Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 12, 2009

  1. Nanny poo
    carmy  over 15 years ago

    These pooches are crazy! I love it!!

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  2. Missing large
    kreole  over 15 years ago

    “DOWN” feathers—-to parachute down
.I almost missed that one.

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Speaking of parachutes,

    The military has developed some cool parachute tactics since simply dropping the 101st Airborne into Normandy.

    HALO = High Altitude, Low Opening, basically sky-diving from a great height to minimize detection of the plane, then opening the parachute close to the ground to minimize time hanging under silk as a target. The only problem is that the noise of opening is easily detectable.

    HAHO = High Altitude, High Opening uses steerable chutes to silently cover many miles horizontally for very stealthy insertion into enemy territory.

    With modern night-vision equipment, both these methods are used in night attacks. I have to say how grateful and admiring I am for the brave folks who do this sort of stuff in our defense.

    Oh, and the cartoon is funny.

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  4. 00000
    alondra  over 15 years ago

    They may be overreacting a bit, it’s only a squirrel cafe, but I like the military angle.

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  5. Maine coon
    pierreandnicole  over 15 years ago

    Private Brooklyn had better take out flight insurance. Poor little Poo Poo. In reality he couldn’t even make the K-9 Corps.

    By the way
shouldn’t Poncho’s full name be Poncho Perry Pooch Palmer????

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  6. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  over 15 years ago

    Um yas! The 1165th airborne, I remember those days well. A surprise night drop and a clean insertion. Those rascals never knew what hit ‘em!

    Stand to Pvt. Poncho, your cafe needs you, for at risk is certainly all the good times and camaraderie a pup could ever love.

    Music: Underneath the lamp light, by the garden gate


    Sob, Oh Lilly, we hardly knew ye!

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  7. Billete 524
    thetraveller4  over 15 years ago

    Yeah, I hear that newfies have designed a new type of parachute
.opens on impact.

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  8. 104 0464
    ForeverAllstar  over 15 years ago

    I am scared to death of bungee jumping but have always wanted to skydive, what’s up with that?

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  9. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago

    They say if you make one jump, you’ve only got 50% chance of injury, two jumps, 80%, and three jumps, you’re bound to catch a packet. The consensus of opinion is that the most sensible thing for Poncho to do is to go ahead and jump, and hope for the best.

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  10. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  over 15 years ago

    Where are they gonna get an airplane? AND have they considered that the squirrels might have an Air Force? Flying Squirrels!!!!

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  11. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    What’s he compaining about? He’s got a helmet.

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  12. Stick figure macarenaish 1
    AWESOME9802  over 15 years ago

    They can build their own out of kibble, feathers, and maybe even Plankie.

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  13. Icon
    Virtualjump  over 15 years ago

    ROSE petals. I get it!

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  14. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  over 15 years ago

    They are frikkin nuts and keep me ROFL!

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  15. Thrill
    fritzoid Premium Member over 15 years ago

    If they modify the catapult they’re designing to hurl all cats into the sun, maybe they can simply lauch a paratrooper into squirrel-held territory ballistically. In addition, it might serve as a working model for their ultimate goal.

    ONWARD, POOCHES! Two fronts means twice the opportunity for glory!

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  16. Missing large
    Lawrence Stetz Premium Member over 15 years ago

    This just goes to show that dogs can’t tell the difference between pillows and parachutes.

    I’m just glad it was as least something logical like feathers instead of plates and cups or school books. Nothing worse than pulling open on the cord and silverware flies out of your backpack.

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  17. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    Maybe they can hire the Guard Duck from Pearls Before Swine to help train?

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  18. Yellow pig small
    bmonk  over 15 years ago

    fritzoid said, about 4 hours ago

    “They say if you make one jump, you’ve only got 50% chance of injury, two jumps, 80%, and three jumps, you’re bound to catch a packet. The consensus of opinion is that the most sensible thing for Poncho to do is to go ahead and jump, and hope for the best.”

    In World War II, if they absolutely had to get someone not trained in jumping into enemy territory, they explained the process of landing, and possibly did a few preliminary demos and exercises, and then sent him in untrained. The chance for a good landing was better than training him and then sending him in, since they had so many injuries in training jumps.

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  19. Mannytherat
    KingRat  over 15 years ago

    Macushlalondra said, They may be overreacting a bit, it’s only a squirrel cafe, but I like the military angle.

    “only a squirrel cafe”????

    trust me it is impossible to overreact when it comes to a squirrel cafe.

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  20. Missing large
    jerrymeza  over 15 years ago

    we’re missing the point here, do the pooches have a plane in the first place? who’s the pilot???

    if they know how to fly a plane, how come they haven’t found the way to build the CAT-apult

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