Peanuts by Charles Schulz for March 28, 1954

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    yow4zip Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Linus is a bigger kid in a little kid’s body.

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    Meowmocha  almost 10 years ago

    The question is: how is Linus able to reach that high up? That thing is twice is tall as he is.

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    snowdzg Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I bet Linus will be an engineer when he’s grown up.

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    VICTOR PROULX  almost 3 years ago

    A plant on the tv…can’t do that today. Note Easterseal pitch on wall.

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    [Unnamed Reader - b10daf]  over 1 year ago

    Charlie Brown actually beat Lucy at checkers? When?

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    Matt13th  2 months ago

    I like how all of the little kids (younger than CB) showed until now are really passionate about something, first Lucy and her checkers, then Schroeder and his piano, now Linus and his blocks.

    Unfortunately, only Schroeder kept that passion, Lucy is now a therapist, and Linus is too focused on his blanket and philosophy to even think about blocks.

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    kaystari Premium Member about 2 months ago

    I remember being amazed by bigger kids, they were like adults, teenagers were basically adults to me.Some big kids were scary, and mean.

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