Henry Payne for June 08, 2011

  1. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 13 years ago

    Get a Jolt from the Volt.Send your royalty checks to Rockngolfer.

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  2. 23878 slide
    tcity  about 13 years ago

    Ford didn’t need a bailout.

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  3. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  about 13 years ago

    I remember the local ZA variation of that slogan: "Braaivleis, Rugby, Sunny Skies and Chevrolet " from the ’70s. ahem, sorry, carry on.

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  4. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    The horror, Obama’s bailout saved GM, the horror, right cons?

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  5. Thp 5
    svenskabru2u  about 13 years ago

    I miss the old slogan as well, and I actually work for GM (still). Things are finally turning around, though. Maybe some of that UAW bailout money will trickle up to the engineering offices, we’ll have to wait and see.

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  6. Missing large
    Gladius  about 13 years ago

    Eryx and pirate,How about the fact that the federal government helped a private company compete against one that didn’t need to be bailed out? (Ford)

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    Gladius  about 13 years ago

    You have still avoided the point of my post. The government helped one private company and not another.

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  8. Jollyroger
    pirate227  about 13 years ago

    Why let me answer, the fifth.No. Why? Because Circuit City going under would not cascade through the economy like the GM or Chrysler.

    You’re welcome.

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  9. Missing large
    Gladius  about 13 years ago

    Kitty,That STILL isn’t the point. The government helped Ford’s competitors when Ford did everything right.

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  10. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 13 years ago

    ^6 Eryx Traditionally it is Fix Or Repair Daily.The opposition would rather walk and carry a Chevy hubcap than drive a Ford.

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  11. John adams1
    Motivemagus  about 13 years ago

    The reason to bailout GM is because of the ripple effect. They make parts for nearly everyone else, including Toyota, and thus GM collapsing would cripple the manufacturing sector. Instead, we saved a LOT of jobs, kept the sector going, and GM has finally started to make some changes they should have made years ago and are starting to pay back the loans, though I think they would have done better to fire the top three layers of leadership and start over rather than recycle an old CEO. Their problems were clearly visible 40 years ago, they just got lucky in the interim.

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  12. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 13 years ago

    Circuit City didn’t actually manufacture anything. They just sold at retail stuff they bought, from America to start with, Taiwan and Japan , then China. I bought stereo equipment from Dixie HiFi which was the original name of the company that became Circuit City. I think they were overcome by the competition because it was a crowded field with shrinking profit margins.GM went through those terrible times when bean counters decided which cars to build, and did the designing based on costs. GM is better now. The best GM car I have personally driven is the Cobalt.Correct me if I am wrong but the Cobalt apparently has a Saab engine. One tough little car.

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  13. Androidify 1453615949677
    Jason Allen  about 13 years ago

    Circuit City failed in part because it invaded the perceived territory of a competitor with a much better business model and the competitor retaliated. Circuit City isn’t the first competitor Best Buy has burred.

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  14. Missing large
    Gladius  about 13 years ago

    So you are encouraging large buisnesses to do whatever they want because the government will bail them out. Please take a long walk off a short pier. This isn’t the first time this has happened with the auto industry.

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