Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 11, 2010

  1. 71232773
    MAC45  over 12 years ago

    My daughter was no different.She would spend 2 hours in the restroom and when she came out she looked like a hobo.

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  2. Dscn1596
    ReneeZimbodgi  over 12 years ago

    Good thing i’m different. I don’t spend much time on my appearance at all, and I look way better than that.

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  3. Dd2001gv
    DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    I never understood why people put so much work into looking like they put no effort into their appearance. And if you want to have a “just rolled out of bed” look, then just roll out of bed! (And maybe take a shower if you want to look a little nicer.)

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  4. Newnatequarter
    Isaac Chen  over 6 years ago

    I don’t know why Frank of all people is complaining about that, what with his wardrobe being more or less the same as Gunther’s

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  5. Captain klutz
    spikelovesmusic  over 4 years ago

    One Saturday I took a walk to Zipperhead… I saw a girl there and she almost knocked me dead… Punk Rock Girl! Please look at me…

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