Clippet is a pop up character from Microsoft Office ‘03. There were about ten, but he was the default. They would sometimes appear if you clicked on help. Basically, he was fun, but rarely seen and, admittedly, useless.
I used to teach computer courses, and for the macro programming classes I used to offer teaching them how to reprogram what clippit would say as a bonus.
First thing I always did on new Microsoft Office installations was to get rid of “Clippy”, I couldn’t stand that stupid thing. I didn’t know that Microsoft got rid of it in later versions, as I switched to Open Office (free!) as soon as it was stable.
I liked the robot. I didn’t find him useless, and I liked watching the poor thing explode (or otherwise be animated). I must admit that Clippit was truly annoying to me in all his versions.
margueritem over 15 years ago
ACK!! Not that annoying paper clip!
dsped over 15 years ago
So THAT’S what happened to Clippit after Microsoft exiled him! Show no mercy, Brewster!
zero over 15 years ago
you could have just disabled it…
makemelaugh01 over 15 years ago
i love it!
Varnes over 15 years ago
Oh, man, I hate that dude! Water board him ‘til he rusts…
Rakkav over 15 years ago
Poor Clippit gets no respect at all.
Classic strip today, Tim!
Yukoneric over 15 years ago
A student asked about Office 2007 and where the “helper” went. All the fun’s gone. I like the exploding robot.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 15 years ago
Who is this “Clippet”? Someone please explain.
rdh288 over 15 years ago
Clippet is a pop up character from Microsoft Office ‘03. There were about ten, but he was the default. They would sometimes appear if you clicked on help. Basically, he was fun, but rarely seen and, admittedly, useless.
Jogger2 over 15 years ago
rdh288 said, about 1 hour ago
“Clippet is a pop up character from Microsoft Office ‘03. …”
It predates Office 2003. Maybe Office 2000 or Office ‘98 ?
Digital Frog over 15 years ago
I used to teach computer courses, and for the macro programming classes I used to offer teaching them how to reprogram what clippit would say as a bonus.
Trebor39 over 15 years ago
Clippit you annoying nerd! I thought you were gone forever.
zerotsm over 15 years ago
First thing I always did on new Microsoft Office installations was to get rid of “Clippy”, I couldn’t stand that stupid thing. I didn’t know that Microsoft got rid of it in later versions, as I switched to Open Office (free!) as soon as it was stable.
chromosome Premium Member over 15 years ago
DF,could you teach us how to program Clippy to do weird things on our office computers?
Rakkav over 15 years ago
I liked the robot. I didn’t find him useless, and I liked watching the poor thing explode (or otherwise be animated). I must admit that Clippit was truly annoying to me in all his versions.
Sherlock Watson over 15 years ago
Clippy has his own Wikipedia page:
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace about 6 years ago
The same paper clip jammed up ballot-counting machinery in Florida in 2018 — thus showing the danger of early release.