Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 13, 2009

  1. Bbrains 09 08 19
    stonehenge1951  about 16 years ago

    Way to go Jeffrey! You took the wind right out of Danae’s sail!!! LOL

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  2. Redfoxava
    reynard61  about 16 years ago

    Hey! At least he’s having fun – even if it’s on his own terms.

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    More and more climate scientists now admit there has been no global temperature increase since 2003 and are starting to bail on the theory that the planet is warming due to industrial CO2 output.

    So in retaliation, HLN this morning felt obliged to report, without details, that 2000 climate scientists have issued a report that it may now be too late (or words to that effect).

    Considering that your government funding tends to get cut off if you actually deal with real data as opposed to untestable computer projections, it will take a while for their unreality to catch up with them.

    Hey, remember the ’70s when they were predicting a coming ice age? It’s true! You can look it up.

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  4. Joe dam
    Freezing  about 16 years ago

    pschearer. You’re correct! Evidence that gorebull warming/climate change is loosing traction abounds. Watch how shrill some of the responses get. The believers are starting to panic.

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  5. Horsey
    ANandy  about 16 years ago

    Jeffrey will learn that the earth’s climate was never stable from the begining. He may discover the opportunities for grants available to those who promote the man-made global warming scam.

    Buy General Electric stock. The Great BO will make you rich.

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  6. Monty avatar
    steverinoCT  about 16 years ago

    That’s right! It was 28 degrees at my house this morning. In March! That doesn’t sound like no “Global Warming” to me! Sneer. Pfui!

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  7. Avatar 02 animated
    tigernest1  about 16 years ago

    1st- this is a COMIC!

    2nd- Your head-in-the-sand approach to this scientific problem works- when you only read the “evidence” that supports your position.

    It is becoming increasingly clear that global climate change (NOT single day, single location lows) is worse than first predicted.

    Certainly there has been climate change in the past, however in a report just released shows the current change to be more extreme than any other time.

    “More and more climate scientists now admit
” Huh? Where do you get these claptrap? Not true, not true.

    “The believers are starting to panic.” Only in regards to the 5 foot increase of sea level predicted this morning.

    Take a look at the evidence yourself. Then and Now pics of glaciers and the ice caps show them melting and crumbling. That water has to go somewhere

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  8. Joe dam
    Freezing  about 16 years ago

    See what I mean?

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  9. Just checkin
    Northwoodser  about 16 years ago

    I have a few soap boxes for sale on E-bay. Special discount for those unable to enjoy comics without preaching.

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  10. Whee2
    GuntotingLiberal  about 16 years ago

    We are going through a global climate change, and that is not unprovable. Mt. Kilamanjaro is without snow and glaciers are receding. The ice caps are melting and sea level has already risen quite a bit. And while we haven’t seen a lot of changes in temperature on the land, the sea temperature has indeed risen, and that’s what is setting off the alarm bells.

    To say that this is the work of CO2 alone would be incorrect. We’ve had the candle lit at both ends, so to speak, screwing around with many things other than simply having too many cars. But regardless of what the initial causes were, our problem now is that we’re losing a lot of the reflective surfaces we had in ice and snow. And what scares the pants off a lot of the scientists isn’t the thought that CO2 might keep rising, it’s that if the temperature rises enough and enough ice melts, the huge methane resevoirs frozen at the bottom of places in the ocean and in the rotting (and melting) permafrost of the tundra could escape into the atmosphere.

    Methane is a much more effective global warming gas than CO2. It has the added filip of being explosive besides.

    Jeffrey, if you want to be a real smart little boy, rather than study dirt to see if we’re experiencing global warming, go into studies in methane capture and reclaimation!

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  11. Missing large
    stevesweeves  about 16 years ago

    Why worry about global warming? If it is a lie then nothing will change. If it is true, the political repercussions of doing something about it are so great that nothing will change. Let’s read the comics and laugh about it. We’ll all die someday.

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  12. Missing large
    LeonardWatson  about 16 years ago

    Yeah that’s it let push that lunatic Al Gore’s silly theory through every medium possible including comic strips. If we saturate the news and media with our false claims of global warming maybe people will actually begin to believe our silly made up theories. It has worked with other silly ideas in the past is will work again for this one. How anyone could fall for Gore’s latest money making scheme simply amazes me.

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  13. Album cover
    kfaatz925  about 16 years ago

    Maybe it’d be best not to fight about it - just take the comic at face value. It’s funny on its own terms (in my opinion!)

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  14. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 16 years ago

    kfaatz925 Agreed. Let’s remember this about life: NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE!

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  15. Silverknights
    JanLC  about 16 years ago

    Michael & Guntotingliberal: Yes, the North Polar icecaps are getting smaller. Did you miss the part of that report that said the South Polar ice caps are expanding? Oh well, hysteria will out.

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  16. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    Climate change is real, and will happen (regardless of whether we release greenhouse gases or not). What we usually forget is that Meteorology is primarily based on our rudimentary understanding of the atmosphere. It is still an imprecise science and based on various models that we have come up with. We have all heard about the ‘butterfly effect’ - we know it will happen, just don’t know when, where and how much.

    Just because we can predict the date of a hurricane after observing its movement doesn’t necessarily mean that we can predict the coming of ice age. We definitely need to be more careful, but I guess alarmists take it a little too far.

    @Northwoodser: I am highly opinionated but I don’t need to buy a soapbox. The gocomics comment section works out okay for me.

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  17. Horsey
    ANandy  about 16 years ago

    pschearer contributes worthy comment.

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  18. 00022416t
    h2oman  about 16 years ago

    Tisk, Tisk Jeffrey, any scientist worth his/her salt would never go waist deep in the subject and risk contamining the sample, use a long pole with a beaker attached my boy. Don’t give those nay-sayers a chance to discredit you. Yes global warning is here, let’s all head to Wal Mart and get some nice summer clothing.

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  19. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  about 16 years ago

    contaminate mud?

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  20. Pics2 030
    vexatron1984  about 16 years ago

    If you can can cotaminate feces/urin (which trust me you can, I’ve collected enough animal samples and told to get more because it was contaminated to know), then yes, you can contaminate mud. Mud is at least fun to collect!

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  21. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    “Yes, the North Polar icecaps are getting smaller. Did you miss the part of that report that said the South Polar ice caps are expanding?”

    In some parts. However, what deniers ignore is that the Bellingshausen and Amundsen Seas in the Antarctic has lost much of their ice. If this continues, warm water will upwell near the coast of Antarctica, causing major problems.

    To say “Antarctic ice expanding, therefore Global Warming is false” is like saying “My arm is no longer bleeding on the outside of my arm from the fall, so my arm isn’t broken.”

    Back to the comic, score one to Jeffrey!

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  22. Buckley simplybuckley 60x60
    buckleylover Premium Member about 16 years ago

    NERDS!!! LOL
 that was a joke, folks.

    Wiley, Great strip today.

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  23. 104 2745
    Trebor39  about 16 years ago

    Good goin’ Jeffrey!

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  24. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 16 years ago

    During the ice age the average temperature of the earth was only six degrees colder than it is now. Look at the difference between then and now. Geologically, the ice age was yesterday. We are still coming out of it. I hope these clowns aren’t so stupid to believe that it will actually feel warmer as the globe warms. It’ll just put more moisture in the air change the places where rain falls. It wouldn’t hurt the Midwest to get no rain would it? It will cause hurricanes too. But we seem to respond well to those. The last time the earth cooled one degree, was in Dickens time. It snowed in England, which does not happen now. The warming could actually cause some places to get colder. Almost all climate scientists believe that it is happening, those that don’t are selling snake oil. Climate change is real. I bet if it was predicted in the Bible, those Luddites would believe in it.

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  25. Ceiling cat sq
    danielsangeo  about 16 years ago

    “I bet if it was predicted in the Bible, those Luddites would believe in it.”

    And then they would say, “[T]he pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way – all of them who have tried to secularize America – I point the finger in their face and say, ‘You helped this happen.’”

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  26. Moth security copy
    CGOSenseiC  about 16 years ago

    danielsangeo wrote: “I bet if it was predicted in the Bible, those Luddites would believe in it.”

    I suppose you already knew that TECHNICALLY the prediction does exist (subject to interpretation):

    The fourth angel poured out his bowl upon the sun, and it was given to it to scorch men with fire. Men were scorched with fierce heat; and they blasphemed the name of God who has the power over these plagues, and they did not repent so as to give Him glory. Revelation 16:8-9 NASB

    Though I remain somewhat confused by who you label as “Luddites”. I guess Dr. Francis S. Collins falls into your group if I interpret your comment to refer to someone who believes the Bible.

    oh and for Dracip who wrote:

    “It snowed in England, which does not happen now.”

    You need to check those current events. Let’s see
 I guess you already forgot the “ancient history” of Feb. 2, 2009 ( Sure that pales in comparison to 1963 when the Thames froze over and the city received 12-14” of snow. Might not happen OFTEN, but it definitely snows in England.

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  27. Joe dam
    Freezing  about 16 years ago

    Daniel, welcome to the discussion. Where’s Ian?

    You know, your latest post revealed where you’re coming from. Tisk, tisk. Love you, ‘Bro!

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  28. J0262810
    Wildmustang1262  about 16 years ago

    Yeahhh, Jeffery is being a smart-leck!

    treered says: contaminate mud? I almost say that words but you beat me. LOLs! :-D

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  29. Gocomicsavatar
    aardvarkseyes  about 16 years ago

    I’m not sure Jeffrey is being a smart aleck. For one thing, it wouldn’t exactly be in character. I think the comic is even funnier if he’s being seriously up front about things (and messing up Danae’s plans anyway).

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  30. Joe dam
    Freezing  about 16 years ago

    Kingof01: No.

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  31. Joe dam
    Freezing  about 16 years ago


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