Peanuts by Charles Schulz for December 15, 1957
"He should be right along here.." Charlie Brown says to Schroeder as they walk along.<br> <br> "Who should be right along where?" Schroeder asks.<br> <br> "Ah! Here he is!! My pal!" Charlie Brown and Snoopy walk towards each other with outstretched arms. Schroeder stares at them.<br> <br> They hug. "How sickening!" Schroeder remarks. "My buddy! My good buddy! My ol' buddy!!" Charlie Brown cries. Hearts surround them.<br> <br> "My true friend!" Charlie Brown kneels on the ground. Snoopy puts his head in his lap, Charlie Brown scratches his head. "How revolting!" Schroeder gags.<br> <br> He watches as Snoopy does a happy series of backflips over the head of Chgarlie Brown. Hearts surround them.<br> <br> "Every day when I come home from school, he acts this way...He's so glad to see me!" Charlie Brown explains. "Why don't you tell him today is Sunday, and you haven't been to school?" Snoopy sits on the ground and perks up his ears.<br> <br> Schroeder watches as Snoopy kicks Charlie Brown from behind.<br> <br>
jbruins84341 over 8 years ago
Of course he has. Sunday School.
yow4zip Premium Member over 7 years ago
Well that turned quickly.
Yngvar Følling over 5 years ago
I remember this one. I wonder what exactly Snoopy is doing in panel 6. Bouncing on his head?