for a cartoon? Hopefully the Jesus Christ Holiday Season will smother them up, Happy Holidays Danae! And you, too, Mr. Wiley!
Akenta about 16 years ago
I really need to get up earlier so I miss most of these comments :-)
doctortoon: what is that a picture of? looks either like a cat brushing its teeth or eating a mouse.
danielsangeo about 16 years ago
Leonard, you seem to be parroting the exact same thing the conservative commentators on the radio say. Sure you’re thinking for yourself there?
It is apparent to me that you have no idea what an “ultra liberal” even is. But, then again, to those living at the South Pole, Graham Land probably looks “far north”.
It is you, Leonard, that cannot fathom people thinking, on their own, differently than you, and I thank you for projecting your ignorance onto me.
“Obama is far left”…snicker Don’t make me laugh.
dssedvet about 16 years ago
It is interesting to read all the comments between conservatives and liberals and a little amusing. However, when it comes down to it. and I say this as a disabled vet. Obama has been anti military since first taking a public office. So, when he reduces the tiny amount of disability I get or just trashes it altogether, you liberals can start paying me for the sacrifices I made to protect your sleazy @$$.
Kaero about 16 years ago
You know, I’ll bet Bush is counting the days, too. If I were him, I’d have my bags packed and waiting in the back of the car to get away from the gosh-awful job that is being president. You’d have to be half crazy to want it. (But, then, this campaign cycle proved the point that our candidates are, by and large, nuts.)
jaydubya58 about 16 years ago
Mr Watson & co. spent 6 hours keeping tabs on what was said about themselves and defending their writings. I’m torn between finding that funny & sad- funny that it’s SOOO important to be right all the time (tol’ja so! tol’ja so!) & sad that they can’t accept that others are going to disagree with them. Just read the ‘toon, post your comment for others to gain your insight & move on to tomorrow’s gem. Please stop wallowing in your self righteousness (ever heard of trying to teach a pig to sing? A waste of time and you annoy the pig!) See ya’ll in the future…
LeonardWatson about 16 years ago
Kingof01, It is liberaqls like you who are destroying this country. Conservatives do stand opposed to a lot of “Politically Correct” ideals, Why? Because they are morally and ethically wrong. Just becasue a lot of people believe something is right does not make it right. You mention several key issues where you imply that a conservative government would “stick its nose” into the problem with your argument is that you are arguing from a position that is false to begin with. For example you mention abortion, abortion as a means of birth control is morally and ethically wrong. It is murder and no matter how you spin it it is what it is. You mention making your children pray to Jesus, again you are wrong. No conservative would insist that you or your children pray to a God you do not believe in, however, we also insist that you not interfere with our 1st amendment right to do so. Requiring children to observe a period of silence in public school where some can pray to the true God and others can pray to their false gods or no god is not an infringement on anyone’s right, but prohibiting it is. Listening to every conversation you have on the phone? I suppose you are referring to the patriot act, I seriously doubt that the majority of American citizens have had their privacy infringed on by this act. However, the point of the act is to protect Americans from terrorists. If you are a terrorist or suspected of terrorism you have obviously done something to arouse suspicion and then it is better that the government look into you than to ignore you and have the USA suffer another 9/11. If you do not think that is true then I would question your loyalty to America. “Tell you who you can have sex with or marry” again pre-marital sex and/or homosexual sex is morally and ethically wrong. It should not be tolerated in any way, shape, or form. We would not have problems with teen pregnancy or abortion if there was no pre-marital sex. If parents took the time to teach their children about sexual responsibility and that sex outside of a monogamous marriage relationship is wrong we could save thousands of children from heartacje and damage. Homosexuality is simply wrong and trying to legitimize deviant sexual behavior does not make it any more right, it just makes it more popular. As to you list of other things there there has never been any movement by conservatives to limit those items. When it comes to your comments about the Iraq war you simply show your ignorance. The war in Iraq is now and always has been about stopping terrorism. Any country that trains or harbors terrorists needs to be invaded and conquered in order to protect our citizens. If you honestly believe that the war has been about oil or anything else then you are listening to your liberal newscaster and talk show hosts too long. As for the right only caring about the rich, you could not be more wrong. The conservatives care about maintaining a country where hard work reaps rewards. If a man or woman refuses to work then they should starve. Liberals need to get off their lazy rears and stop looking for handouts from the government. Get out there and work and maybe you can to can become one of the wealthy. As for guns, it is a God-given and Constitutionally protected right that each individual has the right to protect him or herself. The Constitution can not be clearer when it saus “shall not be infringed.” The government oof any party has no legal authority to impose any kind of restrictions or infringements on law-abiding citizens (convicted felons give up their rights by being convicted felons). This is not a negotiable point in the Constitution and the sooner you tree-hugging anti gun liberals learn that the sooner we can get around to addressing the real problems in this country. As to why I “hate” Obama. I do not hate the man and I certainly do not hate him because of his race. In fact, I do not hate him at all. What I do hate is his extreme left, ultra-liberal politics and policies. The last time I check, I still had a first amendment right to hold and express my opinions. Before you go making assumptions about what someone does or does not believe you should find out the facts. it is people like you that are slowly destroying this country from the inside out. It is people like you that are cheapening the sacrafices of thousands of US soldiers throughout our history who died to preserve your right to be an idiot and disrespect what they died for.
wittyvegan about 13 years ago
What happened to the attacks on the second amendment by the way? Somehow I must have missed it. Or the right made up some bullshit thread that never existed. Take your pick.