You’re a Plugger if you invested LONG ago in the type of gutter covers which prevent the leaves from collecting in the gutter in the first place so that you can totally skip the part about getting the ladder out of the garage in the morning and can focus on the really IMPORTANT tasks of the day – such as the late lunch at the “All You Can Eat” and the “nap” from 3 until 6:30!
The plugger wife must be out of town for the day. Otherwise, this plugger husband would have never been allowed to leave for that late “All You Can Eat” buffet lunch and then settled down for an almost 4 hour nap until those gutters had been cleaned out first!!!!!
You’re a Mrs. Plugger if you are the one who LONG ago decided to invest in one of those gutter covers which prevents the leaves from collecting in the gutter in the first place – because you got tired of being the one who always had to lug the ladder back to the garage before it started to rain!
Smarkflea over 13 years ago
You’re a Plugger if you write novel-sized captions to single-panel cartoons…
EstrelitaH over 13 years ago
You’re a Plugger if you invested LONG ago in the type of gutter covers which prevent the leaves from collecting in the gutter in the first place so that you can totally skip the part about getting the ladder out of the garage in the morning and can focus on the really IMPORTANT tasks of the day – such as the late lunch at the “All You Can Eat” and the “nap” from 3 until 6:30!
EarlWash over 13 years ago
Ah yes, no place quite so wonderful as porkers paradise.
McGehee over 13 years ago
Turn signal on his car is probably still blinking.
Gretchen's Mom over 13 years ago
The plugger wife must be out of town for the day. Otherwise, this plugger husband would have never been allowed to leave for that late “All You Can Eat” buffet lunch and then settled down for an almost 4 hour nap until those gutters had been cleaned out first!!!!!
LuvThemPluggers over 13 years ago
That’s what I was thinking, GretchensMom. No Mrs Plugger worthy of the name would let him get away with that, especially with rain in the forecast!
EstrelitaH over 13 years ago
You’re a Mrs. Plugger if you are the one who LONG ago decided to invest in one of those gutter covers which prevents the leaves from collecting in the gutter in the first place – because you got tired of being the one who always had to lug the ladder back to the garage before it started to rain!
anserman38 over 13 years ago
You all missed it completly!! Mrs, Plugger went with him, and she’s STILL THERE!
LoisG Premium Member over 13 years ago
Either that – or Mrs. Plugger is already sawing logs on the couch – which is why Mr. Plugger is still sitting upright in the easy chair!