Dick Tracy by Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger for February 16, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    The plot advances, a bit.

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  2. Missing large
    CyberV  about 16 years ago

    So now all the cars will fart perfume that smells like Dick. Lovely.

    If anyone’s interested, I’ll be selling gas masks and deoderant over here on a street corner

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  3. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Where are the authorities that Tracy was calling for the other day over his wrist TV?

    Angelistlessness does have flippers for hands in the third panel!

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  4. Bp 1276417405712
    fishbulb  about 16 years ago

    Where the heck are the 911 responders? Ah-so. Angelorious rook velly “Chinese” in dishonorable panel 3.

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    HankF  about 16 years ago

    Looks like the lab got repaired. (panel 1) Explosions just aren’t what they used to be.

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    DonnieTevault  about 16 years ago

    And speaking of sloppy story-telling

    Angelorious’ first entrance was to introduce herself as a way to help the ladies make a fortune with their perfume. But, in reality, she has no interest in the perfume, only in Ethan Noll’s gasoline formula. So, if she knew where to find Noll to begin with, as it seems that she did, why did she even bother with the perfume ruse? All it’s done is to unnecessarily attract Dick Tracy’s attention. But then again, did that really make a difference, seeing how Tracy has proven himself utterly incompetent at even conducting a simple investigation?

    Also, how smart can Driller be? (Assuming, of course, that that’s really him in the third panel.) I mean, a “Big Oil” executive who can’t tell the difference between a gasoline formula and a perfume formula?

    I have to agree, it’s time for DL to retire and turn this strip over to someone else.

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  7. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Is the word “DOTAGE” or DEMENTIA? Perhaps larger, Mental Continental DRIFT! I’m not saying Locher has those problems, but perhaps I do. The whole “plot” confuses me as it must the Author. Yesterday, it was plural, “formulas”, today it seems to be just ONE, gasoline. And the 3rd (simpistic) panel suggests that’s what she is trying to sell. But with Dick Locher these latter days you can never be sure!(? PUZZLES 1) Feb.4&5, Angelorious want’s an “exclusive”. Driller want’s one too. Is it for perfum or a gasoline formula, or for both? I don’t know! Does Locher? 2) If this is about gasoline why spend a whole valuable FIVE weeks running around the Mullberry bush smelling perfume? I don’t know! Does Locher? Tess just looks stupid? 3) Tracy called: “911 FAST!” As our guys noted 
 “FAST? They haven’t arrived yet(?) Who forgot? Lizz or Locher? The recently departed, Matt, would lovingly call the above “building suspense” 
 I wouldn’t. I’ll be kind today and in polite language call it what it is, D efinitely L udicrous!

    Others do it. Judy, DElli-delicuous etc. So, the above suggests my own “alter ego”. How about about “DLtwaddle-babble”? That way, I’ll speak in the same “tongue”. Perhaps I’ll be understood.

    Trivia question for the day. Who looks “silliest” A) Tess on Perfume OR B) Cosgrove, on Computer and ‘Phone?

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  8. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Donnie Tevault says: “I mean, a ‘Big Oil’ executive who can’t tell the difference between a gasoline formula and a perfume formula?” (panel 3). That’s a corker of a question Don, just shows how questionable the story is. Unless it’s not written for ‘US’ but for little Dicky on Grandpa’s knee. Trouble is I doubt if you’d find two dozen of that age group in the readership of 23 million that TMS estimates they have. DL should check his “stats”. It’s this sort of hooey that makes the Praetorian Guard run into a corner and CRY!

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  9. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Ludwig says: “Angelistlessness does have flippers for hands in the third panel!”

    Do you think she may have ‘tested’ the ‘perfume’ on her hands? ;)

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  10. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Sydney Phillips says: Trivia question for the day. Who looks “silliest” A) Tess on Perfume OR B) Cosgrove, on Computer and ‘Phone?

    ~1 vote for Tess.

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  11. 220px charles bowles aka black bart
    Steve Bartholomew  about 16 years ago

    Howcum that guy in the 3rd panel is looking at a blank piece of paper??

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  12. Lord marmalade
    kiddork  about 16 years ago

    The ‘blank’ piece of paper is actually Locher’s notes for the next six weeks.

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    neonleon59  about 16 years ago

    So on 1/31 Driller (presumably) told Angel(gl)orius (presumably) “give it a famous name - just make it work.” Sounds like they’re talking about the soon-to-be-famous Dick Smell line of cosmetics/perfume/good soap. But now they are after the gasoline formula?!?!?


    Continuity is for sissies.

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  14. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    Neon, Another good question for the Praetorian Guard. But no answer, it’s one they can’t answer.

    I will agree Dick Tracy is in real silly season. It wasn’t that way once, and we’’re not “sissies”, but I don’t hear you laughing all the way to the bank.

    Now excuse me, I want to read Locher’s “notes” on the strip for the next six weeks.

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  15. Emerald
    margueritem  about 16 years ago

    Where is BassmanBob? We haven’t had an interpretation from him in a while.

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  16. Trop light
    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    margueritemPro says:

    Where is BassmanBob? We haven’t had an interpretation from him in a while. I’ve been wondering that too Marg. could he have been a casualty of the great MPH War?

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  17. Paul
    LudwigVonDrake  about 16 years ago

    Maybe he’s vacationing in his Yacht in the waters off Naperville?

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  18. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Is this all a “red herring”? 01-04-09 “I asked Diet Smith to run a test on the first batch”. “He politely refused, so we’re going it alone”. “Except for me Tess”. Angel (gl)orious makes her entrance. “Wisteria Cosmetics”
”We’ve heard about your famous Dick Tracy line”.

    01-05-09 “Pushing a line of Dick Tracy toiletries, is a stroke of genius”.

    01-11-09 “Dr. Noll will be so proud“. “Dr. Who”?

    01-25-09 Dr. Noll meets Angle(gl)odious. “Love Fire”.

    01-27-09 “Tess and her friends selling “Love Fire”? “Never. This is big-time stuff”.

    01-29-09 “So it wasn’t the perfume that exploded, it was something else”? (Much later) “Hello Driller? It’s a go, just as planned”.

    02-08-09 “And her skin is burned”. “Driller will be pleased”. “But I don’t think you will be”.

    02-14-09 “The doctors contract contains the formula: I’m open for bids”.

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  19. Oddball
    Morrow Cummings  about 16 years ago

    Yathink Bassmanbob and Judy Hansel disappeared together? Hmmmmm

 We haven’t heard from either for a while.

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  20. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    bassmanbob, Have you with Judy done an “Edward Nuremoh” on us and jumped off the board? Activate the Locher glider and come back please!

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  21. Odd spots 002
    sydney  about 16 years ago

    The address as requested is: sydney@tstt.net.tt

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  22. Professor chaos
    countoftowergrove  about 16 years ago

    Angelgloriosky has looked like the Joker’s sister, the villianous host of the Kung Fu tournament in “Enter the Dragon,” and today her expression is oddly similar to Mickey Dugan, the Yellow Kid.

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