Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 04, 2011

  1. Missing large
    Hamza780  almost 14 years ago

    damn it Trudeau just marry them already

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  2. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  almost 14 years ago

    Nice pre-emptive strike, Alex.

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  3. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 14 years ago

    Show Blondie your teeth and nails.

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  4. Andy
    Sandfan  almost 14 years ago

    Drew left out ā€œselfā€ when she described Alex as ā€œcenteredā€.

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  5. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    ā€¦his trouble was he was open and honest about her looksā€¦just threw it out there in the open and said what everyone already knew and was thinking.used to be a complimenting someone was good form,now,in this crazy world where where being P.C. isnā€™t very P.C. stating the obvious is like opening pandoraā€™s boxā€¦wait..that sounds dirty somehowā€¦

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  6. Galapagos tortoise 3r
    PShaw0423  almost 14 years ago

    You know, Gweedo, it is possible to fall in love in someone with a disability without it being a trendy fashion statement. Are you really that shallow, or are you saying that Alex is? (Thereā€™s no evidence for the latter ā€” she seems to be immune to fashion, actually.)

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  7. Sour grapes
    odeliasimone  almost 14 years ago

    Why are there so many sexually oriented and perverted minds who read this strip???

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  8. Img00025
    babka Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    hard for Alex to believe that Leo loves her. she assumes that Drew can have any man she wants. forgets in her fearfulness that Drew honors their union & would not dream of is a handicap as other women become hostile in anticipation of losing what they ā€œhaveā€. Of course, you canā€™t lose what you donā€™t have. big difference between love & possession. ainā€™t?

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  9. Carnac
    AKHenderson Premium Member almost 14 years ago

    I think Alex reads too much of the ā€œLuannā€ comic strip, and is paranoid that thereā€™s a Tiffany lurking underneath every major babe. Drew is really the polar opposite of Tiffany.

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  10. 250px sifl and olly
    rifframone  almost 14 years ago

    You make good points babka, but many men who ā€˜loveā€™ their wife/girlfriend can still be swayed by looks. Women who donā€™t know this are setting themselves up for a bad discovery later. Note~ Iā€™m not saying that some women arenā€™t the same way!

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  11. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  almost 14 years ago

    I donā€™t see it as Alex not hearing what Drew said. Rather, I see her as hearing every word, but assuming Drew is plotting against her to take Leo away, trying to catch her off guard. Itā€™s too bad when youā€™re so insecure that even when you hear positive things, you have to quickly reinterpret them as badā€¦

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