I'm glad I wasn't a kid when Ronald Reagan was president. "Then I'd be as old as Mrs. Olsen!" "Nothing ruins a good insult like bad math." "I'd have gone with a Duran Duran joke."
Mrs. Olsen could be the poster child for how a smile can give you an instant face lift. There’s the same amount of face room, there, but the difference is amazing!
KZ71 over 10 years ago
I have a feeling Mrs. Olsen was around to see FDR.
childe_of_pan almost 8 years ago
A Duran Duran joke is a repetitious redundancy.
Harlen Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Could you repeat that please?
unfair.de about 1 year ago
Is that the first appearance of her with a genuine grin?
DKHenderson 3 months ago
Mrs. Olsen could be the poster child for how a smile can give you an instant face lift. There’s the same amount of face room, there, but the difference is amazing!