Wait till you’re older Calvin. You will develop many ways of keeping the fish from biting and ruining your afternoon view of the water. I prefer leaving the bait home.You can solve all the worlds problems with a pole in your hand’ Fortunately those solutions are left at the riverbank as you load your truck after a hard day fishing. Most men are able to help this forgetfullness with the aid of a cooler.
In westernmost Illinois, there used to be a low spot in the bottoms called Lima Lake (still appears on older maps) which has now been drained and turned into corn-fields, at least in years the levee holds up. Old timers told of a pipe that drained the lake, boaters would park near the pipe and a few fish coming out the pipe would be unlucky enough to land in the boat! Fish were then taken to Canton, Mo and iced for shipment to St. Louis. They also told of one man that didn’t know when to stop, and the weight of the fish sank his boat!
comicgos over 13 years ago
Must have used the same call on the worms!
margueritem over 13 years ago
Those fish are wise beyond your six years…
michael100 over 13 years ago
calvin is not really smart.
MontanaLady over 13 years ago
What about those Asian Carp……..they hear a boat motor and JUMP at the boat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MontanaLady over 13 years ago
In the Illinois River!
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
I guess this is before Dad take’s him camping……and fishing.
Good Morning, Marg, Mike & ♠Lonewolf♠
ironclad2001 over 13 years ago
Better use worms Calvin
Phapada over 13 years ago
some fish so Hungry…
Cajtri87 over 13 years ago
If only it were that easy! But my Father would say it wasn’t about catching the fish, it was about being out on the lake.
Number Three over 13 years ago
Calvin is so cute in the first Panel..
( I know this has nothing to do with the strip but you know me)
LOL xxx
thirdguy over 13 years ago
Lee-Anne, your Father had it exactly right!
lewisbower over 13 years ago
Wait till you’re older Calvin. You will develop many ways of keeping the fish from biting and ruining your afternoon view of the water. I prefer leaving the bait home.You can solve all the worlds problems with a pole in your hand’ Fortunately those solutions are left at the riverbank as you load your truck after a hard day fishing. Most men are able to help this forgetfullness with the aid of a cooler.
zero over 13 years ago
Give a fish your bucket and you don’t eat for a day. Teach him not to jump in it, and you never eat fish. . ..
mrnathat over 13 years ago
No treat, no fish.
Poollady over 13 years ago
I went fishing once and caught a cold!
ponycar over 13 years ago
one of my all time favorite calvin strips.
cleokaya over 13 years ago
Hobbes should be there he would know fish protocol.
Thunderdog2 over 13 years ago
It worked for Ernie on Sesame Street. Calvin just has the call wrong; it’s ‘Here Fishy, Fishy Fishy!’
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
Calvin’s way of trying to catch fish is ‘beyond the pale’.If he used a ‘seine’, the ‘net’ results might be better.
who?me over 13 years ago
maybe if he said “here fishy fishy fishy”
Clobbered by Science Premium Member over 13 years ago
Thunderdog beat me to it, but I’ll add this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUusX1Js6R0
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
“Those fish are wise beyond your six years…” because they travel in schools.
ratlum over 13 years ago
Poor Calvin he does try so hard.
tuslog64 over 13 years ago
In westernmost Illinois, there used to be a low spot in the bottoms called Lima Lake (still appears on older maps) which has now been drained and turned into corn-fields, at least in years the levee holds up. Old timers told of a pipe that drained the lake, boaters would park near the pipe and a few fish coming out the pipe would be unlucky enough to land in the boat! Fish were then taken to Canton, Mo and iced for shipment to St. Louis. They also told of one man that didn’t know when to stop, and the weight of the fish sank his boat!
yyyguy over 13 years ago
there’s a fine line between “fishing” and “standing on the shore like an idiot”one of my favourite quotes about fishing.
bmonk over 13 years ago
See why we always called it “drowning worms”? You can’t just hold out the bucket and expect the fish to jump in. You need those worms to drown.
adubman over 13 years ago
“Here Fish??” Calvin needs to address his catch by their proper name. Like, “Here, Mr. Fish!”
khpage over 13 years ago
I always thought you were supposed to take a jump in the lake, not in the bucket….
Popeyesforearm over 13 years ago
time to get the dynamite.
barreiroth over 13 years ago
This is the cutest comics ever. Watterson should post at least three a day.
Rodney99 over 13 years ago
That worked as well for Calvin as it did for me at that age…
mike16460 over 13 years ago
good one calvin
Puddleglum2 over 13 years ago
Well, at least Calvin didn’t get frustrated and kick the bucket.
cdrsjb over 13 years ago
There must not be any Asian Carp in that lake.
Demon Prince almost 4 years ago