Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 05, 2009

  1. X phan 64
    invisifan  about 15 years ago

    It’s like watching a train wreck — you don’t want to but … just … can’t … stop …

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  2. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  about 15 years ago

    Ahh…. Tabongo Bongo, I remember it well! Caught an STD there!

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    Pacejv  about 15 years ago

    Ah gee…was THAT you?

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    BugsyMaroon  about 15 years ago

    Ah yes, the ol’ STD Midnight Special. Rode that train many’s the time myself.

    It was such a sad day when it ran headlong into that little circus train. Good thing Dumbo knew how to fly, it’s the only way he survived.

    ”you don’t want to but … just … can’t … stop …”

    I know, I know! I just couldn’t stop myself, either.

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    nonsequitous  about 15 years ago

    The truly hellish part is, neither can we.

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    BugsyMaroon  about 15 years ago

    Honest ta pete, I’m gonna have to either get off the Internet, or get a special keyboard with a Here’sYourSign key.

    I think I saw Bill Engvall selling one on eBay.

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  7. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    That’s it…give him an opening you can drive a truck through.

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    Plods with ...™  about 15 years ago

    Of course he does Joe..

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    DGooseE  about 15 years ago

    My response to Joe’s Mom: ” What ISN”T an opening for Cap’t Eddie?”

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    cdward  about 15 years ago

    Cap’n Eddie IS famous. We all know about him, don’t we?

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  11. Dsc00254  2
    ronaldmundy  about 15 years ago

    Captain Who? and where did that shot glass come from in panels 2 & 3?

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    KEA  about 15 years ago

    anyone notice Cap’n Eddie’s cat turned his back when the story started?

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  13. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  about 15 years ago

    If I act really quick, I can give my computer to homeless orphans somewhere before the Capt snares me with his tales of wonderment and fame.

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  14. Danae
    Wiley creator about 15 years ago

    “and where did that shot glass come from in panels 2 & 3?”

    That is actually a little test I like to do from time to time (as well as the position of Capt. Eddie’s cat, Pauly), to see how closely people pay attention to details, .

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  15. Beaufaceshot
    js305  about 15 years ago

    I still think there is a connection with Homer and Capt. Eddie.

    It would make for an interesting story. You know, like him telling the “kids” to say hi to Lars????

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    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    OOH Tabongo Bongo. Maybe there will be some scantily clad island girls in this story.

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  17. Eyes
    aerwalt  about 15 years ago

    Famous Dan Eye:

    I like your eye.

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  18. T128
    Nelly55  about 15 years ago

    Wiley, that’s what I love about your strip………the little details that makes me look at it more than once. With Capt. Eddie you have to watch especially close after the story starts…

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    ronaldmundy  about 15 years ago

    Thanks, Wiley. I’ll be more attuned for the subliminal. Thanks kea, I would have missed that. My focus was lower. Maybe because I have more in common with a shot glass than a cat.

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    nonsequitous  about 15 years ago

    Famous Dan Eye: I like your eye

    Thanks, but don’t say that too loud when Wiley is around. Intellectual properteye issues, y’know.

    I mean, you notice that squll all of a sudden just … isn’t around anymore.

    Comic strips is a mean business.

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  21. Th giraffe
    lazygrazer  about 15 years ago

    Amazing how it only took two panels (equivalent to 5 seconds) for Cap’n Eddie to dream up another one of his long-winded tales (equivalent to 2 weeks).

    Lovin’ it already.

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    artybee  about 15 years ago

    Tabongo Bongo! S-l-o-w-l-y I turned… step by step.. inch by inch!

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    DevXIII  about 15 years ago

    Better sit down…looks like this could take awhile..

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    Trebor39  about 15 years ago

    Wiley, you should make a book of Captain Eddie’s stories.

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  25. Danae
    Wiley creator about 15 years ago

    You know, that’s not a bad idea.

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  26. Kitty at sunset
    wicky  about 15 years ago

    Are those wee happy faces emanating from Cap’n Eddie’s pipe? or just ordinary noxious fumes?

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    nonsequitous  about 15 years ago

    Amazing how it only took … 5 seconds for Cap’n Eddie to dream up another one of his long-winded tales

    Nonono … he’s been living that tale on Tabongo Bongo Island inside his head, polishing it, since the last time someone was slow witted enough to give him an opening, and not quick enough to escape “What’s that Flo I have a phone call in the back yes I’m sure you said that gotta go Eddie bye”

    Are those wee happy faces emanating from Cap’n Eddie’s pipe?

    They’re happy to be escaping

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  28. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 15 years ago

    Wiley, I haven’t even read the comments yet, (OK, your two, I couldn’t resist, but, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I’ve been waiting with baited breath, (worms, not minnows), for some Capt. Eddie! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

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    Varnes  about 15 years ago

    BTW, it’s always a Nah-eastah isn’t it?

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  30. 11 06 126
    Varnes  about 15 years ago

    kea, great eye on the cat. That’s what my cat does when I do the same thing over and over again. She’s worse than my girlfriend….

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    nonsequitous  about 15 years ago

    Draceyep, you look … different somehow. Must be the latest Internet fashion statement.

    I’ve been waiting with baited breath for some Capt. Eddie!

    Flo’ll be happy to know you’re the one always sets him off.

    You better duck out, Drac, here she comes with a cast iron skillet and That Look on her face …


    And he said blaaah blah blah blaaah blah blah blah in Tijuana Blaaah blah blah blah-blah back in 1963 Blaaah blah blah blaaah blah blah blah I didn’ wanna Blaaah blah blah blah was what Old Blevins said to me – “Old Blevins” Austin Lounge Lizards

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