Monty by Jim Meddick for July 18, 2011
Monty: So, um, Brad... everything OK? You've... um, hardly touched your corn flakes... Brad: I'm not feelin' too good. In fact, um... I'm not really feeling a pulse anymore.. Monty: Really? You... you died sometime in the night and now you're a zombie?! Brad: Yeah, I guess. It's hard to say. I stayed up late watching infomercials. Monty: Watching infomercials? Hm. Yeah... that... that might blur the line between existence and non-existence. Brad: I think maybe I died during a "Snuggie" ad.
Edcole1961 over 13 years ago
It was the merciful thing to do.
Küren44 over 13 years ago
Don’t worry Brad. Everybody becomes a zombie during Snuggie’s ad.
GypsyWoman over 13 years ago
Honestly Brad, we all die a little bit inside when those informercials come on.
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Ironically, it seems encouraging to me that Brad realizes he’s dead; his brain has not yet ceased to function altogether. Maybe there’s some hope for him! —And for Monty’s survival!
SusanSunshine Premium Member over 13 years ago
Simple. If you wake up tomorrow and your brain is missing, you’ll know he’s a zombie.Meanwhile, thanks PSchearer, from yesterday.
Uh, Actually Daddy over 13 years ago
I just got back from vacation in Gilmer County, WV and it seems that the zombie storyline is a bit too much for their local readers to handle; the local paper had an entirely different story running all last week. Weird. I don’t see anything wrong with this story…except maybe Brad’s hand placement in the last panel while he’s talking about a snuggie. Is that a euphemism?
billyruffian over 13 years ago
Since it was a monkey-zombie who infected him, maybe he’s just “mostly dead”? Or maybe he’ll only want to eat monkey brains, in which case all he has to do is move to Pankot.
Larry Miller Premium Member over 13 years ago
Brad can be a zombie artist. He’s already drawing flies.
boldyuma over 13 years ago
Behold-The new Prometheus..I bet Roger Corman and George Romero arefollowing this story with baited breath..
Dennett Premium Member 6 months ago
For an interesting sidebar, check out the www dot article on “Baited Breath vs Bated Breath”