I grew up believing that people were forced to participate in some lenghty foot race before they could become an adult. This fear stemed from public service annoucements for savings bonds, showing a jogger where the announcer tells you to buy the bonds, “for the long run.”
As a recent retiree I want to thank Red and all you others out there for working and paying your taxes to support me for another 30-40 years. SUCKERS!!
pdeason2 almost 16 years ago
don’t worry it’s coming.
TiggerLeBounce almost 16 years ago
Wow! Wiser than his years! Though in a naive sort of way.
Ermine Notyours almost 16 years ago
I grew up believing that people were forced to participate in some lenghty foot race before they could become an adult. This fear stemed from public service annoucements for savings bonds, showing a jogger where the announcer tells you to buy the bonds, “for the long run.”
pschearer Premium Member almost 16 years ago
As a recent retiree I want to thank Red and all you others out there for working and paying your taxes to support me for another 30-40 years. SUCKERS!!
yankeepenny almost 16 years ago
we sure are paying now.