Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 27, 2009
Wali Karzai: You know you were set up, right, "Jeff"? That your anticipated disappearance was to create a pretext for cutting me off? Jeff: Uh... Karzai: Havoc needs such a pretext. He knows I have always held up my end of the bargain! I make the CIA "look" bad? How does he think working with the CIA makes me look? I should be paid double my fee! Jeff: Triple! Karzai: Deal. Safe travels, "Jeff."
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ about 15 years ago
That was easy!
Troglodyte about 15 years ago
Theme song for this strip - Stayin’ Alive!
3hourtour Premium Member about 15 years ago
…Ha! Inspector Jacques Clouseau lives!!!..
babka Premium Member about 15 years ago
maybe he & Melissa will take the same flight back. she doesn’t know he’s alive. unfortunately, he isn’t. yet.
RinaFarina about 15 years ago
Just when I think “Jeff” couldn’t act more stupider…
antburman about 15 years ago
It’s nice that druglords have such soft hearts. This guy could have been Olly North. Where would Jeff have been then?
bashar327 about 15 years ago
Antburman, the drug lord and just about anyone else is probably much smarter than Ollie North. Read “Keeper of the Keys” or read Colin Powell’s account of the Iran/Contra fiasco to find out.
Quantumtorpedo1 about 15 years ago
You should read the book; Plan Of Attack. The CIA spends untold millions of dollars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Suitcases of cash, and what is it for. What good has it done.
We squandered what little chance we had in Afghanistan by the unnecessary waste of lives in Iraq. Saddam Hussein stopped the spread of radical, militant Islam, regardless of what one thinks of him.
pbarnrob about 15 years ago
Look up the supply convoys (‘private-sector’ contractors), and the baksheesh (mostly cash, part of the mark-up) they have to pay to every sector chief they pass, going through the country to deliver (most of) their supplies to Our Troops. This cash, of course, also winds up in the hands of – you guessed it!
What’s the actual mission? What’s the actual exit strategy? Get those nailed down, and let’s get on with the exit! Nothing good to be gained there.
revron about 15 years ago
You’re right on that one. But back to Jeff. Let’s face it. He needed help and Mr Karzai was kindly enough to help him find it. Isn’t that neighbourly?
laughaday about 15 years ago
@ Stebon:
Why do you hate America so much?
laughaday about 15 years ago
For RinaFarina and Herbabee:
(catching up after 2 weeks) Jeff is NOT Duke’s son. Someone earlier just got them confused (probably because their noses are similar).
Herbabee about 15 years ago
^Feh. So sez you.