Matt Davies for September 12, 2008

  1. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 16 years ago


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  2. Quaggalondon
    FarWestGirl  almost 16 years ago

    That’s them, got no case to make, so they hide behind a woman’s skirts. Big, brave R’s.

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  3. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  almost 16 years ago

    Except the Dems aren’t attacking her policies. How many moose or lipstick jokes can they make?

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  4. Rove arrested
    spacecrawler  almost 16 years ago

    Dems ARE attacking her policies and her record and her lack of experience. Not her family and not her gender, as is being repeated by the mainstream media (coincidentally controlled and dominated by right wingers).

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  5. Rove arrested
    spacecrawler  almost 16 years ago

    And the few jokes made by the likes of the Daily Show or whoever don’t even come close to the decades of sexist action and policy mostly by the republicans. And lets not forget McCain’s gorilla rape joke, nor his record nor Palin’s record. You want liars and criminals and hypocrites, vote republican.

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  6. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  almost 16 years ago

    “as is being repeated by the mainstream media (coincidentally controlled and dominated by right wingers).”

    Is this a new Liberal tactic to make people think they don’t control the media? You’ve got to be joking me! You’re not fooling me whacko!

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  7. New wtfpaint
    kat827618  almost 16 years ago

    Lie and scream “sexist” when you’re caught. Oh yeah.

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  8. Rove arrested
    spacecrawler  almost 16 years ago

    Great Satan; the mainstream media is owned by about 6 companies that all lean very right and whose advertisers are very right-leaning (corporate profit is what matters, not truth or controversy). The radio is dominated by conservative talk. Hardcore conservative talk. The pundits on TV “news” are always conservative and middle/conservative. HOLLYWOOD may be more liberal, which is where this myth started- calling the entire media liberal when only perhaps some Hollywood celebs were liberal (it was Nixon’s great contribution to the republican party- smear truth-telling reporters as biased, then smear all investigative journalism as biased). Some reporters may be left leaning however this never surfaces in their reporting. Even so, ALL media (newspaper, radio, TV) leans right. You clowns have an entire network that’s overtly right-leaning, and virtually all radio. Study after study shows what is shown on mainstream news is biased in favor of conservatives. Liberals have no voice in the mainstream media. PBS has Bill Moyers and Now. MSNBC now has Rachel Maddow (a miracle after they fire Donohue and demoted Olberman). That’s it as far as progressive voices go in the mainstream media. So stop lying. And start thinking.

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  9. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  almost 16 years ago

    You’re friggin’ delusional Sean!

    The NYT, LAtimes, ChicagoTrib, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, All of Hollywood, Air America, and all of these left leaning reporters (what would their reports be then?). Are ALL left-leaning. All the conservatives have is Fox and Talk Radio.

    Here’s some actually research for you since all you could do is say the research supports your stupid idea instead of prove it:

    Also, did you notice that Fox talk shows and conservative radio routinely SMASH their left wing counterpoints in ratings? That’s because on talk radio and talk shows you actually have to DEFEND what you’re saying instead of just blindly saying nonsense with no opposition. That’s why Liberals only do good on newspapers and news reports because otherwise they’d get challenged and shown to be morons. My proof of this is the fact that MSNBC and CNN combined get half of Fox’s ratings and why Air America is a disaster!

    Get some facts before you say something stupid again nutjob!

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  10. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    The media make low brow jokes about any politician. I am a feminist and I say that all those jokes don’t come anywhere close to GOP neo-con policies that consider women as nothing but walking wombs.

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  11. 1107121618000
    CorosiveFrog Premium Member almost 16 years ago

    Oh, wait…for GOP women are more than walking wombs, they’re also good façades to dress up failing policies that no one wants anymore.

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  12. Rove arrested
    spacecrawler  almost 16 years ago

    Satan- the Weekly Standard is a neoconservative opinion magazine. You believe that? THAT’S biased. They have an agenda, which is to pretend the media is liberal. You’re telling me that you think the reporting that goes on is all slanted towards the left? YOU are the delusional one then since that’s clearly not the case. As I said, most on air talent, virtually all pundits, all owners, all producers are conservative, not liberal. This is factual information. There is NO left leaning bias in our news. You are believing a lie that is very easy to see through.

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  13. Buddy
    lalas  almost 16 years ago

    Funny… using the Weekly Standard as a source about bias.,0,712999.story

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  14. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    “There is NO left leaning bias in our news. You are believing a lie that is very easy to see through.”

    I don’t need to “Believe” anything..I’ve been watching the reports and reading the news on a daily basis with my own eyes for the last 3 decades, if you believe the US Media in general is not Liberal then you’re living in another Planet.

    Check the Cartoonist’s page here, 3 to 1 leaning to the left….

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  15. 0967056667 01 mzzzzzzz
    TheGreatSatan  almost 16 years ago

    “Funny… using the Weekly Standard as a source about bias.,0,712999.story”

    It’s even funnier that you used an LaTimes (one of the papers I listed with a left bias) to say that another source is biased and that they’re not!

    Nice one!

    And hey there Machado! I’m glad to see not EVERYONE on this board is a complete moron.

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  16. Shark avatar2 web
    mackado  almost 16 years ago

    Don’t get to upset with the Boys and Girls here, after all this is a cartoon board and they are living in LALA LAND!! hahahahaha

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  17. Yeah
    DndrMffln0808  almost 16 years ago

    Sean, “6 companies that all lean very right and whose advertisers are very right-leaning (corporate profit is what matters, not truth or controversy)”.

    What you said right there is TRUE and FALSE at the same time. You are wrong about sponsors being right winged. No legitimate company is going to outright represent ANY likeness to a specific candidate. It’s marketing suicide. i.e. if Coke sponsors Obama for something, they have now become a representative for his campaign easily alienating anyone who is NOT voting for him.

    You are right about companies looking out for profits. It boils down to dollars and cents. EXACTLY what a company must do to survive. These corporations were not developed to sell a product and take a loss just so the consumer can be refreshed with “that cool fizzy glass” of soda. They are in the business to make money. They spend the BIG BUCKS on Superbowl Sunday to get people to run out and buy their product so they can enjoy profits. Something any good company strives to have.

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