Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for August 13, 2008

  1. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  over 16 years ago

    TWEET! TWEET! (Official bad hand alert!) Looks like the dogs already got ‘em up to the first joint. Question of interest: when the dogs were at Baskerville’s estste, did everyone have a little “toot” in their mouths for survival)?

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    EatDickTracySandwiches  over 16 years ago

    Ohhhhh so suspenseful! I still do not understand how Mr. B just let DT run off with his whistle. This so-called big thug didn’t even put up a fight?? Does this guy not have a gun to (1) fend off DT and (2) fend off the dogs if they go awry? Great supsenseful comic, once again. Where is DickTracy himself today, by the way? I like to think that he is busy standing up like a person (or trying to, without much luck, and looking like a wobbly dog on its hind legs), and eating a terrible burnt sandwich. Happy Hump Day, DickTracy!!!

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  3. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  over 16 years ago

    Nice that everyone stands by and watches this guy get ripped to shreds. Doesn’t anyone have any decency!! Ye Gods!

    Now we get three weeks of Shirl(ey) and Richard talking A LOT! Yawn

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  4. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  over 16 years ago

    Honestly, the dogs in panel 3 look like they’re throwing up all over Baskerville. Especially the shadowy one on the right with the steam-shovel scoopjaw. Guess they really ARE chewing him up and spitting him out

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    geeknerd  over 16 years ago

    Shoot the dogs? And get the ASPCA and PeTA mad? Are you nuts? The boycot would bankrupt Locher

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  6. Bonecrusher main
    RichardT  over 16 years ago

    Baskerville can’t defend himself because he is too busy thinking: “I was supposed to be the recipient of a whistle! CACAJUACAS!” Nothing makes an animal scary like “Rowl.” What, too busy for a full growl? The dog sounds like the elf from gauntlet.

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    wessodog Premium Member over 16 years ago

    The downward spiral continues. I have the greatest respect for Mr. Locher’s talents and love his political cartoons, but his bleeep Tracy plotlines are stunningly inept. bleeep Tracy ‘rescued’ from a big, bad ‘haunted’ house by workers on BULLDOZERS? And now, good and bad guys alike saved from slavering dogs by piping on little teeny tiny WHISTLES, for God’s sake? I can practically hear the Comics Curmudgeon warming up to put the strip on the level of shudder Mary Worth and Mark Trail. Why has it come to this?

    I guess I’m just spoiled, but the Gould-Fletcher-Collins years were so rich and satisfying in every way that all else pales by comparison. Even the ‘moon phase’ Gould had a certain goofy charm, and he knew how to move a story along. You could hardly wait for the Sunday comics, because important plot developments were sure to happen and you usually got a good cliffhanger to boost you into the next week.

    The glacial pacing of the current strip is sad and unnecessary. It’s almost as if the current creator is deliberately stalling for time, the same way a writer for a fiction magazine might ‘pad’ his or her story because the writer is getting paid 5 cents per word instead of being paid for the end result. G-F-C would have produced two full stories in the same time that the current author uses to tell one.

    I respectfully suggest that Mr. Locher might benefit from a good writer’s input. A little pacing would do wonders. Even if the Golden and Silver Ages of ‘bleeep Tracy’ are behind us, Mr. Locher is fully capable of doing more.

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