Pickles by Brian Crane for October 30, 2009

  1. Va 127 1
    Skyhawk_maintainer  over 15 years ago

    George Burns did an alright job of it.

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  2. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  over 15 years ago

    Very wise there, Grandpa.

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  3. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago


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    firstwife  over 15 years ago


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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    Oh don’t get me started on politicians who play God. I’ll just enjoy Nelson’s costume since he’s only a little boy with good intentions. Happy halloween Nelson.

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    nanellen  over 15 years ago

    powerful last panel.

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  7. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    It’s true that doctors sometimes have a God complex (just ask their office staff), but if they think that they are superior and privileged people, there’s enough truth to it if you consider what they have to go through to get where they are and the responsibilities they bear.

    Politicians (and government bureaucrats as well), on the other hand, too often are in it out of power-lust, wanting to decide for you how your lives should be led. Too bad for America that there are so many people who think that’s a good thing.

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  8. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  over 15 years ago


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    ag935  over 15 years ago

    Despite his intentions, if someone showed up at my door with a similar costume, my firs thought would be Albus Dumbledore.

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