Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 16, 2011

  1. Missing large
    wlbaz  over 13 years ago

    Hoo boy…it’s going to be interesting when Tiff’s hopes are dashed to itty-bitty pieces.

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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 13 years ago

    Nice to see Crystal being supportive instead of sarcastic.

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  3. Dib
    Belinda Banana Ana  over 13 years ago

    Again with the putting on makeup thing? Why the girls always putting on makeup???

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  4. Hatcat
    wiselad  over 13 years ago

    I can easily see that Tiff might be “hiding in the stall” and could be crying, and wants no one to see that……. I don’t think she is “not accepting she did not get the part” but actually “does not want anyone seeing her accepting defeat”

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  5. Wcfields1
    DaJellyBelly  over 13 years ago

    @wiseladDid you notice what might be a tear under Tiffany’s talk balloon in the last panel? You might be right!

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  6. Louie avatar
    luckylouie  over 13 years ago

    Is it just me, or has anybody else noticed that the colors seem a little “off” the last couple of days? Kinda like when the printer is running out of ink and leaves one color out.

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    naomi1836  over 13 years ago

    Why even assume that this movie is not a fabrication on the part of Elwood. Remember that dinner in the park for Luann and the fake diamond?

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    ZacBSM  over 13 years ago

    Uh-oh. I believe Tiffany knew she did not get the part and rather to pretend it was the other way around, to perpetuate her fantasy, and expects her friends to help her with her fantasy.

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  9. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 13 years ago

    Crystal is doing what she can to cushion Tiffany’s fall. I admire her for that.

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  10. One of those days
    Randyincv  over 13 years ago

    Maybe they should call the film “Eyez of Airhead”

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    Chuck373  over 13 years ago

    Perhaps Tiff is not so nieave as thought. Maybe she is hoping for the best. She realizes that she probably will not be called, but it feels better to think your in.

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    miracleshappen  over 13 years ago

    Tiffany has the potential to end up like Marcia Brady on that short-lived post-Brady Bunch drama, The Bradys. Moving on to college and discovering she was no longer the high school Miss It, she developed a drinking problem.

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  13. Cm1
    Mordock999  over 13 years ago

    Hey folks. Consider this one:Crystal does INDEED get a small part in the “Zeye” Film.She works VERY hard and turns in a GOOD performance.BUT, at the end of filming the editors find that ALL of Tiff’s scenes, however Good, SLOW the Pacing of the film and THOSE scenes end up on the cutting room floor.Tiff is CRUSHED but FINALLY wakes up to REALITY and FINALLY joins the REAL World.………..?Naaaaaaaaw…..,

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  14. Imagescaiw0lwc
    imbaldeagle  over 13 years ago

    Mordock, you need coffee BEFORE you start to post. That way you might start off with Tiffany instead of Crystal – cuz I think you mean that “Tiffany does INDEED …”` As far as the strip, I was beginning to feel sorry for Tiffany that she doesn’t recognize the brief interview for what it is, but NOW – I agree she’s in denial and doesn’t want to hear anything that shoots down her “belief”.

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  15. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    @Louie – Crystal’s face is a little toward the grey side today- Tiff is very much in Denial and wants Crystal to follow her there with affirmations. And it IS very possible that there is no film – at least not a Hollywood production that would go to major theatres.

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  16. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    Oops!I commented before loading the 2nd page of comments. It is very difficult to sympathize with Tiffany because she consistently does mean and selfish things.

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    froglunch  over 13 years ago

    Tiff, it might be time for you to come down to Earth and realize that the world DOESN’T revolve around you. I’m not sure if not getting a part in the movie will do that for you… but I’m still confused as to why Elwood wanted her to audition in the first place. He doesn’t have a vendetta against Tiff, does he? Or did he honestly think he’d get a shot with her by doing this? Perhaps Tiff will be brought down in her pride, temporarily humbled by not getting the part, and then will become prideful again when she gets a call from the casting directors asking her to be “Lady at Book Store #5” or some other insignificant role. She’ll be ecstatic and back to her prideful self.

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  18. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Greg could show these teens constantly texting – never talking — but, hey, that would be too realistic. I’ll take the makeup obsession.

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  19. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 13 years ago

    That droplet is toilet splash. Next question?

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  20. Beacon 5
    doverdan  over 13 years ago

    Weekday coloration has gone drab for several weeks. Greyish backgrounds.

    Compare to the colors of the last Sunday strips.

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  21. Lady dragoncat
    Dragoncat  over 13 years ago

    The door may be closed, but be assured the Queen of Denial is on the throne…

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    ZacBSM  over 13 years ago

    Some characters are merely “guest” characters like Elwood, Mrs. Horner, perhaps Delta as she doesn’t appear very often, and some for a special or specific arc such as Dirk, Quill, Rosa, and Ann. The constant and regular characters are: Luann, Bernice, Brad, Toni, TJ, Mr/Mrs DeGroot, Tiffany, Crystal, Knute, Gunther. They take turns in story arcs weekly. Last week it was Crystal and Knute, and this week, Crystal and Tiffany. There is usually carry-over in weekly storylines from the previous week..

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  23. Gocomics avatar
    Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Color issues are still being worked out. Transition of proceeses from United Media to Universal are ongoing. Possibly the files being posted are CMYK colors, which tend to be “muddier” online due to the black plate component. Have no explanation for Arcamax’s blazing colors, though…

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  24. Th  chihuahua avatar
    barbarasbrute  over 13 years ago

    Tiff may have just lost her only friend by telling her to SHUT UP!

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    roderickyoung  over 13 years ago

    I’m starting to understand what Knute sees in Crystal.

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  26. Capture
    Rockabore  over 13 years ago

    Aw, it’s nice to see Crystal being actually nice to Tiff. I rather like the thought of them actually being friends even if Greg doesn’t focus on it often. Also I think Tiff might be in denial about how well the audition went seeing her least comment.

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    DeadManTalking  over 13 years ago

    she gets the part

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    tegm  over 13 years ago

    to be honest, crystal is being a really annoying friend.

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    NightOwl19  over 13 years ago

    I think Tiffany knows and is struggling to project the image of her as being confident, a winner, and on top of things. I kind of feel bad for her at the moment.

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    A.Ficionada  over 13 years ago

    I’m going to reveal something most women don’t want anyone to know. Women go to the bathroom in pairs to talk. I think the makeup is a stall tactic to allow more conversation, though appearance is a factor, too.

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    jamnarama  over 13 years ago

    Maybe she did get a part. Does Evez have a dorky sidekick or sister?

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    stratplayer71  over 13 years ago

    I liked the way this was drawn…cool angles ….a little different than normal.

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  33. My eye
    vldazzle  over 13 years ago

    I was thinking earlier when commenting on color, that we have not heard from our Sheriff in awhile – so THANKS, Sheriff! A formatting difference makes sense.

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  34. Martini 800
    mojitobaby  over 13 years ago

    “Sometimes it can work”? Only in comics. Ask Sean Young why it didn’t get her a reading (FYI, a screen test isn’t even close to the same thing as auditioning for a part) for “Catwoman”.

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    Aladar30 Premium Member over 6 years ago

    Awwwww. This is the proof that Crystal really cares about Tiffany!

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