The Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy for October 11, 2009

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 15 years ago

    That’s what they’re there for.

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  2. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 15 years ago

    If I crack up cars, get speeding tickets, and have a history of claims on my auto insurance, the company puts me in a risk pool to protect other policy holders.. If I have genetic predespositions, am accident prone, have proven myself a hypochondriac, why shouldn’t insurance put me in a risk pool to protect other policy holders?

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  3. Exploding human fat bombs hedge 060110
    Charles Brobst Premium Member about 15 years ago

    It’s not to protect others, but to protect their own obscenely high profits. Insurance is a scam.

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  4. Missing large
    mfrancis24  about 15 years ago

    Money for nothing…

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  5. Horseshoes3
    McGehee  about 15 years ago

    …which is why the government wants to require everybody to have it.

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  6. Avatar02
    jpozenel  about 15 years ago


    The problem is that except for those that die suddenly, we will all eventually be considered to be a high risk. It’s just the nature of living, to grow old, to get sick and to eventually die.

    Should someone who has paid health insurance premiums for a lifetime be denied when they need it most? Should hospitals have to take a loss for their treatment, or just pass it along the others in higher medical costs? Why can’t health coverage be portable without being penalized for a preexisting condition?

    What will you say when it happens to you?

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  7. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 15 years ago

    I’m going to disrupt the flow of comments here to say that I like the “crossing over” effect between panels 5 and 6; it’s one of those artistic touches that you don’t see much of in the funnies these days.

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