Endtown by Aaron Neathery for July 11, 2011

  1. Me
    aneathery  over 13 years ago

    Yep.. I still have books to sell, so here goes for all you newcomers:The Endtown mini-comic that I produced for Comicpalooza 2011 is now available to YOU for the offensively low price of $2.50 (price includes s&h, international add $1 for each copy ordered ). Besides sporting a snazzy full color cover (http://tinyurl.com/3uytdhy), it contains an all-new 22 page story that is available nowhere else. And just because I feel like doing it, I’ll sign and personalize (if desired) each and every copy I mail out. Simply pay via PayPal using my email address, aaronneathery@gmail.com, and be sure to include your mailing address. If you can’t pay with PayPal, email me for my snailmail.And, just so you know, I’m completely open to donations. The cat and mouse that live in my head will thank you. :-)

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    Not_Tomato_Soup  over 13 years ago

    I KNEW IT OH THE INHUMANITY Mice and cats getting…. /puts on shades/ FRISKY. /guitar riff/ YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAH!!!!

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    machpovii3  over 13 years ago

    Somewhat cliche, but after what they’ve been through, completely necessary. And besides that, IT’S ABOUT TIME THEY KISSED!!

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  4. Rori poster
    SapphireDragonStudios  over 13 years ago

    The cat caught the mouse all right. Score!

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  5. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Oh no, he’s eating her face!!!

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  6. Wolf wolves howl
    Wolfdreamer250  over 13 years ago

    Boy that look in the second Panel. I think Holly was thinking there was a 50/50 chance she’d either get eaten or kissed.

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  7. Daddy.06
    memo.from.daddy.warbucks  over 13 years ago

    what weird offsprings are going to be breed

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  8. Idano
    Ida No  over 13 years ago

    Awww. (sniff)mfdw: Any indication that ANY of the mutants have had children here in the last 6 years?

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  9. Bronkotter
    Bronkster Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Ha! Only halfway expected it to go this way, but even so I got a big, dopey grin on my face from the last panel. But now that I look deeper, and see the small tear, I’m wondering if it’s a kiss of gratitude for Holly helping him overcome his resistance to accept himself, or if it’s really more a love thing. Or both. And isn’t it awesome that it’s never clear cut? I love this strip (even if it’s mushy)!

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  10. Animal1
    farflungfloyd  over 13 years ago

    And cue the beastiality…

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    harmgb  over 13 years ago

    Just as long as Allie doesn’t happen by just about now… :D

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  12. Hct
    Herb Thiel Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Excellent!!! The offspring question is a good one. Who knows? Maybe over years they’ll evolve into the population in My Cage http://www.gocomics.com/mycage/

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  13. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  over 13 years ago


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    Airolga  over 13 years ago

    It’s so sweet to see the size difference between the two in the third panel, only to see it disappear again by a change of perspective in the fourth. And I later noticed Holly is still wearing her name tag. That’s a nice detail, too … :)

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  15. Steamfrown
    Dunligiel12 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    WOOOOO!!! The single raised eyebrow speaks volumes! Both asking without asking if the other feels the same way as they do. The answers in panel 4. Made my day!!

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  16. Idano
    Ida No  over 13 years ago

    Actually, what’s happening is that Holly is checking whether Wally is still suffering from an identity complex or if he’s going to go feral. Wally’s realizing that the therapy may have worked. In the fourth panel, it’s their way of asking if the other is in heat yet..

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  17. Crspe050220
    gary wolner  over 13 years ago

    Hey three steps, you need to get away from those nuke plants more often!

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  18. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Twue wuv, what is twue wuv?

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  19. Wolf
    Mediatech  over 13 years ago

    The mutagen seems to affect each person individually. My guess is their children would not be a hybrid but each their own animal, just as easily be a wolf or a parakeet. Or maybe a moose and a squirrel… no sorry… wrong cartoon.

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  20. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member over 13 years ago

    With the extreme anxiety Wally’s been through, this is about his emotions being out-of-control, so he’s not fighting it, but also finally not minding, even embracing it. For Holly, what’s going through her mind is a combination of Yes!!, and I knew it all along…

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  21. Version 2
    The Eclexian Premium Member over 13 years ago

    What I don’t understand is why, for so many of the readers, their appreciation of the strip is so shallow that the story has to degenerate into the baseness of pure animal instinct. There’s so much more going on, here!

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  22. Dile
    Paul Gabbard Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I am a bit curious as to how the mutations affect the offspring, I would imagine it shoul be possible that since a cat and mouse can’t produce offspring now, they couldn’t do it then; and that could be very bad news for what’s left of humanity. Perhaps the human half of the DNA could rarely produce a human child that would then mutate. As far as children under 6 goes, the strip on May the 23rd had two children playing on swings, and the little bear girl looked to be 6 or under.

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    Lyons Group, Inc.  over 13 years ago

    [Romantic Music Plays]

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  24. Pc1
    TheDOCTOR  over 13 years ago

    Its all in the eyes.. See He sees a Cute girl (not a mouse) ..and She sees a Great guy (not a Cat) … ’Nuff said, let the “Kissy face” continue.

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  25. Avatar
    crystalwizard  over 13 years ago


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    dante.deangelo  over 13 years ago

    Hubba hubba

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    firedome  over 13 years ago

    so, perhaps this might be how disney got the idea for the wuzzles….

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  28. Dim2
    farren  over 13 years ago

    That thing on Wally’s face doesn’t appear to be a teardrop. It’s been in almost every closeup view we’ve seen of him, and I doubt any teardrop would last that long.

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  29. Crspe050220
    gary wolner  over 13 years ago

    Jeeze Aaron, gotta a lot of over analyzers here. Does anyone want to discuss the unreal amount of infrastructure it would take to keep Endtown functioning?? (I do mean unreal.)

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    rob9108  over 13 years ago


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  31. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago

    I think the infrastructure was already in place before the plague and war, and someone knew they were coming. Whether they were expecting some unknown catastrophe, or those specific events, remains to be seen.Having children is probably one of the most major issues after the plague. I’m assuming that the chromosome pairing is still human, so two different phenotypes will still be able to produce offspring. What happens to the offspring would depend on whether the sperm and eggs are changed genetically. If they’re changed, you should get a fertile hybrid. But changed or not, the real horrors await… Will the plague manifest in the children, or will they be immune? If they’re not immune, will they manifest in the womb or at birth? If the parents are fortunate, manifestation will be soon after conception and negative ones will result in miscarriages. If they’re unfortunate, the fetus will survive and most likely manifest as a deadly monster either in the womb or at birth.By now, someone’s probably risked having children and those issues will be known. But for a long time, I expect couples have been celibate or opting for abortions until they’re sure baby won’t play Alien.Maybe fertilizations have been in vitro so that the monsters can be eliminated and the viable embryos implanted. Then there would be the controversial temptation to eliminate all “non-human” embryos, but with a majority population of mutants, I think they’ll resist temptation, except for parents who insist on “normal” children.Until they can overcome the near-certainty of monsters or mortality, there are going to be very few children or attempts to have them.

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  32. R.j.s
    Rocky Premium Member over 13 years ago


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  33. Fiver2
    Francis362003  over 13 years ago

    YES I KNEW IT!!!!!

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  34. Galaxy
    Franz Obern  over 13 years ago

    Not exactly a fan of moments like these, but I do know the necessity of them, and I do appreciate these moments as being very real and very possible reactions. (Hey, Aaron, did you actually plan on this happening, or did Noreen give you the idea in the first place?)

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  35. Angel cat
    noreenklose  over 13 years ago

    YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!! YAY!!!

    THANKS, Aaron, I’ve been SOOOooo looking forward to that.



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    starlilies  over 13 years ago

    Awwwwww… how sweet! :)

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  37. Me
    aneathery  over 13 years ago

    Folks, I want to thank all of you for the great comments today.. I think you’ve broken a record for Endtown. :-)

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