Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for June 15, 2009
ralston: hamhock, to be successful you can't let obstacles get in your way! When faced with a dilemma, you need to be able to will your way over it! It's like...hmmm...I wish I had a good visual metaphor for what i'm trying to explain.... hamhock: Uhh, will this work? Ralston: This'll work....
pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago
Q: What’s a metaphor?
A: It’s for explaining stuff.
puddleglum1066 over 15 years ago
I never metaphor I didn’t like…
Keith Messamer over 15 years ago
Yoda: “Metaphors be with you.”
Jonathan Bridge Premium Member over 15 years ago
Wile E. Coyote could have learned a thing or two here given enough time.
valheru almost 13 years ago
Yes. Yes indeed.
BananaSlug about 12 years ago
Trivia: Even though this gag became a Warner Brothers staple, it was invented by Disney in the late ‘20s. I don’t know why I know this or am sharing it.