USSA- United Socialist States of America? We are on a slippery slope, and headed that way. This is not meant as criticism, but as warning. However, if the shoe fits…
What’s that sound I hear?…A bell tinkling?…
Just like in the movie “It’s a wonderful life”…
every time you hear a bell the king appoints
another czar……ah well….
I can’t tell for sure, but the Fink’s – I mean the king’s – beggar’s cup is at least as large as the beggar’s own cup. Knowing the generosity of the “Beloved King of Id”, the tax cup is undoubtedly larger.
Remember the golden rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.”
As for the political commentary: Ah, yes, give us the glorious pre-Depression “free market economy” so that greed can rule without restriction. Long live the Robber Barons! (but isn’t that what the Fink is?).
tirnaaisling over 15 years ago
Hey You’ve just been promoted to tax collector, perhaps you should ask the fink or a salary
Yukoner over 15 years ago
Is there any other kind of beggar than a poor one?
Llewellenbruce over 15 years ago
The greedy government strikes again.
lazygrazer over 15 years ago
Yukoner said: ”Is there any other kind of beggar than a poor one?”
How about those decked out preachers begging on TBN??
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Both his cups now runneth under.
Hillbillyman over 15 years ago
You can’t even be poor for a living in ID
Ronshua over 15 years ago
grazer - Say on .
rshive over 15 years ago
Ever helpful, the King.
Leonardeuler over 15 years ago
When will a revolution - or even better a coup d’état - take place in ID ?????
McGehee over 15 years ago
DreamScourge said: ”Hey You’ve just been promoted to tax collector, perhaps you should ask the fink or a salary”
By that logic every business in the country should be asking for a royal salary. Who do you think collects taxes now?
Leonardeuler over 15 years ago
Mxyxptlk: did you mean the USA or the USSR ???
chateauxmargaux over 15 years ago
Reminds me of a great video: “The Government Can” at
coffeeturtle over 15 years ago
LOL! Uncle Sam will get you one way or another!
Templo S.U.D. over 15 years ago
Touché, Your Highness. [clearning throat] Fink!
alviebird over 15 years ago
USSA- United Socialist States of America? We are on a slippery slope, and headed that way. This is not meant as criticism, but as warning. However, if the shoe fits…
boldyuma over 15 years ago
What’s that sound I hear?…A bell tinkling?… Just like in the movie “It’s a wonderful life”… every time you hear a bell the king appoints another czar……ah well….
whitecarabao over 15 years ago
I can’t tell for sure, but the Fink’s – I mean the king’s – beggar’s cup is at least as large as the beggar’s own cup. Knowing the generosity of the “Beloved King of Id”, the tax cup is undoubtedly larger.
Remember the golden rule: “He who has the gold makes the rules.”
As for the political commentary: Ah, yes, give us the glorious pre-Depression “free market economy” so that greed can rule without restriction. Long live the Robber Barons! (but isn’t that what the Fink is?).