Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for November 20, 2009

  1. Irish clover.svg
    johnnydoc5  over 15 years ago

    Interesting! It would appear that those ridiculing the conspiracy theory the loudest are the perpetrators. Maybe the Kennedy assassination
 nope, I’d best not go there.

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  2. Att00022 1
    debra4life50  over 15 years ago

    Ah! Gotta love those geeks. Score one for Jeffrey!

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  3. Madkanga
    madKanga  over 15 years ago

    Jeffrey a megalomaniac intent on controlling the world? Most geeks have trouble controlling their own private universe.

    Love where this is going.

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  4. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    You messed up, Jeffrey!

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    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    The use of [the bleeep-word] [1] in the Nov 17 and 15 strips is extremely offensive to anyone with developmental disabilities
” - wessexwarropr

    Once again, we see Political Correctness defined by example in its most succinct form: Personal Offense By Proxy. Being offended on another’s behalf. Arrogating to oneself the authority to say what ”is” (direct quote) “extremely offensive to anyone” (emphasis mine).

    The logic of this arrogance, of course, is that anyone with developmental disabilities is incapable of forming the thought processes necessary to decide for themselves whether or not they are offended by – well, by anything. They therefore need a guardian to decide for them, the poor disadvantaged creatures. They must be made to be victims and it must be made clear to them that they are to be taken care of in all regards, and they must never think that they can think for themselves. Rather, they must never think, period.

    Of course, they ultimately benefit from this. More importantly, so do The Guardians, who have found A Purpose In Life – that of Being Right About Everything.

    [1] Whatever the bleeep-word is, the software wouldn’t tell us. It’s being our Guardian, you see. Being a computer, it considers us developmentally disabled, and doesn’t want us to think, so it will take care of what is offensive and what isn’t.

    Now don’t you feel all safe and taken care of, little children?

    “Ignorance is strength” - Ministry of Truth, where all the correct ideas come from

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  6. Cat gun
    converses  over 15 years ago

    Nonsequitous - I think you mean Nov. 17 and 19, not the 15 and 17.

    I have developmental disabilities, and there are plenty of us who find that the word “retard” is not offensive. Disabled is more offensive because it implies an inability to do something. A definition of “retard” states that a person has something that slows them down, or that the person has a delay.

    Implying that everyone with learning handicaps is offended by those cartoons is terribly incorrect. You can speak for yourself all you want, but don’t make a blanket statement.

    I do not believe that Wiley’s intent is to offend anyone. He’s writing Danae’s script as a child her age would probably say things if the child were in her position.

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  7. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 15 years ago

    My brother was severely retarded. In the 50s there was no other word for it. “Retard”–“slow”, yes it fit

    My mother lost one arm to Polio, yet went on to earn her PHD and can hang wallpaper. Don’t you dare trying to give her a “handicapped” parking sticker

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  8. Darth pingu large  2
    green_engineer  over 15 years ago

    Before another debate occurs
nonsequitous was just quoting what someone had written the night before.

    ANYWAY! - Nice to see Jeffrey again, (albeit the megalomaniac personality) ! Danae’s going to want a piece of the world domination action now
if you can’t beat them, join them!

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  9. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    Jeffery is just putting Danae on.

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  10. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  over 15 years ago

    They’re a match made in heaven!!!! Wish there had been a close-up of Jeffrey’s face when he got caught!

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  11. Palms too
    pearlandpeach  over 15 years ago

    I have been castigated in another stips comments for saying someing about what folks are typeing and wished they would quit
.. but nonsetitous is just boring
i’ll skip those rants in the future.

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  12. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  over 15 years ago

    It was prophesized in the Bible: “The geeks shall inherit the earth.”

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  13. Boop3 copy
    bmwk12ltc  over 15 years ago

    I think green-engineer is almost right. In Danae’s case it’s- if you can’t beat them, Rule them! She will want to be their Queen.

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  14. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  over 15 years ago

    Great move, Jeffrey will, yet, rule the world, good boy!

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  15. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Why am I not surprised that Jeffrey would be behind this?

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  16. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  over 15 years ago

    Really fun stuff
comics AND comments.

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  17. 20141103 115559
    Potrzebie  over 15 years ago

    AGURKA, that passage from the book of Matthew should be revised to say:

    “The meek shall inherit the earth, for they are too week to refuse it”

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  18. 11 06 126
    Varnes  over 15 years ago

    Maybe Jeffy’s right for danae, after all
.Why is everyone half burried upside down? Isn’t it hard to breath that way?

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  19. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Danae and Jeffrey do appear to have the same goals in life, after all.

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    philboydjr  over 15 years ago

    And Pogo reminds us
”We have met the enemy and he is us”

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    johndh123  over 15 years ago

    nonsequitous, I find your comment to be right on. (wanted to say, profound, but too much sucking up makes most of us cringe) Of course, in some circles you are diminshed simply by my kudos.

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  22. My little pony princess promenade
    myltlpony  over 15 years ago

    The really scary part is it’s pretty much true, I think it’s time to do a shutdown and take Lucy for a ride.

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  23. Pogomarch
    MatureCanadian  over 15 years ago

    Fabulous storyline Wiley! Can’t wait for tomorrow. Who are the “others”?

    Wiley, I am going to need a bigger desk to hold all my calendars. Now that yours is out I must own it, also Rubes and Maxine. Oh what a dither!

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  24. Turkey2
    MisngNOLA  over 15 years ago

    Converses, nonsequitous was making reply to another posted comment by a person who by proxy took offense to the word “retard”, and not stating his own position. His point is very well taken, and your comment backs up his premise.

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  25. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 15 years ago

    it’s the real quiet ones you have to watch out for
. can’t wait to see what’s next!

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    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    ”I have been castigated in another stips comments for saying someing about what folks are typeing and wished they would quit”

    Say it ain’t so!

    ”but nonsetitous is just boring”

    If everyone told me I was funny, I’d know I really was boring, so I’d pretty much be forced to shoot my computer, then myself.

    nonsequitous - no sequitionist I

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    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    ”nonsequitous, I find your comment to be right on. (wanted to say, profound, but too much sucking up makes most of us cringe)”

    ‘Right on’ is better. Nobody likes excessive polysyllabification, o astute admirer of my miserable attempts at drollery.

    ”Of course, in some circles you are diminshed simply by my kudos.”

    To paraphrase my great-grandfather

    I would not join any club that would not have me for a member.

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    SClark55  over 15 years ago

    Well, Wiley is ez enough to find on Facebook, so @least we know he does his work based on personal experience

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  29. Baby angel with roses a
    Ushindi  over 15 years ago

    I don’t think this is a true story - I didn’t stand on MY head when Danae pressed “enter”. Did YOU guys?

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    Trebor39  over 15 years ago

    Neither did I , but the world does look strangely upside down now

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  31. Blue morning
    Yakety Sax  over 15 years ago

    “we” as in Jeffrey and Lars from Mars! How soon we forget.

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  32. Missing large
    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    The twitterrorization of the English language.

    Did you know you could “favorite” today’s comic strip in your usoid profile on Just button your mouse on over there and and clicker it right into the favoriters box with your cursing arrow. Better do it recenter rather than too lately.

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  33. Missing large
    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    nonsequitous - is your great grandfather really Groucho Marx?

    Actually, no, he was the great grandfather of 
 my wife 
 Morgan Fairchild! Yeah, that’s it!

    Sorry, the devil made me do it. I only wish I was related to that family. You should read ‘Harpo Speaks’. What a wonderful life they had. Nobody could have asked for a better one. Harpo used to hang out at the Algonquin Round Table sometimes with the likes of Dorothy “if you can’t say anything nice, sit next to me” Parker. To have been a fly on that wall

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  34. Bleach ichigo
    NoBrandName  over 15 years ago

    JAD, how do you know that’s what it means? From what I’ve heard and seen, any given Bible verse can be interpreted to mean pretty much whatever anybody wants it to mean.

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  35. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    nonsequitous, your comments are a riot, but sometimes confusing – did you really mean to reverse the meaning of Groucho’s quote?

    “I would not join any club that would not have me for a member.”

    Both ways drip irony!

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  36. Missing large
    nonsequitous  over 15 years ago

    nonsequitous, your comments are a riot, but sometimes confusing – did you really mean to reverse the meaning of Groucho’s quote?

    Please don’t ask me to explain my posts, because I’ll probably just lie to you anyway. You saw what I said about being Groucho’s great granddaddy, din’t ya?

    I’m really sorry if my posts are sometimes confusing. That’s my story and 

    Anyway, you think it’s confusing for you 

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  37. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 15 years ago

    NoBrandName: Meanings of individual words are easy to find. There are dictionaries of other languages than English. When you are looking up words in the bible, a good concordance (such as Strong’s) is excellent for providing meaning and context in the original languages. As for being able to interpret the Bible any old way you want to, you just go ahead and do that. Most of us know that a great deal of the Bible is meant to be taken absolutely literally, and where the language is symbolic or metaphorical, it is clearly stated as being so.

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    johndh123  over 15 years ago

    Joe Allen Doty said, 2 days ago

    “Chapters and verses didn’t even exist in in any Bible until the latter 1590s.”

    Damn! And I thought I had a good memory! ~winks~

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  39. P 00316s
    James Lindley Premium Member over 15 years ago

    She’s onto us.

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