Pluggers by Rick McKee for February 01, 2009

  1. Sc000fe15a
    DebJ4  about 16 years ago

    Of course, Pluggers can ALSO remember when that $20 was what it cost to have your newspaper delivered for an ENTIRE year!

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    viathin  about 16 years ago

    ya or that 20 bucks would allow you to go to the movies for an entire year

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  3. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    I remember delivering the daily paper and $20 bucks or so would be my collection take for the entire route. Out of that, if everyone paid up, I would profit about $1.50 I felt like a tycoon (not).

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    smurf764  about 16 years ago

    How about how rich you felt when you had $20 in your wallet. I remember Dobbie Gilles talking to Maynard G. Krebbs (before Gilligan’s Island) about counterfeiting a $20 bill, ‘because everyone takes them.’ and not the larger bills…

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  5. Alife
    alife  about 16 years ago

    I heard that Las Vegas Doesn’t take $1 & $5’s people counterfeit those!

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  6. German shepherd 18
    Daviddeer  about 16 years ago

    I rememer filling up my half empty gas tank and still have enough to buy three meals at McDonalds.

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  7. Bbrains 09 08 19
    stonehenge1951  about 16 years ago

    Back in high school I could gas up the bomber, take a girl to the movies and get burgers and shakes after. Of course, gas was 19 cents a gallon and McDonald’s cheeseburgers were 15 cents. The movies were the big expense at a dollar each, but hey it was at a new-fangled duplex theater!!

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  8. Spaceship edited
    Cannoneer  about 16 years ago

    20 bucks = 80 gallons of gas, in a galaxy long,long ago and far, far away.

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