Shoe by Gary Brookins and Susie MacNelly for January 22, 2009

  1. Castle
    iowaweav  about 16 years ago

    You mean there are more than two? Ted Turner
and Disney, Inc. are laughing all the way to the bank. I am willing to bet Telemundo carries more on one channel than I get on all of my expanded basic.

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  2. Av 101a
    BillTidler  about 16 years ago

    The color is wonderful !

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  3. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 16 years ago

    The SETI people have been making claims like this for decades. It makes for some good science fiction but it’s poor physics. By the time the signal gets to anyone/anything interested, there will be no way to tell which photon was part of Lucy and which was part of Desi.

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  4. Missing large
    one8romeo  about 16 years ago

    I’m sure Lucy would wear anything for a laugh, but Desi would never put a photon.

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  5. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 16 years ago

    Tidler: Still trying to pull a chain or two, eh?


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  6. Blacksilver lj icon
    hossblacksilver  about 16 years ago

    Yeah, and next month they’re going to have to switch over to digital to watch any more. ;)

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  7. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    William Tidler Jr.: True dedication good sir! I admire a man with such. p.s. how ‘bout that yellow!? Now that is a yellow of which a fellow could be proud. A yellow which (back home in Indiana) one could sternly salute. A strong yellow, yes, yet
. -soft voice- a yellow to make the babies sleep safely, and happily more secure.

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  8. Zippy56995996595959995956959599956956599569511111122222333333
    Hugh B. Hayve  about 16 years ago

    Look at the stars, Look how they shine for you, And everything you do, Yeah, they were all yellow, I came along, I wrote a song for you, And all the things you do, And it was called “Yellow”

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  9. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 16 years ago

    I know just how the aliens must feel
.the weird tv shows I’m seeing nowadays are obviously being emmited from their planet.

     •  Reply
  10. Ha thur  har ewe
    stpatme  about 16 years ago

    Great, that’s how the invasion will come about, they don’t want to conquer the Earth; they just want our Vitameatavegemin!

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  11. Anishnawbe
    Allan CB Premium Member about 16 years ago

    I’m gonna start FLAGGING Tidler’s posts 
 they aren’t inapprorpiate but they are sure bleeep well annoyin’

     •  Reply
  12. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 16 years ago

    AHA! Chain pull successful, Mr. Tidler.

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  13. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    I want to know when are going to start getting TV shows from the aliens? How about some reciprocity here? A little give and take? They’ve gotten about 50 years of free programming here. I think it’s time for some return on our investment, you know? Because lord knows the programming I get on DISH puts my dog to sleep. Do I really need 30 shopping channels? And, call me a sissy if you you like, all the sports channels are worthless. I pay $$$ for 250 ‘premium’ HD channels and there are less then five worth watching.

    But the color is great, thanks for noticing. Especially the yellow.
     •  Reply
  14. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    Hugh B. Hayve: Dear Mr. B. Hayve, -if I may call you so- allow me to compliment you on the poem/lyrics(?) in you post. (Your creation?)

    We, -the good wife and I- very much like it. It hints of #F6F903, so simple, so sweet.

    aerwalt: Keen observation I say, such that even Messers. Holmes and the Good Dr. Watson would cheer! 

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  15. Missing large
    amykeen  about 16 years ago

    Aw, but who doesn’t love “I Love Lucy”?

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