Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for June 14, 2011

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    GrimmaTheNome  over 13 years ago

    ā€˜weā€™ being men, ā€˜thingā€™ being a woman.


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    bdaverin  over 13 years ago

    Seriously, a woman can dislike getting attention from her fellow Marines without being a lesbian. Get OVER yourself. And Trudeau, even less attractive women can dislike the fake interest. Also, thanks for assuming larger women arenā€™t attractive normally. Not.

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    cdward  over 13 years ago

    Is this a repeat? I mean, isnā€™t Mel a sergeant now?

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    RegHartt  over 13 years ago

    It is not Trudeauā€™s place to picture an ideal world.

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    Indyvice  over 13 years ago

    Yes, it is a repeat. Though I believe it was already pointed out previously, Mel was raped by an officer. That is why she is the way she is. No closets involved.

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    ladywyntre  over 13 years ago

    If you donā€™t think Trudeau is engaged in shaping the world, you havenā€™t been reading.

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  7. Andy
    Sandfan  over 13 years ago

    Would it be possible to adopt a universal symbol of availability? Maybe a particular piece of jewelry worn in a specific location? That way, an approach could be made without having to clear it with a lawyer or consulting the latest New York Times ā€œRules for Inter-Gender Interactionā€.

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    Nemesys  over 13 years ago

    @Wyntre, we all shape the world, and some of us do so in much more profound ways than does Trudeau.

    @ Sandfan, there are such symbols, and depending on their color and/or location they not only designate availability but status (gay, bi, top, bottom, etc.). I donā€™t think they come standard on US Army uniforms.

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    terrible_t  over 13 years ago

    This is actually kind of relevant. Iā€™ve had this saved in my bookmarks for over a year, and still read it periodically.

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    Nachikethass  over 13 years ago

    You do need to catch up on Mel from earlier strips ā€“ that is cruel. Or, is that intentional?

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    wstanley0418  over 13 years ago

    While acknowleging that this is a COMIC STRIPā€¦ One of us is sure, but one of us has a major problem that needs addressing. She was sexually harrassed ONE TIME by a superior officer and now she thinks EVERY man is out to harrass her ā€“ even those that donā€™t know her. This type of paranoia can quickly turn into something much worse. And if this were real life and the real military, it would severely hamper her upward movement through the ranks.

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    randgrithr  over 13 years ago

    @Wstanley, it wasnā€™t harassment. It was rape. Harassment is bad enough. Rape is worse, and has lasting effects which approach other types of PTSD. @Gmartin997: stop being a homophobic cluetard. Sheā€™s not necessarily gay. Sheā€™s a rape victim. This is obviously a rerun. Rozā€™s ā€œDesert Foxā€ attitude changes a great deal after she learns Mel was raped.

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    An Iron Hand in a Velvet Glove  over 13 years ago

    thank gosh for the magnification icon, i donā€™t know how I used to read this

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    Coyoty Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Some people think comics are only for children, and when they arenā€™t, they should be forced to be because comics are only for children.And comic strips are supposed to be mindless and funny, and girls are supposed to wear pink, and women shouldnā€™t be in the military, and GT and his fans should be forced to understand thatā€¦

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    FriscoLou  over 13 years ago

    Two sisters so different. Now I get it, this is a rerun. Remember the last time we saw Mel she was off to that special unit to deal with her issues, then things started looking up when she met the DADT Facebook sister? Thatā€™s the last we saw of Mel, and now the rerun. This is so Kafkaesque , with so many questions and ambiguities.Rape is a terrible thing, especially by someone you trust, but 0418 made a good point the need to focus on the individual and not make universal judgments. Does any one remember the prior story line with Captnā€™ Seabrook and what people were ready to do to him, just because of Melā€™s misperceptions? The problem is misandrous people are hard wired to jump to action at the whiff of an opportunity. The third chapter in Wikipedi for the definition of misandry is called ā€œMisandry and the presumption of male guilt.ā€ That presumption was what was driving the hysteria around the LaCrosse case in Durham, and the bad things that 0418 was talking about can take hold.

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    countoftowergrove  over 13 years ago

    sandfan said, about 11 hours ago

    Would it be possible to adopt a universal symbol of availability? Maybe a particular piece of jewelry worn in a specific location? That way, an approach could be made without having to clear it with a lawyer or consulting the latest New York Times ā€œRules for Inter-Gender Interactionā€. In Star Trek TNG, Picard on leave had a horegon, which when displayed publicly was a statement of availability.

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    andygup  over 13 years ago

    This phenomenon is as real as apple pie ā€“ Iā€™ve seen it in action several times in the military. As well as the tendency of men to seek more and more physical contact with each other as naval operations at sea extend longer and longer. Itā€™s the way of the world.

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    jeanne1212  over 13 years ago

    Yes, gmartin997 ā€“ rape will do that. And as soon as Mel decides it was ONLY ā€œ:sexual harrassmentā€ sheā€™ll be right back in the stag-line-up.

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  19. Innocentavvy
    ladywyntre  over 13 years ago

    @gmartin: Thatā€™s not ironic. Itā€™s an editorial cartoon. It differs from others in that it has plots, but itā€™s unabashedly political.@Nemesys: Trudeau has a platform thatā€™s much larger, Iā€™d wager, than that of any regular posters here.

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    wstanley0418  over 13 years ago

    Ok, lets seeā€¦ I got a speeding ticket once, so by your analogy, I should always drive under the speed limit to avoid that again, right? Or how about the time I commented on a comic strip and people told me I was a slow learner? Maybe I should not comment on comic strips any more? Itā€™s called LIFE. You live, you hurt, you learn. But you donā€™t bury yourself and you donā€™t stop doing stuff because you got hurt once doing it.

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