For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 04, 2009

  1. Openwings
    OpenWings  over 15 years ago

    Hopefully Lizzie won’t eat him, though she does seem to be sizing up the poor departed little dude in panel 3! :o)

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  2. Baby
    JodieKay  over 15 years ago

    Not only with the knowledge of overfeeding, but the fact that Elly knew the tank needed cleaning too. Michael might be too young to properly clean the bowl himself, and if Elly figured she wouldn’t have time to take care of the fish, then maybe they shouldn’t have gotten the fish?

    I didn’t think goldfish bowls were ideal habitats for fish anyway, but I don’t remember where I heard that.

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  3. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago

    He seemed to have gotten over it by panel 4. I don’t think that kids get too attached to goldfish. Animals with fur are another story…

    Today is going to be another Elly-bashing fest, I guess. I don’t see anything wrong with trying to explain what might have happened. We coddle our kids too much. They can handle the truth about a goldfish. We got a free fish at a carnival when I was a kid and it died a week or so later. We didn’t mourn Dirty Firty too long, that’s for sure.

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  4. Darth pingu large  2
    green_engineer  over 15 years ago

    Don’t all hit out at Elly! We’ve all been there before; it’s a learning curve. Next time, they’ll know to be more careful.

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  5. Dscf0004
    ninmas  over 15 years ago

    teach michael to gut a fish, then you’ll have a nice “frank patty”

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    kfaatz925  over 15 years ago

    Agreeing with lightenup and green_engineer. Elly isn’t a perfect mom, but who is? You do the best you can with what presents itself, and she’s a better example than many (if you’ve ever experienced real “irrational screaming” you know this.)

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    Ursula A Kehoe Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Who doesn’t remember being fascinated by dead creatures, wet, fuzzy or slimy, as a child! The kids will probably want to study the effects of time on Franks’ body.

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    Sugie63  over 15 years ago

    These aren’t comic strips anymore. They’re psychiatric sessions:-P

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    alondra  over 15 years ago

    I think you shouldn’t get a kid a pet until they’re old enough to take care of it. Why should Elly be stuck with the care of everything around there?

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  10. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    Poke it with a stick

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  11. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  over 15 years ago

    Thanks Elly for explaining it so good to Michael. This will open his eyes to a whole new life for animals and the fact that you have to take care of them regularly.

    Elly is most certainly not at fault. Its a fish, and sometimes they just die!

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  12. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    well kids, goldfish need care andproper feeding, remember to only feed them sparingly

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  13. Missing large
    Magasek  over 15 years ago

    To those on the Elly-bashing bandwagon please keep in mind this is a comic strip so we’re seeing their lives in a strobe light, just four static images. Comforting probably already happened before she took the fish out of the water, or between the frames. Now she’s got a dead fish to dispose of (before Lizzy eats it) and I’m sure once that more pressing task is dealt with, she’ll return to the comforting. She’s not heartless, but the point of the strip was John’s final comment and not the comforting of an upset child.

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    Gretchen's Mom  over 15 years ago

    I hope they do a better job of taking care of Farley than they did that poor goldfish, Frank, if he died from being overfed and lived in a dirty bowl!

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  15. Manchester united
    mroberts88  over 15 years ago

    Farley was a good dog, and it was sad that he died.

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  16. Openwings
    OpenWings  over 15 years ago

    Dirty Firty - I love it lightenup :o)

    Hey mroberts88 you DID post it! You said you would, but I wasn’t sure if you really would :o)

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  17. Openwings
    OpenWings  over 15 years ago

    Aww mroberts88 I can has explanation? What was wrong with the other avatar? ;o)

    I can’t read what he’s saying….

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  18. Cathy aack Premium Member over 15 years ago

    A. Why is everything always Elly’s fault, and why can’t she do anything right? B. Why do we have to keep writing about Farley’s death? – if she goes thru these strips in a chronological order, it is many years down the road.

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  19. Hungry luma super mario galaxy 2 12801638 212 165
    jadelovesjelly  almost 14 years ago

    Sadly, I cannot relate. Im an earlier comic I told my pet story, and we’ve never had a fish, much less have one die. But Ive always thought a bunny would be cool….

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