A doc looking at me years ago in an ER looked at his watch to check my pulse. He dropped my arm, said, “My Gosh! It’s time for me to go home. Someone else will be here in a little bit.” and promptly left. He later billed me for services not done.. Those were not paid.
I’ve always said that anyone who studies psychology or psychiatry does so to prove to themselves that they’re normal, when in fact they are as bat $#!^ crazy as the rest of us.
Rodney99 over 13 years ago
“Clean cup! Clean cup! Move down! Move DOWnnn!”
lewisbower over 13 years ago
How come my shrink only lost track of time once in over twenty years? Fifty minute hour over already?
Jeciel over 13 years ago
Why 3:17? Why not 3:00 or 3:30?
Tracy Rounds over 13 years ago
The Psychiatrist is OCD!
jpsomebody over 13 years ago
His chairs misbehave? Does he make the chairs go out and get the switch for him?
Justice22 over 13 years ago
A doc looking at me years ago in an ER looked at his watch to check my pulse. He dropped my arm, said, “My Gosh! It’s time for me to go home. Someone else will be here in a little bit.” and promptly left. He later billed me for services not done.. Those were not paid.
gorba over 13 years ago
“Obsessive much doc?”
bmonk over 13 years ago
He was elected chair of his own psychology committee.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’ve always said that anyone who studies psychology or psychiatry does so to prove to themselves that they’re normal, when in fact they are as bat $#!^ crazy as the rest of us.