Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for January 07, 2009

  1. Bossman
    Destroyer629  about 16 years ago

    I enjoy Tank quite a bit generally, but this line is as lame as they come!Hiring black, or any other minority, coaches is a non-issue with 98% of those involved with college football, only a few liberals in the media who have a moral superiority complex. Hire the best qualified, not the right skin color. By the way guys, there’s plenty of racism to go around in the north without stereotyping southerners, but that would require original thinking.

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    TruckerRon  about 16 years ago

    If you want to watch a film in which racism in Maryland is portrayed, watch “Hair Spray.” Of course you’ll have to believe that an overweight gal can dance… and that John Travolta can portray her mom.

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  3. Missing large
    cpacat  about 16 years ago

    I feel I must make a comment on this strip. The term “Bourbon” is synomous with Kentucky, and most any Bourbon aficionado will tell you that the only “real” bourbon is made in Kentucky. Your strip’s University of Bourbon (with the white KFC-Colonel Sanders suits and all) could be a bit misleading.

    The University of Kentucky (the state’s flagship institution) Wildcat Football team has two african-american coordinators (think they are the only BCS school with such); one of which (UK alum Joker Phillips) has been designated as the “coach in waiting” when Coach Rich Brooks decides to retire.

    If you would like to use the Southern stereotypes, great, but just know that you have this technical inaccuracy in your plot line. (i.e. try “University of Southern Comfort” USC!)

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  4. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    I’ve already mentioned this on another day, cpacat. The elitists labeled me as a “pollyanna”.

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  5. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    Navybean, there aren’t 119 Div. I schools in the South. What are you talking about, or do you even know?

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  6. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    Where were these cartoonists when Notre Dame fired Ty Willingham? Oh yeah, Notre Dame is in the North.

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  7. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    Then why point out the South? Especially when the major university that is actually located in the state known for bourbon has a black OC ready to take over when the head coach retires.

    I guess you are the one leaving the cute tags. Methinks you protest too much.

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  8. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    And one more thing Navytroll, from Wikipaedia: “Virginia Gentleman is a brand of bourbon whiskey. Unlike most other bourbons, it is not distilled in Kentucky, but rather in the adjoining state of Virginia. Some insist that it is not a true bourbon because it is not made in Kentucky, but there is no legal requirement that bourbon be produced there and whiskey was actually first distilled in Virginia in the 17th century (Kentucky was part of Virginia until 1792).”

    My point is that bourbon is more synonomous with Kentucky than any other state, and your swills’ listing proves that.

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  9. Crspe050220
    gary wolner  about 16 years ago

    Hey Navybean………I readed the same book! You and Fred are funny…….but don’t take it too far.

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  10. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    You took cheap shots (the internet crack for one) at the South and now you are claiming to be holier than thou. You are back-tracking because you are wrong.

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  11. Bossman
    Destroyer629  about 16 years ago

    So, navy bean, what do you propose they do, put hiring quoatas out for black coaches? Who are you going to mandate that has to hire minority coaches? What happens if the programs tank? Who will make it up to the schools? Will you then mandate that they cannot be fired, even if they go 0-12? This is the next logical step in a very illogical process, that has already screwed up both the private and public sectors by putting people in key positions because of their skin color rather than qualifications. And the anti-southern bias here is obvious, but that seems to be OK.

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  12. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Man, what a mess. You know NavyBean any facts you have might come alot easier to take if they werent all delivered with a great big heap of sarcasm. Not even good sarcasm, most of it is just name calling, with a thin veneer of “oh yeah” added on. Not clever at all. Mostly all I get from your comments is what I get from your namesake. An urgent need to pass gas.

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  13. Missing large
    jbmlaw01  about 16 years ago

    Typical leftist “humor,” relying on ignorant stereotypes rather than anything with imagination. The “humor” in Tank this week is indistinguishable from that of Southerners two generations ago who made jokes about the perceived lifestyles and foibles of black folks. “Humor” that relies on such prejudice is not funny, save to lesser minds.

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  14. Bossman
    Destroyer629  about 16 years ago

    Race/Ethnicity can never be considered a qualification, if it is that’s just as racist as not hiring blacks because they’re black! Two wrongs do not make a right.This is the reason we have many unqualified judges and other public sector employees, as well as private sector, because affirmative action does not work! This type of thing can only serve to rekindle old bitterness between races. I completely agree that there should be no racial distinction in hiring under any circumstances, but we cannot continue to outsource our sense of compassion to others, i.e. the government or the NCAA. If one feels that this has occured they should call, write or e-mail the offender directly as this is osmething that cannot be legislated with any effectiveness.

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  15. Great marshal pic
    buckmizer  about 16 years ago

    jbmlaw has hit the nail on the head.

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  16. Presidential seal
    m_ortal  about 16 years ago

    France has declared that Champagne is made only in the Champagne region of France. All else is “sparkling wine.” If they can do that, then Bourbon can only be made in Bourbon County, KY. Does any other state have a Bourbon County?

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