Lio by Mark Tatulli for December 02, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 15 years ago

    Aw Dad, get the kid a coffin!

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  2. Missing large
    Pacejv  about 15 years ago

    Dad. Put back in the great teeth from yesterday.

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  3. Openwings
    OpenWings  about 15 years ago

    Thought it was worth bumping this bit to today…

    @ Johanan Rakkav and Margueritem (from yesterday)


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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  about 15 years ago

    C’mon, Dad! If Lio wants a coffin to use as his bed, let him have one! What harm could it possibly do a little boy’s psyche?

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  5. Emerald
    margueritem  about 15 years ago

    Thanks, OpenWings.

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  6. Nanny poo
    carmy  about 15 years ago

    Don’t be a drag, Dad! Funereal Supplies?

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  7. P7
    lamourdelafantom  about 15 years ago

    coffins are way more comfortable than those COTS.

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  8. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 15 years ago

    Dad wouldn’t care what Lio slept in, but have you seen the price of coffins? Bed’s much cheaper!

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  9. Turnslower
    Larry Miller Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I wondered if the coffin store name was important so I Googled ‘Pujo’ and found this picture of a dangerous looking* canine:

    *for your ankles maybe.

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  10. Avatar1c
    dixiedamsel  about 15 years ago

    Walmart coffins are probably cheaper.

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  11. Foxhound1
    bald  about 15 years ago

    get lio a coffin dad, abby the forensic scientist from NCIS uses one

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  12. Croparcs070707
    rayannina  about 15 years ago

    I bet girls would’ve really dug that car …


    … well, goth girls. maybe.

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  13. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  about 15 years ago

    Doctor Toon: I can hear the theme from “The Munsters” already.

    As for Dad, there’s a time for play and a time to be the parent, and it’s good to see that he knows that.

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  14. Missing large
    BlitzMcD  about 15 years ago

    Time for dad to take a stand. The obsession with the macabre is getting old.

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  15. Missing large
    MorganZ  about 15 years ago

    Lio likes to celebrate Halloween 365 days a year.

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  16. Large steve45
    JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Cute, LafInLarry . I was wondering why Pujo and not Cujo!

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  17. Fester
    dvoyack  about 15 years ago

    Pujo Coffins…We Put the “fun” in funeral…A little late but what the heck…

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  18. Rat blog art1 1
    chasches  almost 15 years ago

    “Please, Dad? Please?”

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