Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for December 25, 2008

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    We got a bit of Christmas

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  2. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    Margueritem if you dont mind me asking what time do you get off of here, or better yet get on?? and do you know what time they update calvin and hobbles???

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  3. Softball
    ridenslide65  about 16 years ago

    Is that the Tracy House? It’s certainly a rather modest shack for the King of the Crimefighters.

    Tess had an extreme makeover last night and is much improved in Panel 2.

    Very nice to see Tracy wish everyone a nice holiday.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

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  4. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    ridenslide, the Santa oufit is the best!

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    tabbylynn says:

    Margueritem if you dont mind me asking what time do you get off of here, or better yet get on?? and do you know what time they update calvin and hobbles???

    I get off of the site when I finish reading all the comics that I like. I get on about 11:00 PM MST. All the comics update at around 11:13 PM.

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  6. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Well morrow it looks like you got “one” panel (a little better than a panel box) ! But who is that with Dick and Tess? ‘New’ Junior? Isn’t the presence of ‘Cool Dude’(Joe) and Bonnie more important ? I would think so! They live there ! ‘New’ Junior doesn’t ! And where’s the rest of the gang? I’m glad to see there is snow this year and that Tracy’s hat has returned. Will it be there tomorrow ? That design house, I’ve been told is modeled after Locher’s. It looks almost like a one bedroom shed and somehow seems to be getting smaller each year, in step with declining circulation?? Yet another marker to tell us that Dick Tracy works for the Naperville Police. But enough sorrows. I think we sould be greatful for tiny mercies. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all and a HAPPY NEW YEAR !

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  7. Moa
    brine Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Happy Holidaze to all!!!

    I am puzzled by who that guy with Dick and Tess is, but what the heck 
 it’s Christmas!!!


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  8. Missing large
    neonleon59  about 16 years ago

    “Merry Holiday Season”???

    I’m so tired of political correctness.

    Merry Christmas to my friends who celebrate it, Happy Holidays to those who don’t, Happy New Year to all!

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  9. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    ridenslide enquired about the Tracy house (modeled after Locher’s in Naperville). So, I looked back to 03-06-2007 (Queenie story) to see how it looked then. A few changes. The roof of the Garage section was lower then, than that of the main house. Today, the reverse is true, that section is taller with windows. An attic bedroom? The house in 2007 displayed a front door, not so this Christmas, just windows and a roof overhang not previously there. It raises a query, can Locher “remember” how to draw his own house? Another “Phosgene” attack ? Has it been remodeled recently? Who knows? This “eye blinking” focus, the artistic uncertainty, always knocks me over! Any one wishing to take a peek may do so at the “Huston Chronicle’s” Archives which go back to 01-01-2001 (free), for quick reference. http://www.comicstriparchive.com/Dick_Tracy/ Usefull for research and reading what’s gone before. If that’s New Junior in the third panel his distinctive ‘Ski-Jump’ nose just like Teevo’s did, is disapearing. Perhap’s they should both ‘complete’ the act ! Prior to today, Locher has been ‘hiding’ him like the rubber ducky since Aug.2004 (Piggy Bank story). Oh! Check Gasoline Alley and Annie for Christmas Greetings !

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  10. Missing large
    ElVicente  about 16 years ago

    “A very merry holiday season?”

    What, you’re afraid of offending someone?

    Merry Christmas! from Vince Massi

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  11. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Tess is still missing her nose in panel 2. Tracy rediscovered his hat in the last panel and if that’s Junior in the last panel, who paid for his plastic surgery???

    Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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  12. Large fdr
    bassmanbob  about 16 years ago

    Tess, realizing Dick had come home so late that it was already Christmas morning began to feel a spark of warmth towards him beginning to rise up in her. “Even thought he’s become a clueless, mindless buffoon and a shell of his former self I still do love him”. She reminder herself. She knew he had already forgotten who they were talking about so she gently told him it was about their new neighbor. Dick tried to play off that he need to be reminded who they were talking about. Dick felt he was losing Tess and it was breaking his heart. If he could get one gift this Christmas it would be a renewing of the bond of love between the two of them. Sadly and softly he asked; What is so fascinating about our new neighbor”? “Wait till you hear his idea”. Tess said as she quickly perked up and went over to Dick to hug him. Dick, startled at first returned the embrace. “Thank you”, Tracy whispered both to Tess and to the one who gave him this most wonderful Christmas present.

    “Tess honey, let’s wish everyone a happy and merry Christmas”, Dick said. “Absolutely Dick, but remember that the PC police are here so be careful what you say” she warned him. Dick hated the blasted PC police. They were everywhere and made his job almost unbearable. “It’s amazing”, he said to Tess while sadly shaking his head. “Here it is, December 25th, the day that has always been set aside to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus in the manger and we can’t even hint at it”! “I know”, answered Tess back to him, “I mean it is called CHRISTmas day for crying out loud”! “Oh oh, he’s here”. Warned Dick. The PC man walked over to them. “Did you say anything incorrect before I got here”? He sneered at them. “Oh no, not at all”, they answered. “Then go ahead and say what you want to say, but be careful because I’m listening to every word”! Dick cleared his throat and said in a bland, somewhat weak voice; “The Tracy family would like to wish you a very merry holiday season”. As the PC policeman looked on with a sinister sneer, satisfied with another victory against free speech, Dick wished he still had Brute-Forces head with him to use on Mr. PC.

    The Bassmanbob family would like to wish everyone a very merry, happy and safe Christmas.

    “Jesus is the reason for the season”

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  13. Shill
    Brainiak  about 16 years ago

    “He only said it under duress..I’d bet someone behind him has a Roscoe on his ribs!”

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  14. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  about 16 years ago

    Let none of us forget this is also the birthday of the god Mithras.

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  15. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    I’m glad that I’m not the only one who has no idea who the blond guy in the third panel is.

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  16. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  about 16 years ago

    (gives Bassmanbob’s Christmas story a standing ovation) Bravo!

    Christmas excludes no one. It’s certain people who choose to exclude themselves from Christmas.

    And I do enjoy today’s strip – much better than last year’s “killdozer” Christmas with a tiny, obligatory “Holiday Greetings” inserted into one panel corner with carnage and destruction behind it.

    I hope Tracy gets to keep his new (old?) hat. That would be a lovely Christmas gift all by itself!

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  17. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    For Christmas I hope Dick gets to keep his hat, Tess gets a consistent nose and we find out who the blond guy is.

    Great job BB. You’re the best!!

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  18. Maxine
    Maxine_Viller  about 16 years ago

    Grokenstein: I have friends who are of all different backgrounds and religions, including pagan, who say how much they enjoy getting Christmas cards and being wished a Merry Christmas, proving that anyone can still enjoy the Day irregardless of their personal beliefs – if they want to.

    As you have chosen to be bitter and cynical about the whole thing, that is your freedom and your right. But I can’t help feeling sorry for you. Nevertheless, I wish you a Merry Christmas – or if you prefer, a jolly Bah Humbug.

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  19. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 16 years ago

    For those of you like JPuzzleWhiz who are ignorant about Mithra, you owe itself to learn more about the religion on which Christianity is based:


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  20. Green lingerie   003
    riley05  about 16 years ago

    Bassmanbob, Jesus isn’t the reason for the season. Given the fact that the shephards were tending their flocks in the fields when Jesus was born, Jesus wasn’t born in this season.

    The reason for the season comes from the ancient English druid and pagan celebrations of winter.

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  21. Missing large
    neonleon59  about 16 years ago

    Um, Anthony, I’m pretty sure bassmanbob didn’t mean Jesus is the reason for the season of winter. He (Jesus, not bassmanbob) IS the reason for the Christmas season, no matter what time of year we Christians choose to celebrate it. It’s fairly certain that Jesus wasn’t actually born on December 25, but that doesn’t mean we Christians can’t use that for the day of celebration. It’s just as good as any, since it’s kinda hard to find a copy of His birth certificate in the online Bethlehem archives.

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  22. Img 0620 1
    tabbylynn  about 16 years ago

    margueritem thank you so much now i know, i have wonderend for a while how you are always the first one on them all it seems like. thank you and a Merry christmas to you.

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  23. Softball
    ridenslide65  about 16 years ago

    margueritem says: ridenslide, the Santa oufit is the best!

    THANKS! Something I just put together at the last minute.

    BTW - I’m SO glad that no one else knows who that guy in panel 3 is with Dick and Tess. I thought maybe I was just out of the loop on that one.

    Sydney - Thanks for the update on the Tracy shack.

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