For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for November 18, 2009

  1. Lady with a bow
    ejcapulet  over 15 years ago

    I am *so* glad I have girls.

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  2. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 15 years ago

    Well, I have five stepsisters (three older and two younger) and one blood brother (older). So Jason (named changed for privacy’s sake) haven’t really done anything yet to gross out our sisters since we got them in 2007.

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  3. Baby
    JodieKay  over 15 years ago

    Depending on how sick Elly is, she shouldn’t even be at the school exposing everyone to whatever bug she has, but then maybe the kids pass bugs around themselves so much that it doesn’t matter?

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  4. Dreamer
    Donna White  over 15 years ago

    Gross is in the eye of the beholder, I guess. Michael’s head/wart sounds pretty gross to me.

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  5. Missing large
    anne-marie hunter  over 15 years ago

    JodieKay - How do yu expect Michael to be picked up? It had to be Elly. AS long as she doesn;t go around touching things, she won;t be spreading her cold.

    howtheduck - wow, out of the comic you picked up censored, not the punchline

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  6. Cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 15 years ago

    I agree, emory458, but I’m sure there will be several who will argue about someone else could have come pick him up and duckie always is grumpy. It’s just a comic. Sigh…

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  7. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  over 15 years ago

    A father needs a son to live vicariously.

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  8. Missing large
    masnadies  over 15 years ago

    When I’m sick, I use hand sanitizer before going in, do any coughing into my arm, and try not to touch anything. What else can you do? Or does every parent have alternative people to help every time their child needs to be dropped off, picked up, taken to the doctor, etc?

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  9. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  over 15 years ago

    I’m glad my kids are a bit older – I’ve felt like Elly all week.

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  10. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    After hearing that description of Michael’s new toy I’d feel even worse if I were Elly. Hopefully it will keep him occupied and out of her hair for the rest of the day. Nope I take that back. Wait til he shows it to Lizzy.

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  11. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  over 15 years ago

    Good defensive action, duck. I like all your comments. Keep it up.

    I enjoy all the opinions, so post away. I’ll read them all.The posters who try to control the remarks of others…not so much.

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  12. Foxhound1
    bald  over 15 years ago

    elly may have gotten her bug from michael who brought it home from school.

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  13. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 15 years ago

    Doc, that’s exactly what happened to NotNorman. He couldn’t control himself so GoComics controlled him.

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  14. Phonepic3altered4
    yyyguy  over 15 years ago

    she could have, Joe, but it isn’t always a possibility. as someone posted the other day, there are reasons why neither of her neighbours would be available to help.

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  15. Manchester united
    mroberts88  over 15 years ago

    Somethings going around apparently.

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  16. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  over 15 years ago

    Being the mother of a pre-k and kindergardner, its pretty hard to get someone at the drop of a dime to get them, especially while your the victim. Everyone is free when the kids are sick, but your never as lucky when you need to rest.

    Everyone seems to be hard on Elly for picking Michael up. I’m sure at some point in your lives, your mother or father has done the same thing, and u didn’t question it, you were happy as a child to see your mother, no matter how beat up she was.

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  17. Baby
    JodieKay  over 15 years ago

    Oh, sorry guys. I thought instead of Elly picking Michael up, for some reason I thought she might be there as a parent-helper. The last panel clearly shows Elly getting Michael’s coat. SIGH I need to stop reading comics late at night, I miss details ;) Because yeah, getting someone at the last minute to pick up Michael would be very hard, I totally agree with that.

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  18. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Besides, we should remember that when this strip originally ran people got colds and the sniffles all the time and didn’t let it rule their lives. They did not have a media that whipped them into a panic over some “global pandemic” complete with daily body counts! Body counts for the common cold are not news.

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  19.  cid 00b701c66939 664a8550 2c56100a ssiservice21  2
    kittylover2  over 15 years ago

    Gosh I wish I was as perfect as some of people that post here. Elly really is a loving wife and mother cut her some slack.

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  20. Zombatar 2
    11Wilderness11  over 15 years ago

    Good grief some people take themselves, and this strip, far to seriously.

    Real life happens. Some of us occasionally have to work when sick and spend time around our families (and their clothing) when sick, cook while sick and even gasp go out in public. A cold is a cold and it is not possible for most parents to install a special bubble in which we can sleep, rest and eat until we are symptom-free. In fact when kids get sick at school the rule of thumb is “no fever, no vomit, no problem.” Kids will let their noses run all over them, wipe on their sleeves, play tag, cough and sneeze all over the place and never wash their hands. (It takes a fever, vomit, or severe symptoms to even get sent home sick.) This is why so many parents get germs FROM their kids who are in school.

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  21. Hobbesheart
    tis4kis  over 15 years ago

    Gross is in the oozing eyeball of the beholder.

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