For Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston for September 27, 2008
Michael: Dad, when you were a kid, did you have a dog? John: Uh-huh... his name was "Wimpy." Michael: Wimpy? John: You know, like the character in the Popeye cartoons? The one who liked hamburgers! Michael: Oh. Yeah. Why doesn't Mom want a dog? John: I think she's being practical, Michael. If we had a dog, she's the one who'd have to look after it. And since she's at home all day while I'm working... it stand to reason, doesn't it. Michael: I guess. I know the reason... and I can't stand it.
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
Life isn’t easy at the best of times.
hcrobin85 over 16 years ago
haha…good one gweedo!
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Perhaps Elly doesn’t want the puppy around in the house while she raised her two kids because she would not handle with the puppy. You know what I mean!
stpatme over 16 years ago
summerdog86 over 16 years ago
Lynn said in one of her interviews, that there will be Farley in these new/old strips. So, BRING ON THE DOG!
Jogger2 over 16 years ago
I notice that the daily FBorFW strips here are in color, but at the FBorFW site itself, they are in B&W. I like the larger format at at the other site, though.
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
Susan001 What I mean is that Elly would not handle the puppy because she did not want to clean up after the puppy had pees and poos. Get it! In the real life, all of those people can handle with the puppies
Wolfdreamer250 over 16 years ago
And I keep saying you have to wait a year to be cannon. Elizabeth has to be at least two before Farley is on the scene. Auggh!!!!
USN1977 over 12 years ago
There was a Dave Berg joke in his “Lighter Side of..” MAD Magazine. A wife is saying to her husband that she has had it with the unruly behavior of both the kids and the dog. The husband proposes his solution for both: “Send the dog to camp and the kids to obedience school!”